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President Cyril Ramaphosa addresses the nation on developments in the country’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic…
President #CryilRamaphosa: The #COVID19 #Delta variant, found in 85 countries around the world, is now been found in 5 of our provinces. These are
-Eastern Cape
-Free State
-Western Cape
The #Delta variants is more transmissible, more contagious and people previously infected are not protected- President #CyrilRamaphosa #COVID19
Read 19 tweets
President #Ramaphosa: Fellow compatriots, Ri perile, Dumelang, Sanibonani, Molweni, Ndi madekwana, Gooie naand, Good evening. It is exactly 10 weeks since we declared a national state of disaster in response to the coronavirus pandemic. #CoronaVirusSA
President #Ramaphosa: Since then, we have implemented severe and unprecedented measures – including a nation-wide lockdown – to contain the spread of the virus.
President #Ramaphosa: I am sorry that these measures imposed a great hardship on you – restricting your right to move freely, to work and eke out a livelihood.
Read 115 tweets

• Changes from yesterday highlighted
• Todays graphs: Total deaths per Province and 7 day average of new cases
• Also a quick look at the lag of test results in WC

#CoronaVirusSA #Covid19inSA
Cumulative deaths per Province (As of 22 May)

• Worrying to see EC following the trend of WC
• KZN and GP deaths have slowed and not much to speak of in other Provinces
7 Day rolling average graph (As of 22 May)

• Not much change from yesterday but there seems to be some confusion when allocating cases in the smaller provinces, numbers have been up and down last few days (just by 1 or 2)
• NW probably had the best week (NC aside)
Read 5 tweets
Our @LLopezGonzalez will be live-tweeting tonight's meeting with @DrZweliMkhize & #Covid19SA modellers. What does the future hold for #CoronavirusInSA? Stay tuned. Mkhize: There are a lot of modellers out there. Some do it academically, some we engage.
Mkhize: The NDOH has been working with modellers to refine their models. Initial models were largely based on how outbreaks behaved in other countries. #Covid19SA #CoronavirusInSA
Mkhize starts by presenting a global picture of the wide-ranging case fatality rate globally
Read 43 tweets
President #Ramaphosa: My Fellow South Africans,

This week, our country reached a sad moment in the progression of the coronavirus pandemic, as we recorded our 219th death from the disease.

Every life lost is a tragedy.

#COVID19 #CoronaVirusSA
President #Ramaphosa: These 219 people who passed away had families, they had dependents, friends and colleagues. Their lives were cut short by a virus that has caused human and economic devastation across the world.
President #Ramaphosa: In recording and reporting on the daily figures of new infections, deaths and recoveries –– we can too easily lose sight of the fact that we are dealing with human lives.
Read 93 tweets
President #Ramaphosa: My Fellow South Africans, it has been exactly seven weeks since the first case of the coronavirus was confirmed in our country.

Since then, all our lives have changed in fundamental ways.

#COVID19 #CoronaVirusSA
President #Ramaphosa: As a nation we have been forced to take aggressive action against an invisible enemy that threatened our lives and the lives of our loved ones.

We have been forced to adapt to a new way of living, in a short space of time.
President #Ramaphosa: As we enter the fifth week of an unprecedented nation-wide lockdown – and as we look to the future – we should remember why we are here. The #coronavirus, which was identified in the Chinese city of Wuhan in December, has spread rapidly across the world.
Read 82 tweets
President #Ramaphosa: Fellow Compatriots, it is 25 days since South Africa began a nation-wide lockdown to contain the spread of the #coronavirus. It has demanded of you great fortitude and endurance.
President #Ramaphosa: It has caused you much suffering and required much sacrifice. Once again, I salute you and I thank you. The #coronavirus pandemic has disrupted your lives and damaged our economy.
President #Ramaphosa: Its severity will continue to take a heavy toll in the weeks and months to come. The pandemic has resulted in the sudden loss of income for businesses and individuals alike, deepening poverty and increasing hunger.
Read 82 tweets
President #Ramaphosa: At midnight tonight, it will be exactly two weeks since our country entered into an unprecedented nation-wide lockdown to contain the spread of the coronavirus.

#COVID19 #CoronaVirusSA
President #Ramaphosa: During the course of these last two weeks, your lives have been severely disrupted, you have suffered great hardship and endured much uncertainty.
President #Ramaphosa: We have closed our borders to the world, our children are not in school, businesses have closed their operations, many have lost their income, and our economy has ground to a halt.
Read 92 tweets
President #Ramaphosa: We are now entering a new phase in the fight against the #COVID19 pandemic.

In the coming days, government will be rolling out a screening, testing, tracing and medical management programme on a huge scale.
President #Ramaphosa: Around 10,000 field workers will be visiting homes in villages, towns and cities to screen residents for COVID-19 symptoms.

People with symptoms will be referred to local clinics or mobile clinics for testing. #CoronaVirusSA
President #Ramaphosa: People who are infected with coronavirus, but who have no or moderate symptoms will remain in isolation at home or at a facility provided by government and those with severe symptoms will be transferred to hospitals.

