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Oct 25th 2022
šŸ“£ It's time for another #CommunityHealth Research Round-Up! Welcome to Issue 095! šŸ’«
šŸ§µ Check out this thread where we explore CHW motivation, the impact of geographical placement on CHWs SAM coverage...and so much more!
Inspired? Subscribe below! šŸ¤“
#researchroundup Image
1. Salary matters, and so do other factors according to this article. What do you think of the provocative title?ā€¦ Image
2. A close look at the epidemiological burden of the big three killers of children under-five (pneumonia, diarrhea, malaria) and the important role of CHWs in saving childrens' lives in a Ugandan sub-county.ā€¦ Image
Read 8 tweets
Oct 4th 2021
Iā€™ve been out for the past 6 months.

I think I want to write about it.

Deep breath: here is my #LongCovid story.
You may remember this tweet from April of 2020.

Gandalf let me down, and I ended up getting #COVID19 just 3 weeks after getting H1N1 influenza. (I am a doctor and toddler mom, pretty germy).
The night that I got #COVID19 it felt like broken glass was running through my veins. No fever but just that icy chill. Horrible, rotten smell in my nose. And strangest of all a buzzing feeling, a restlessness. It made me want to crawl out of my skin. I couldnā€™t sleep that night.
Read 25 tweets
May 18th 2021
I am so pleased to join a great group of leaders from @MayoClinic @PennMedicine @Flywire to discuss how innovations from #COVID19 are making us rethink the future of #health.

Virtual event by @usnews, starting now!ā€¦
Kevin Mahoney @PennMedicine on what theyā€™ve learned: Went from how do we treat patients only in the hospital to talking care of patients no matter where they are. This is going to be a new way of providing care from now on. #HealthcareOfTomorrow
Exactly the right approach: @mayoclinic they quickly adjusted to the needs of communities and individual patients = local, specific approaches. -- Rita Khan #HealthcareOfTomorrow
Read 13 tweets
Jun 9th 2020
[LIVE] Are people with #HIV and #TB more likely to die of #COVID19SA? Our #BhekisisaWebinar in partnership with @Auruminstitute is on NOW. We'll be live-tweeting the event, follow on for live updates.
First up, Mary-Ann Davies, public health medicine expert at @WesternCapeGov health department will release SA's first preliminary data on the #COVID19SA death risk for #HIV and #TB patients from the Western Cape. #BhekisisaWebinar
Until now, there hasn't been much data on #TB and #HIV and how those conditions affect your risk of dying from #COVID19SA, Davies says. Getting good data is not easy. #BhekisisaWebinar
Read 43 tweets
May 20th 2020
Every state/local #Covid_19 initiative Iā€™ve read about is making one of the following mistakes.

1. Ignoring community altogether and just doing apps.

Case example: Utah.

$2.75 million to purchase an app PLUS a *monthly* maintenance fee of $300,000.

(Couldā€™ve employed 100 FTE #CHWs with this $ but whoā€™s counting)

And the app isnā€™t working.
2. Vaguely referencing ā€œshoe leatherā€ and community engagement but no mention of the #CHW workforce who already does that.

Case example: almost everyone.

ā€œCultural literacy is key to developing trust.ā€

(Really? Then hire someone of the same CULTURE!)
Read 6 tweets
Feb 3rd 2020
Feb @Health_Affairs is out!

We did a formal return on investment (ROI) analysis of the IMPaCT community health worker program using randomized controlled trial evidence.

Each dollar invested by Medicaid returns $2.47, annually.

@threadreaderapp unroll
This paper is important because most estimates of ROI from #SDOH programs are likely exaggerated because they are based on pre-post studies.
Itā€™s important to note that IMPaCT is highly structured with fixed caseloads, clear hiring protocols and good supervision. I think those program elements are key to seeing this kind of financial return. So #hclrds, resist the impulse to skimp!
Read 7 tweets
May 17th 2019
1/ Ok by special request from my dear mentee @dn_charles: hereā€™s my version of the HPI for new #primarycare patients.

Key points: welcome them and get to know them as people.

Donā€™t worry, it takes no longer than usual! I still see 8-10 pts in a morning.
2/ Here are some prompts I use to get a quick overview of my patientsā€™ life stories, including trauma history.

I also try to reflect and synthesize what theyā€™ve told me so that we are on the same page about their strengths/hopes/fears/root causes of any troubles.
3/Then, the medical part of my HPI. Hereā€™s where I ask about what is typically called the social history: sex, drugs, alcohol and cigarettes. This is too narrow to call a social history. I call it ā€˜habits.ā€™

I skip the Fhx and do it on the second visit.
Read 5 tweets

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