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Feb 4th 2021
THREAD: #Election2020 Results On The Statewide Level In A Whole New Light! Let This Guide All #Resisters In Our #Resistance To Trumpism In Future Elections!

#byebyetrump #BidenWon #BidenHarris2020 #ResistersUnite #BuildBackBetter #BidenHarrisToSaveAmerica #DemVoice1 #FBRParty
I based the color scheme on traffic lights. Green is good, red is bad & yellow is something in the middle! Hope this is easy to follow for the remainder of the thread!

#GreenWall #GreenEnergy #BlueWave2020 #BlueWave #BidenWon #ByeDon #BidenCalm #BuildBackBetter #DemVoice1 #FBR
Michigan Headline: That’s A Bit More Like It!

2016: -10,704 -0.23%
2020: +154,188 +2.78%
Difference: +164,992 +3.01%

+16 Electoral Votes For @JoeBiden & @KamalaHarris!

#Michigan #BidenWon #DemCastMI #ResistersUnite #Resisters #FBRParty #BidenHarrisToSaveAmerica
Read 18 tweets
Oct 16th 2020
Links for all States to REQUEST & TRACK your BALLOT #AbsenteeBallot
*Voters can track #absenteeballots in at least part of all States except MS & TX
#VoteByMail #EarlyVoting #Election2020
#EarlyVoting&In-Person Absentee Dates; 50 States
& other ways to RETURN besides USPS
If #EarlyVoting appeals, you can actually #VoteEarly in all States! Even ones that don't, technically, have #EarlyVoting?
(Some by #AbsenteeBallot which you can hand deliver if you prefer.)
If you see a list that says you can't vote early; it's wrong.
All Dates for all States⤵️ Image
Not sure how to request your Absentee Ballot?
#AbsenteeBallot Here's a handy guide
We can work around 45's attempts to 86 the #USPS
Fight #TrumpChaos Vote #BidenCalm #VoteBlue2020
See #PostcardsforAmerica website for more specifics for your State
Read 57 tweets
Oct 4th 2020


Trump may not be doing quite as well as the White House would like us to think. We will know he will come out of this only after another week.

This New York Times team reporting on Covid19 is probably the best in the game.
Gina Kolata is a long time NYT health correspondence and has written an authoritative book on the Great Flu Pandemic that took over 50 million lives after WW1, when soldiers returning home carried it to all parts of the world. India too lost almost 2 million people.
Apoorva Mandavalli is the NYT science reporter and was the 2019 winner of the Victor L. Cohn award for scientific journalism.

"At a news conference on Saturday outside the medical center, Dr. Sean P. Conley, Mr. Trump’s physician, painted a
Read 7 tweets
Aug 31st 2020
Trump says that Biden isn't tough on crime.

Here's a clip from Biden's press conference today and one from Kaylee McEnany's press conference.

Who is tougher? #BidenCalm #TrumpChaos
via @briantylercohen

Holy shit, its even worse than that.
Trump is *siding* with the murderer.
#trumpchaos #bidencalm
Read 4 tweets

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