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Mar 26th 2023
10 questions🧵

How in God's name does Ukraine's corruption problem justify an invasion by a dictatorship that is ranked more than 20 places lower in the corruption index?

Why do we still hear the false claim that "Russia just reacted to NATO expansion"?
Why do we see statements calling for an end to the war in Ukraine without mentioning the aggressor and the goals of the Russian leadership, which include de-Ukrainization, subjugation of Ukraine, and annexation of several territories? #Bothsidesism
The imperialistic goals of the Kremlin are communicated not only by propagandists, but also by Russian officials, including leading politicians

Why do some people still think that Russia started the invasion because of "security interests" in its "sphere of influence"?
Read 9 tweets
Dec 20th 2022
300 days of Russian war of aggression against Ukraine🇺🇦 - what are the main disinformation narratives and how has the discourse changed? -overview🧵
Russian "justifications" for the war.

At the beginning: "denazification", "NATO threat", "genocide in Donbas", "history"

Later added: "desatanization", "fight against homosexuality", "potential defeat in Ukraine threatens Russia's existence", "defending new territories"
Public discourse 1:

February/early March
"poor Ukrainians"

Same people after Ukrainians have liberated a lot of territory:

"Ukrainians should not escalate" "both sides must negotiate and seek peace." "we suffer from high energy prices"
Read 9 tweets
Sep 26th 2022
A little guide to avoid #bothsidesism & #victimblaming in the context of Russia's war against #Ukraine (thread))🧵

Civilian casualties -> cause: Russian invasion of Ukraine
🇷🇺War crimes-> cause: Russian invasion of Ukraine
Energy&food crisis-> cause: Russian invasion of Ukraine
Destructions in🇺🇦> cause: Russian invasion of Ukraine
FIN🇫🇮 goes NATO-> cause: Russian invasion of Ukraine
SWE🇸🇪goes NATO-> cause: Russian invasion of Ukraine
Sanctions vs RU🇷🇺->cause: Russian invasion of Ukraine
🇷🇺Infiltration camps > cause: Russian invasion of Ukraine
Diplomatic isolation of RU🇷🇺> cause: Russian invasion of Ukraine
New visa policy for 🇷🇺citizens> cause: Russian invasion of Ukraine
Arms supplies to Ukraine🇺🇦 > cause: Russian invasion of Ukraine
Cultural and sports boykott > cause: Russian invasion of Ukraine
Read 4 tweets
Aug 30th 2022
Annexation of Crimea ("Little green men were locals")
Donbas ("we are not involved", "Genocide")
MH17 ("Ukrainians did it")
Invasion ("Denazification", "war crimes are staged")
Poisoned Skripals ("our guys were just tourists")

...and some still don't notice the pattern? Why?🧵
I guess the reason is, it is almost impossible to keep track of all the disinfo-narratives, fake-stories and distractions produced by the Kremlin's propaganda machine. It seems to me, that some people think that after several lies, there must follow some truth, but that's wrong.
In some cases, if ideology and reality do not fit together at all, good old #whataboutism or #bothsidesism "helps" to solve the dilemma: "all sides are lying", "you can't trust anyone" . Indeed, it is a complex world, you can find lies everywere, but the extent is different.
Read 6 tweets
May 17th 2022
Collection of sentences about Russia/Ukraine that are based on pro-Russian or at least false information🧵

"we need to restore dialogue with Russia".
It was never cut off!

"we did not talk enough to Putin." Even now, he constantly receives phone calls and high level visitors
"NATO is encircling Russia" "NATO-expansion is a threat to Russia".

NATO is a defensive alliance: history shows, that is actually Russia that is a threat for its neighbors that are not protected by NATO #Georgia #Moldova #Ukraine
"Putin changed, he was different in 2000."

Putin was a KGB agent during the 80s. In the early 90s he said that he admires dictator Pinochet, in the 2000s his military commited war crimes in Chechnya
Read 7 tweets
Jan 27th 2019
1) Now that Trump has caved in the shutdown fight, I'd like to suggest that there's a lesson in this outcome about the continuing blight of #BothSides media coverage.

2) When Nancy Pelosi canceled Trump’s State of the Union speech, the thrust of a great deal of media discussion was that Pelosi had "sunk to Trump's level."
3) But this precluded any reasoned judgment about whether one side’s use of the levers of power was more legitimate and even more mature and considered under the circumstances than the other.

As I wrote, this subtly put a thumb on the scales for Trump:…
Read 8 tweets
Jan 24th 2019
Warning - long twitter rant inspired by @Wilkinson4BC’s request that we not become “bogged down in political posturing” in regards to #PlecasReport and in response to the #bothsidesism running rampant throughout #bcpoli. 1/
There are, to me, two distinct streams to the #PlecasReport story. Which are, of course, related. #bcpoli 2/
First is about the excess & extravagant spending. I don’t doubt some of this may go back decades, through past govts & there are likely MLAs from various parties who could be implicated, just as likely MLAs from various parties who did not engage in this behaviour. #bcpoli 3/
Read 20 tweets
Aug 21st 2018
This is a very good line by line response to @LanaDelRey's very bad defense of her decision to perform in Israel. I'd like to add my own line by line response. 1/
"many of u are upset that we're going to Tel Aviv for the Meteor festival"

Are you? Looks like a good two hour drive from the airport. This level of unfamiliarity with the details at the outset of this statement does not bode well. 2/
"I understand your concern I really get do [sic]"

No, you clearly don't, as this "explanation" proves. And you clearly didn't take the time to approach this issue with the seriousness and care it demands, as your typos prove. 3/
Read 23 tweets

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