Are you? Looks like a good two hour drive from the airport. This level of unfamiliarity with the details at the outset of this statement does not bode well. 2/
No, you clearly don't, as this "explanation" proves. And you clearly didn't take the time to approach this issue with the seriousness and care it demands, as your typos prove. 3/
A nice sentiment, but dangerously naive in this context. 4/
Other people are doing it too! 6/
Apparently occupation and apartheid are just "politics". 8/
White woman with security detail doesn't feel safe around furriners. 9/
It inherently is, no matter how hard you would like it not to be. 10/
It's not a commitment to the "politics" there, but it is a commitment to apathy about the situation. Like racism was not a dealbreaker to Trump voters, racist apartheid is not a dealbreaker for you. 11/
As fucked as things are in the US right now, the fact that Israel is an apartheid-like state is an important moral distinction. 12/
As offensive as this was, it's ridiculous that you implicitly situate it as something of comparable outrage as occupation or apartheid. 13/
Except you just did!
Also, "certain travesties"? What kind of whitewashing minimizing euphemistic bullshit is that?
Frankly, I'm inclined to agree, just not the way you intend. 15/
@LanaDelRey, grizzled intrepid war correspondent
No, you're not. For the record.
Fuck right off and fuck the high horse you rode in here on, Lana.