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Jun 7th 2022
#China is building #PLA naval facility in northern portiion of #Cambodia’s #Ream #NavalBase on the #Gulf of #Thailand. #PLAN
Back in 2019, #China signed an agreement allowing its armed forces to use a #Cambodian #NavalBase to boost its ability to project military power around the globe.
The deal allows #China to use the base for 30 years, with automatic renewals every 10 years after that. #China would be able to post military personnel, store weapons & berth warships. A #Chinese company is also constructing a very large airport very close to the Naval facility.
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Jun 6th 2022
Revealing spotlight on #China's emerging #PLA #Naval facility in #Ream, #Cambodia!

Glad to support @nakashimae & @catecadell's exposé @WashPost.

This will be hot topic at #SLD22 where I'm honored to be a delegate. Let's see what officials say! @IISS_org…
Ships adding up—

"#China’s #navy is already the world’s largest by #s of vessels. The @USNavy has 297 battle-force ships..according to @CRS4Congress, while China has 355 & is projected to have 460 by 2030, according to last year’s @DeptofDefense report."…
But, said Andrew Erickson, research director of the @ChinaMaritime Studies Institute @NavalWarCollege, “as impressive as those numbers are, without a significant network of robust overseas facilities, their ability to use them falls off rapidly w distance from China.” #Ream #Base
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May 18th 2022
"Had a productive Virtual Summit with #Cambodian PM #HunSen. We reviewed our bilateral cooperation and also discussed global and regional issues. I congratulated Cambodia for assuming the Chairmanship of #ASEAN and assured India’s full support for its success," tweets PM Modi
#PMModi held a virtual meeting today with Cambodian PM Hun Sen. The leaders held discussions bilateral issues, including cooperation in the fields of trade & investment, human resource development, defence and security, post-pandemic economic recovery & people-to-people ties: MEA
PM Modi highlighted the historical & civilizational links between two countries and expressed his happiness at India’s involvement in restoration of Angkor Wat and Preah Vihear temples in #Cambodia, which depict the cultural and linguistic connect between the two countries: MEA
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Aug 3rd 2018
#FollowFriday in no particular order, Friday August 03, 2018.

.@DeneChen's got a new podcast out on Southeast Asia.
@denechen #FollowFriday
Cambo Journo .@Chhengniem is leaving his gig; it's a tough time for #Cambodian Journos.
@denechen @Chhengniem #FollowFriday .@Reaproy is keeping busy sharing information on the very amusing far-right election observers we've seen this past week.
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