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🧵1. Until when will you be able to get a #Pfizer #COVID19 jab in SA?

Most likely only until July 31st, says @HealthZA. After that only #JnJ will be available.

Why? SA has received all the doses it's procured from Pfizer and the last batch expires on July 31.
2. How many #COVID19 jabs has SA received?

Total: 60,6 million

- #Pfizer: 39,272,220 (this includes US donations and jabs we got via #Covax)
- #JnJ: 21,333,840 (we also got 500,000 for #Sisonke1 + 250,00 for #Sisonke2)

Full story:
3. How many of the jabs #VaccineRolloutSA has received has been distributed? (Distributed = they've been transported to provinces. All distributed shots have not necessarily been used yet.)

-#Pfizer: 66% of received jabs = distributed
-#JnJ: 42% of received jabs = distributed
Read 8 tweets
1/4 LATEST #VaccineRollOutSA stats: Fri, 18 Feb

1. Jabs (doses), past 24 hrs: 71,787 (Thu: 73,097)
18+: 52,958
12-17: 18,829

2. How many new people were vaxxed in the past 24 hours?
- Pfizer 1st shots: 21,281
- JnJ 1st shots: 9,857
- Total: 31,138 (43.4% of all shots)
2. Fully vaxxed (#JnJ = 1 shot; #Pfizer = 2 shots)?
All of SA: 28.3%
SA adults: 42%
Teens: 3.3%

3. Adults, 1 shot: 47.1%

4. Teens, 1 shot: 19.3%

5. All of SA, 1 shot: 33.4%

Population stats = Stats SA, 2021:
SA pop: 60,305,416
Adults: 40,121,520
Teens (12-17): 6,447,073
3. What % of fully vaxxed adults has had boosters?
5.2% (877,227)

(Adult population = 60,305,416 - Stats SA, 2021)
(Fully vaxxed adult population = 16,833,007
(Boosters = 877,227)
Read 4 tweets
[Thread] 1. From TONIGHT (Fri), 8pm, adult #COVID19 hospitalisation data in SA will be available on @HealthZA's dashboard.

Milani Wolmarans, @HealthZA, #EVDS:
The data will be categorised into 3 types of patients:
1. Fully vaccinated
2. Partially vaccinated
3. Unvaccinated
2. What's happening so far?
Of 7,826 adults in hospital because of #COVID19:
- 5,731 (73%) = unvaccinated
- 321 (4%) = partially vaccinated (this = lower than fully vaccinated as there are far fewer partially than fully vaxxed people in total)
- 1,774 (22.6%) = fully vaxxed
3. What % of adults (18+) have been fully + partially vaccinated?

1. Fully vaccinated: 40.14% (if 2020 Stats SA population estimates = used)
2. Partially vaccinated (1 shot of #Pfizer only): 7.7% (12,367,221 [1st shots] - 9,289,091 [2nd shots] = 3,078,130 [1st shot only])
Read 10 tweets
JUST IN #VaccineRollOutSA stats: Thu, 6 Jan

1. Jabs, past 24 hrs: 65,204
18+: 49,307
12-17: 15,897

2. All doses (since the start of the roll-out in May 2021): 28,233,512

3. SA population = fully vaccinated:
15,783,311 (26.2%)

(SA pop = 60.14 mil, Stats SA, 2021)

1. How many adults (18+) have been fully vaccinated (1 dose #JnJ/2 doses #Pfizer)?
15,737,760 (39.2%)

2. How many adults (18+) have been vaccinated (1 dose of JnJ/1 dose Pfizer)
17,957,898 (44.8%)

(18+ pop = 40.12 mil, Stats SA, 2021)

1. 12-17, #Pfizer (teens can only get Pfizer so far)
All doses: 963,184
1st dose: 917,633
(So 14.1% of the 12-17 population = vaccinated)

2nd dose: 45,551
(So 0,7% of the 12-17 population = fully vaccinated)

(12-17 pop = 6.5 million, Stats SA, 2021)
Read 4 tweets
LATEST 2022 #VaccineRollOutSA stats: We, 5 Jan

1. Jabs, past 24 hrs: 64,724
18+: 49,784
12-17: 14,940

2. All doses (since the start of the roll-out in May 2021): 28,164,339

3. SA population = fully vaccinated:
15,744,496 (26.2%)

(SA pop = 60.14 mil, Stats SA, 2021)

1. How many adults (18+) have been fully vaccinated (1 dose #JnJ/2 doses #Pfizer)?
15,702,030 (39.1%)

2. How many adults (18+) have been vaccinated (1 dose of JnJ/1 dose Pfizer)
17,926,267 (44.7%)

(18+ pop = 40.12 mil, Stats SA, 2021)

1. 12-17, #Pfizer (teens can only get Pfizer so far)
All doses: 947,167
1st dose: 904,701
(So 13.9% of the 12-17 population = vaccinated)

2nd dose: 42,466
(So 0,65% of the 2-17 population = fully vaccinated)

(12-17 pop = 6.5 million, Stats SA 2021)
Read 4 tweets
[Thread] 1. Will @HealthZA achieve its latest #VaccineRollOutSA goal by the end of 2021 (today)?


