Discover and read the best of Twitter Threads about #Base

Most recents (24)

Jun 20th 2023
New interaction on Base by Mean Finance

@mean_fi is the state-of-the-art DCA open protocol

💎 Rewards: potential airdrop
💲 Cost: 0$
⏲ Estimated time: ~10 min

A step-by-step guide 🧵
#testnet #Base $MEAN Image
The project has hinted at a future AirDrop of $MEAN tokens, which will likely only be available to early users
Read 7 tweets
Jun 13th 2023
Early Projects Megathread

Navigating the vast ocean of Web3 can be daunting, but fear not!
This thread is your treasure map, guiding you to the most promising gems emerging in the space. Keep an eye on these sectors 🧭👇:

• NFTfi
• Perps
• Rollups Image
1/🌈 @aerodromefi The central trading and liquidity marketplace on @BuildOnBase

- Ve(3,3) aiming to be the liquidity layer for #BASE
- First mover advantage on Base
- Official partnership with @VelodromeFi

Status: Launch soon Image
2/ ⚖️ @PoundSwap Ve(3,3) with Liquidity Book mechanism

- Ve(3,3) with concentrated liquidity
- Zero slippage
- Dynamic fees

Status: Launch date TBD Image
Read 23 tweets
May 26th 2023
Airdrop ihtimali
@BuildOnBase Base ağındaki dexlerin yol haritasına bakınca Haziran ayında Mainnete geçeceği yazılıyor.

Ağ zaten hızlı, ağdaki tx sayımızı arttıralım. Bugün parçalşı şekilde kullandığım platformları yazacağım, eksikleri olanlar tamamlasın.
2/ goerli ağında faucet al base ağına köprüle buradan isim al, waitliste katıl. Detaylı bilgi alt floodda


Cloud Base Testnet

swap likidite farm pool stake vb. yap
Feedback ver Discord:

Read 6 tweets
May 26th 2023
Her ekosistemde olduğu gibi #Base ekosisteminde de domain servisi olacak. Bir kaç işlem yaparak erken destekçi olma avantajlarından faydalanmaya çalışacağız🧙‍♂️

İlk olarak MM cüzdan ile Base Goerli testnet ağında bağlanıp isim yazarak claim ediyoruz👇 Image
Base Goerli Testnet üzerinde test tokeni olmayanlar; test ETH talep edin giderek elinizdeki miktara göre "Deposit ETH" diyerek Base Goerli ağına köprüleyin

Köprü için Deposit ve Withdraw işlemini bir kaç kez yapabilirsiniz🤝 Image
Domain olarak birden fazla isim alın, özellikle globalde bilindik isimleri almaya çalışın. Bilindik ismi mainnette alıp güzel fiyatlara satabilmeniz çok olası🙌

Claim yaptıktan sonra çıkan "View" butonu ile aldığınız domainleri görebilirsiniz👇
Örnek: ultras.base @basenameapp ImageImage
Read 5 tweets
Apr 24th 2023
🦆 Testnet by DuckieSwap on Base

@DackieSwap is a Real Yield DEX on @BuildOnBase

💰 Rewards: potential airdrop
⏱ Time to complete: ~7 min

What to do?
A step-by-step guide 🧵

#Base #testnet Image
Here we go!
- Take test tokens from the faucet and send them to the Base Goerli network via the bridge
- It is better to make more transactions ImageImage
Read 6 tweets
Apr 11th 2023
CBSwap testnet on #Base

@cbswapofficial is the DEX built for @BuildOnBase

💰 Rewards: potential #airdrop from Base

What to do? 🧵 Image
- Request test tokens from the faucet
- If the faucet is not working, you can view the entire list of faucets in our Telegram channel… Image
- Now send the test ETH to the Base Goerli network via the official bridge
- Then follow the link and connect your wallet
- Start exchanging your test ETH for other available tokens ImageImage
Read 5 tweets
Mar 20th 2023
现在全网撸毛攻略满天飞,有 #Scroll#Lens#Sui#Starknet#Zksync 这些都是好项目,我就不重复了!

讲讲新东西, #Base。前不久Coinbase 利用OP模块化做了自己的L2,虽然官方说不会发币,美其名曰符合美国法律。但利益面前,谁不逐利?而且目前Coinbase还跟美国监管闹的不愉快! Image
上周末跟加密圈伙伴交流,让我深受启发, #DYDX ,当时官方说不发空投。朋友跟我说:越是官方说不空投,我越要撸它。最后这单撸了不菲收益。

利用这个思路,我早上开会,思考了一下 #BASE 。把它定到了布置日程中!