Read 12 tweets
You’re in quarantine at home.
Now what? Are you prepared to take care of yourself if you're alone?
What can you do to protect other family members who have been exposed and will have to stay home with you?
#COVID19 #CoronaVirusSA #StayHomeSA #21DayLockdownSA
How does quarantine affect your daily lives?
#COVID19 #CoronaVirusSA #StayHomeSA #21DayLockdownSA
What hygiene practices do I need to follow?
#COVID19 #CoronaVirusSA #StayHomeSA #21DayLockdownSA
Read 3 tweets
1/7 The lockdown explained: What is a lockdown? #StopTheSpread #CoronaVirusSA
2/7 The lockdown explained: What is the purpose of a lockdown? #StopTheSpread #CoronaVirusSA
3/7 The lockdown explained: What will I be able to do under a lockdown? #StopTheSpread #CoronaVirusSA
Read 7 tweets
#CoronaVirusSA National Address:
President @CyrilRamaphosa calls the coronavirus a 'grave public emergency' & commends South Africans for their efforts so far to help curb the spread of the virus.
A reminder to thank the people on the frontlines: health-workers, teachers, border officials, police etc. as they take on heaviest burden of the immense challenge we face.

Everyone must continue to come together - 'wash hands, avoid contact, stay at home, avoid public places…'
The global crisis has continued to deepen… from 160 000+ last Sunday to over 340 000 cases now.

SA's increase is 6-fold in that same time.
Read 21 tweets
President #Ramaphosa: My fellow South Africans,

It is a week since we declared the coronavirus pandemic a national disaster and announced a package of extraordinary measures to combat this grave public health emergency.

#COVID19 #CoronaVirusSA
President #Ramaphosa: The response of the South African people to this crisis has been remarkable. Millions of our people have understood the gravity of the situation.

#COVID19 #CoronaVirusSA
President #Ramaphosa: Most South Africans have accepted the restrictions that have been placed on their lives and have taken responsibility for changing their behaviour. I am heartened that every sector of society has been mobilised & has accepted the role that it needs to play.
Read 40 tweets
President #Ramaphosa: All leaders agree that the COVID-19 outbreak poses a grave and real threat to the lives, livelihoods and prosperity of our people.

Our country finds itself in an extreme situation that requires extraordinary measures.

#COVID19 #CoronaVirusSA
President #Ramaphosa: It requires that all South Africans work together in unity and solidarity, in partnership and cooperation.

President #Ramaphosa: It is therefore both appropriate and significant that the 14 political parties in our Parliament are standing together, across party political divides, to fight this disease together.

#COVID19 #CoronaViruSA
Read 27 tweets
Chapter 8

Something to get your mind of the #CoronaVirusSA ImageImageImageImage
Read 10 tweets
صدرت مؤخرًا دراسة صينية عرّجت على #كورونا_المستجد في الأطفال.
▪️لم تسجّل حالات وفاه بينهم.
▪️بالمقارنة بالكبار كانت الأعراض أقل حدة.
▪️الأعراض كانت عبارة عن أعراض البرد العادية بالإضافة إلى القيء والإسهال.
▪️مدة التشافي تراوحت بين أسبوع إلى أسبوعين.
▪️حتى الآن لم تسجل أي دراسة على الفيروس المستجد ما يذكر فيما يخص الأطفال ذوي الحالات المزمنة.
▪️لم تسجل حالات في الخدّج أو حديثي الولادة بشكل عام.
▪️و لكون الفيروس ينتقل عن طريق الرذاذ بالمخالطة، فإن إصابة الأم الحامل لا تؤدي إلى إصابة الجنين و لم تسجل حالات إجهاض كما تم في H1N1
▪️إصابة الأم المرضع بالفيروس لا تتنافى مع الرضاعة الطبيعية و لكن يجب عزل الأم عن الوليد و تقديم حليب الأم له من قبل شخص سليم شريطة أن يتبع إرشادات الوقاية المتعارف عليها في حالات العناية بالشخص المصاب بفيروس كورونا المستجد COVID-19.
▪️أهم التوصيات تشمل تعليم الطفل مبادئ الوقاية.
Read 7 tweets
I decided to drive to the lab after the president announced that people that travelled from mid February to get tested.

I want to highlight something that annoyed me when I got to the hospital/ lab. #CoronaVirusSA
I am not showing symptoms, we left the United States on the 29th of February and arrived on the 1st of March.
It’s now been more than 14 days with no symptoms. But I decided to get tested not only to reduce my anxiety but not to infect anyone should I have it.
Read 27 tweets
President #Ramaphosa: Following an extensive analysis of the progression of the disease worldwide and in South Africa, Cabinet has decided on the following measures:
President #Ramaphosa: Firstly, to limit contact between persons who may be infected & South African citizens
President #Ramaphosa: We are imposing a travel ban on foreign nationals from high-risk countries such as Italy, Iran, South Korea, Spain, Germany, the United States, the United Kingdom and China as from 18 March 2020.
Read 59 tweets
President #Ramaphosa: Fellow South Africans, I am addressing you this evening on a matter of great national importance. The world is facing a medical emergency far graver than what we have experienced in over a century.
President #Ramaphosa: The World Health Organisation has declared the coronavirus outbreak as a global pandemic. There are now more than 162 000 people who have tested positive for the coronavirus across the globe.
President #Ramaphosa: Given the scale and the speed at which the virus is spreading, it is now clear that no country is immune from the disease or will be spared its severe impact.
Read 11 tweets

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