What's the goal?
Vaccinating 70% of people of 50+ with 1 shot of #Pfizer or #JnJ by midnight, 31 Dec 2021.

Where are we at? 64.08% (so 5.92% short of the 70% goal)
2. Is 64.08% of people of 50+ vaccinated the final figure for 2021?

No, we'll get the vax figures for today (31 Dec) tonight.

But it's unlikely to make much of a difference to the overall %, as we're currently doing fewer than 50,000 doses per day.
3. What's the breakdown for the different 50+ age groups (for 1 jab per person)?

60+: 66.08% (we've covered 3.6 mil out of a 60+) population of 5.5 mil)
50-59: 61.78% (we've covered 2.9 mil out of a 50-59 population of 4.8 mil)
Read 10 tweets
Which countries accept SA's digital vaccination certificate?


SA = not yet negotiated with countries, @healthza 1st needed 2 upgrade the security features of the cards

Why? Whether a country accepts a card depends on the features = in place 2 prevent fraud
2. Have any of the #VaccineRollOutSA digital vaccine certificate security features been upgraded so far?

Yes. The QR code on the cards will go live next week. That means 3rd parties will be able to scan the code to verify if the data on the card is valid.
3. What security features on #VaccineRollOutSA digital vaccine certificates still need to be upgraded?

A digital/cryptographic signature needs to be added. #JoePhaahla says that will go live by the end of Nov (you'll then have to download a new card).
Read 5 tweets
[Thread] 1. How many #COVID19 #vaccine doses has SA received and used since the start of #VaccineRollOutSA?

@HealthZA :
The total number of #JnJ and #Pfizer doses received by Nov 8 = 37,764,320
2. What's the breakdown — how many #JnJ and #Pfizer doses has #VaccineRolloutSA received?

@HealthZA :
JnJ: 10,695,200

Pfizer: 27,069,120
- Pfizer (bilateral agreement): 17,799,210
- Pfizer (COVAX): 1,392,300
- Pfizer (US donated doses via COVAX): 7,877,610
3. How many #COVID19 vaccine doses did #VaccineRolloutSA buy via bilateral agreements with #JnJ and #Pfizer?

@HealthZA :
#JnJ: 30,738,250 in Feb (we’ve received 10,695,200, so 34,8%)

#Pfizer: 30,002,310 in March (we’ve received 17,799,210 so 59,3%)
Read 17 tweets
LATEST #VaccineRollOutSA: Fri, 5 Nov


1. Jabs, past 24 hrs: 126,598 (Thu: 152,049 )
Adults: 109,827
12-17: 16,771

2. Total doses: 23,101,617

3. Adults fully vaccinated: 12,823,833 (32%)
(18+ pop = 40.1mil)

4. 12-17, 1 #Pfizer: 201,646 (3.1%)
(12-17 pop = 6.5 mil)
2. What % of adults have received at least 1 dose of #COVISD19 vaccine, so 1 shot of #JnJ (fully vaccinated) or 1 shot of #Pfizer (partially vaccinated)?

39% of adults, or 15.5 million people

Why is this important? @healthza
's goal = 70% of adults must have had 1 jab by Dec
3. Will we make @heatlhza's goal to have 70% of adults vaccinated with 1 dose of #JnJ/#Pfizer by Dec?

No. @healthza
is now aiming for:
70% of adults of 50+

Where are we with this?
60+: 63.13%
50-59: 56.8%

Everyone of 50+ = 60.2% (so we're 9.8% or 1 mil jabs from the goal)
Read 7 tweets
[Thread] BREAKING 1. Real-world @Discovery_SA data on how well #Pfizer's two-dose #COVID19 jab works in SA:

14 days to 3 months after taking the 2nd shot: :
- 94% effectiveness @ COVID-related death
- 92% effectiveness @ COVID-related hospitalisation
2. What is real-world effectiveness?

It’s data from an actual vaccine roll-out. During studies jabs = used under tightly controlled conditions. In the real world those conditions = more fluid. Real-world data = how well jabs work outside of a trial.
3. Is there a difference between the protection offered by 1 dose of the #Pfizer jab and 2 doses?


- 1 dose = 78% effective @ hospitalisation (28 days after you’ve had a jab)
- 2 doses = 94% effective @ hospitalisation (14 days after the 2nd jab)
Read 11 tweets
[Thread] 1. Can teens (12-17) go 2 #VaccineRollOutSA sites without an accompanying adult + get vaccinated @ #COVID19?

Government sites: YES, @heatlhza: “A teen can legally expect to be vaccinated without a parent present + without a guardian's consent.”

@Discovery_SA sites: NO.
2. Why don’t teens (12-17) need their parents’ permission to get vaccinated @ #COVID19?