一旦Coinbase利用新主体,转移到海外,其实发币已经不需要SEC说了算了! Image
OK,现在来讲讲撸 #Base 的方法。

1.首先肯定得注册一个 #Coinbase 钱包。自家人自家门,权重肯定会高一些。里面有一个用户名,后期可以用户名转账(记得防女巫)!

链接: ImageImage
Read 9 tweets
Mar 9th 2023
1/🧵 Zapraszam do poradnika, w którym poruszę temat rozmieszczania Smart Contractów w ramach dodatkowych akcji na różnych sieciach.

Jest to element, który z powodzeniem może dać nam szanse na wyróżnienie się z tłumu i zakwalifikowanie na ewentualne #airdrop(y).

Do pracy! Image
2/📑 Wątek źródłowy
Sposób rozmieszczania SC za pomocą aplikacji #Remix został pierwotnie zaczerpnięty od użytkownika @0xFastLife i podany jako przykład działania w poradniku o @BuildOnBase 👇
3/🧵 Przykładowe wykorzystanie
Tę metodę możemy z powodzeniem wykorzystywać także dla innych sieci! Nie dla wszystkich było to od początku oczywiste, więc warto to podkreślić.

Na potrzeby tego poradnika będę działał na głośnej ostatnio sieci jaką jest #Polygon #zkEVM! Image
Read 16 tweets
Mar 6th 2023
🐈Testing the Cat Attack game by Thirdweb

💰 Possible #rewards
🏦 Investments: $29M

While our Twitter @atoms_res is having a rest, I suggest you also relax and play a game with cats 😸

A Thread 🧵
#Base #Coinbase #testnet #airdrop Image
@thirdweb is a complete web3 development framework that provides everything you need to connect your apps and games to decentralized networks.

The project has launched a game called “Cat Attack” on the new blockchain Base by Coinbase.
Let's play!
- Take the test tokens from the faucet.
- If this faucet doesn't work, take a test ETH here and send it via a bridge. ImageImageImage
Read 6 tweets
Mar 3rd 2023
1) With the launch of #Arbitrum and the upcoming blockchain from coinbase (#base) layer-2 protocols without their native token in gas fees have become more popular.

Another protocol that follows this niche is @LightLinkChain 🧵👇
2) #LightLink is a Layer 2 blockchain secured by Ethereum, purposefully built for Metaverse, NFT and Gaming applications.

It promises:

• Low cost
• High speed
• Effortless scale

Their chain is secured, and decentralised by Ethereum.
3) By choice #LightLink does not use its own token for gas fees.

Instead it uses $ETH to process transactions to remove the hurdle of having to always swap to other coins to use a chain.

It uses #ETH et a far lower cost however.
Read 10 tweets
Mar 1st 2023
1/ Spent the day researching Coinbase's @BuildOnBase Layer-2 build atop the @optimismFND OP Stack.

@coinbase considered creating a chain in 2018 and 2020 but decided not to.

So why now? And what's a #Superchain?

Peep the thread to learn 🧵
2/ Coinbase is primarily a Web2 company, but it has released several #Web3 products over the past couple years.

Coinbase Wallet, $cbETH, and now Base.

Historically Coinbase struggled to pick a chain for their Web3 products.

Ethereum? Ethereum Layer-2? EVM-compatible?
3/ During the creation of @BuildOnBase, Coinbase concluded three things:

1. #EVM is their primary development environment.

2. Ethereum is for their large-scale business products.

3. Ethereum Layer-2s are for highly-scalable dApps that will onboard 1 billion crypto users.
Read 10 tweets
Feb 27th 2023
Is #Base merely ordinary exchange chains for Coinbase?


The L2 project for Ethereum is one of the hottest topics right now. L2 projects started to emerge as a solution to overcome Ethereum's issue with its scalability limit and the high gas cost that resulted from it. Image

With Ethereum's help, L2 has begun to steadily advance. The temporary Ethereum gas cost explosion is still present, but the current Tx of L2 is steadily increasing, reversing the average TPS, and demonstrating the outcome of sharing the burden of Ethereum's Tx processing. ImageImage

In this instance, Coinbase introduced an L2, #Base. Coinbase adopted a distinctive strategy.

They facilitated Web 3.0 onboarding of users focused on Coinbase customers within the Ethereum ecosystem by acknowledging Ethereum and using the #OPstack to quickly build an L2. Image
Read 7 tweets
Feb 25th 2023
Layer 2 mainnet called #BASE @BuildOnBase will be launched by @coinbase soon. Where will the money flow?

$well - @MoonwellDeFi is on my watchlist
Why? 👇
@MoonwellDeFi is a lending protocol. It has 2 tokens, $WELL on Moonbeam and $MFAM on Moonriver.

$well will be deployed on #BASE in several months.
📌 Valuation Overview

Mcap: ~$2.9M
Fdv: ~$42M
Tvl: ~$47M
Current price: ~$0.014
Presale price: $0.026
=> Great R/r to ape in

🚀 The price increase 121% last 24h due to the news from #BASE.
I will wait a little bit and see the price dropping down to ape in.
Read 5 tweets
Feb 24th 2023
کریپٹومارکیٹ کی سب سے بڑی US ایکسچینج @coinbase نے بالاخر اپنی بلاک چین لانچ کر دی۔آپکے ذہن میں بہت سے سوالات ہونگےتوآئیے اس تھریڈ میں انکے جوابات ڈھونڈتے ہیں شاید آپکے لیے eaningکے کچھ مواقع نکل آئیں۔

مارکیٹ میں اسکی hype اس ٹویٹ سے شروع ہوئی:

ٹویٹ کے فورابعد مارکیٹ میں چےمگویاں شروع ہو گئیں کہ شاید @coinbase بھی بینانس (bnb)کی طرح اپنا ٹوکن لانچ کریگاکیونکہ ایکسچینجزاپنےusersکو ٹوکنز کے ذریعے مختلف قسم کے لالچ دیتی ہیں جیسا کہ ٹریڈنگ فیس پر ڈسکائونٹ وغیرہ اورٹوکنز کے بدلے اربوں ڈالرسمیٹتی ہیں:
اگرآپ ان تمام ایکسچیجز کے ٹاپ ہولڈرز دیکھیں گے تو پتہ چلےگا کہ 80-90٪ ٹوکنز انکے اپنے پاس ہوتے ہیں، binance کا مارکیٹ کیپ 50ارب ڈالر ہیں اور ٹوکنز کی سپلائی کا 97٪ binance کے اپنے والٹس میں ہے یعنی پیساعوام کا اور والٹس اپنے۔ یہی حال تقریبا سب ایکسینجز کا ہے۔
Read 9 tweets
Feb 24th 2023
关于 #base@BuildOnBase ),我觉得需要写个线程:



Base 是新的以太坊 L2,由 Coinbase 孵化并建立在开源 OP Stack 之上,将作为 Coinbase 链上产品的大本营和任何人都可以构建的开放生态系统。

关于发币,base文章原话是“We do not plan to issue a new network token.”我们不打算发行新的网络令牌。那治理令牌呢?
Read 7 tweets
Feb 24th 2023
🔎 Coinbase just announced #BASE !

A new Ethereum L2 built on Optimism, here's what you should know. 🧐


#Crypto #Bitcoin #Ethereum $btc $eth $coin #Coinbase Image
🚀 Coinbase's Base is a Layer 2 solution designed to improve scalability and reduce transaction fees on the Ethereum blockchain while maintaining its security.

💻 Built using Optimism's infrastructure, Base is developer-friendly and makes building decentralized applications faster, cheaper, and more accessible!

Read 8 tweets
Feb 23rd 2023
🔥 市场热点

一文速览 @coinbase 推出的基于OP Stack的新以太坊L2网络 #Base,你想知道的,这里都有!👀

欢迎点赞转推 ✨🧵 Image
一、 前言

1/ 2月23日,Coinbase宣布推出Base测试网,这是一个以太坊二层网络(L2) ,旨在提供安全、低成本、且对开发人员友好的方式来构建链上去中心化应用程序。Coinbase与Base的目标是吸引下一波10亿级用户进入加密经济。
2/ 为了实现这一目标,Base将作为Coinbase链上产品的大本营并能让任何人都可以构建的开放生态系统。目前,Coinbase正在内部孵化 Base,利用过去十年构建加密产品的经验,并计划随着时间的推移逐步去中心化区块链。现阶段,Base没有发行网络代币的计划。
Read 15 tweets
Feb 23rd 2023
🚨 CoinBase L2 Chain BASE / Everything We Know Today

Coinbase, the second largest crypto exchange by trading volume, has launched Base, an Ethereum-focused layer-2 (L2) blockchain Let's see what #BASE is all about and what we can do today!

⭕️Like & RT
#AlphaInsiders🕵️‍♂️⚡️ Image
⭕️Whats Base?
Base is a secure, low-cost developer-friendly Ethereum L2 chain
Base is incubated within Coinbase and plans to progressively decentralize in the years ahead. We believe that decentralization is critical to creating an open, global cryptoeconomy that is accessible Image
⭕️To add Base Goerli as a custom network
Network Name: Base Goerli
RPC Endpoint:
Chain ID: 84531
Currency Symbol: ETH
Block Explorer:

⭕️Coinbase Faucet is the easiest way to get ETH for Base Goerli. Image
Read 9 tweets
Feb 23rd 2023
Today, the news of the @BuildOnBase launch reverberates through the industry and marks a dramatic acceleration of the on-chain vision that @Coinbase has been quietly building over the last half decade.
Let's dive deep into #Base, and what it means for the Moonwell community. 🧵
In the aftermath of 2022, it became apparent that some of the most trusted players in crypto were "swimming naked". When liquidity left markets due to the Fed raising rates, we found out who when big names such as Celcius, BlockFi, Terra, 3AC, Genesis, and FTX became insolvent. The Fall of the Crypto Angels by degenalfie.eth - pictures t
Coinbase has been quietly building a different, more trustworthy exchange for the last decade. It has been painful for our industry to acknowledge that this values-based approach to securely storing cryptocurrency, and not loaning out customer deposits without permission, is key. Image of a secure lock from Coinbase website with text:  We
Read 17 tweets
Jan 16th 2023
cool was my job 10 years ago.
#nosql? we used the largest transactional database on planet: @objectivitydb CAP: #ACID or #BASE ? BOTH!
#Java? #Microservices, SaaS, PaaS, for German and European EDIfact, FTAM, ATLAS,#NCTS, #AES,... Toll/ Duane before #RodJohnson, #GavinKing...
... invented @springframework and #ORM and #EricEvans #DDD ... new names for the same Things?
No! #DevOps are more than just #SysAdmins who develop with a script language hopefully #python and
... and #PlatformEngineers are more than magic PowerPoint2Java Compiler or SoftwareDevs who are Application Managers for a handfull hours per week or the 2nd Level Firepissung Support Unit.
Read 6 tweets
Oct 27th 2022
A #BASE'd portfolio centers around:

2/ $BTC is the OG of it all, the digital counterbalance to central bank & government excess, its 21M units represent a liquidity mirror for society.
3/ $ATOM sits @ the center of the thin pieces, loosely joined crypto movement, pulling together zones of sovereignty and infinite customization.
Read 6 tweets
Jun 6th 2022
Revealing spotlight on #China's emerging #PLA #Naval facility in #Ream, #Cambodia!

Glad to support @nakashimae & @catecadell's exposé @WashPost.

This will be hot topic at #SLD22 where I'm honored to be a delegate. Let's see what officials say! @IISS_org…
Ships adding up—

"#China’s #navy is already the world’s largest by #s of vessels. The @USNavy has 297 battle-force ships..according to @CRS4Congress, while China has 355 & is projected to have 460 by 2030, according to last year’s @DeptofDefense report."…
But, said Andrew Erickson, research director of the @ChinaMaritime Studies Institute @NavalWarCollege, “as impressive as those numbers are, without a significant network of robust overseas facilities, their ability to use them falls off rapidly w distance from China.” #Ream #Base
Read 6 tweets
Mar 15th 2021
"The greatest danger for the United States in this competition is the erosion of conventional deterrence..Absent a convincing deterrent, the [PRC] will be emboldened to take action to undermine the rules-based international order"…
ADM Davidson:

"In September 2020, #Cambodia razed a #US-built facility on #Ream Naval Base that served as the headquarters for the National Committee on Maritime Security, reportedly in order to make way for a #PRC #naval #base."…
Read 15 tweets
Feb 5th 2021
@timmins316 #Occupy: Thank you.
Follow more from our Research in this thread:
@timmins316 #Occupy: March 23 2020:

Was #COVID19 released by the US Army team during the Wuhan Military World Games in 17-27 October 2019, which team is said to have eaten at the fish market in Wuhan & stayed in a hotel close to that market ?… via @NeoJohnBrown
@timmins316 @NeoJohnBrown #Occupy: Jan. 23 2020 #China started a large #Lockdown around #Wuhan, after 18 affirmed #COVID19-deaths and several hundreds of infected patients.
Later, searching for "#Patient #Zero", they found the earliest infection in November 17 2019, in Wuhan.
Read 20 tweets

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