The Children’s Act says kids of 12+ can consent to medical treatment if they’re of sufficient maturity + have the mental capacity to understand the benefits/risks:
3. Was the regulation in the Children’s Act that allows for children of 12+ to consent to their own medical treatment created especially for #COVID19 jabs?

NO. That regulation has been there since the Act was proclaimed in 2005.
Read 11 tweets
JUST IN [Thread] 1. #VaccineRollOutSA stats: Tu, 5 Oct

* Almost 200,000 jabs 2day
* The dashboard has been expanded: AGE BAND info now available (see next tweet)

1. Jabs, past 24 hrs: 197,698 (Mo: 184,324)
2. Total doses: 18,285,920
3. Adults fully vaccinated: 9,364,725 (23,3%)
2. What % of the different age groups has been vaccinated with at least ONE dose of vaccine (so 1 dose of #JnJ or 1 dose of #Pfizer)?
1. 60+: 60.42%
2. 50-59: 51.51%
3. 35-49: 36.49%
4. 18-34: 16.79%
2. What % of the different age groups has been FULLY vaccinated (so 1 dose of #JnJ or 2 doses of #Pfizer)?
1. 60+: 51.16%%
2. 50-59: 41.77%
3. 35-49: 26.49%
4. 18-34: 8.08%
Read 4 tweets
[Thread] #JoePhaahla: We note the allegations of financial misconduct against @healthza DDG Anban Pillay (Pillay was the acting DG in the health dpt when the #DigitalVibes contract was awarded).
2. #JoePhaahla: There is possible misconduct from 9 gov officials. Not all 9 are working in @healthza. The chief financial officer has moved to another dpt. There are 6 officials in @healthza who we may need to take action @. If we add the suspended DG (Sandile Buthelezi) = 7.
3. #JoePhaahla: @healthza will institute disciplinary action @ implicated officials in the SIU's #DigitalVibes report as a matter of urgency. All those implicated by the SIU will receive suspension letters by the end of today (Thu, 30 Sep), incl DDG Anban Pillay.
Read 7 tweets
[Thread] 1. What is the average nr of daily #COVID19 #vaccine doses #VaccineRollOutSA now administers (average = past 7 days)?
167, 041 doses

Is it lower than last week's average?
Yes, 21, 677 doses fewer (188,718 average)

Data: the fabulous @outlierafrica of @mediahackza
2. What % of adults has SA fully vaccinated so far? 20.2% (8.1 mil adults)

What % of the entire population has SA fully vaccinated so far? 13.4%
3. How long will it take to fully vaccinate the remaining % of adults = 40 mil people?

(@healthza's goal = 35 mil doses by Dec, take note: doses, not people):

1. With #JnJ only: 6 mnths 13 days (1 jab needed @ this stage)
2. With #Pfizer only: 12 mnths 4 days (2 jabs needed)
Read 6 tweets
[Thread].1. How is Northwest province doing with #VaccineRollOutSA?
* To reach 70% of adults by Dec, NW needs to do 20 000 jabs six days/week
* Where are they now? NW is doing 13 000 jabs/week
* Biggest challenge = vaccine hesitancy
2. How many #VaccineRollOutSA sites does NW have?
* 55 fixes sites (42 public, 13 private)
* 200 outreach sites
* NW has all the required equipment and also enough staff and funds to vaccinate all adults who needs a vaccine
3. Vaccine hesitancy in NW province = biggest problem. NW hlth dpt says the graph below shows that it's particularly difficult to get people to visit sites that are open over weekends, so there are huge dips in weekend vaccination numbers.
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Media Release: SAHPRA’s vaccine registration process and role of the SAHPRA Board

Read full press release:

#COVID19 #VaccineRollOutSA #SAHPRA
The South African Health Products Regulatory Authority (SAHPRA) is an independent, science-based entity that follows strict guidelines and processes when approving health products. .
SAHPRA concerns itself, like other regulators across the world, with safety, quality and efficacy of health products. These essential requirements are consistently applied to all COVID-19 vaccines and therapeutics that SAHPRA has considered for use in the country
Read 16 tweets
[Thread] 1. How many #COVIDVaccines will SA receive in Aug?
Nicholas Crisp, @healthza:
1. We no longer have a supply shortage
2. The slide below shows delivery dates + doses. It takes a week for doses to get to sites after arrival (clearance, quality testing, distribution).
2. How many adults have registered for #COVID vaccinations?
1. Registrations have been disappointing
2. 9.2 mil (out of 40 mil = 23%) adults have registered
3. 60+ = age group with the largest % registered (3.5 mil out of 5 mil = 70%)
3. Crisp:
1. Vaccinations = slowed down by SA's vaccine shortage 2 wks ago (see slide)
2. We've lost momentum: We now have enough supply, but demand has decreased
3. There will defs be a 4th wave, but we don't know when + which variant will be dominant (could be a new one)
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JUST IN: [Thread] 1. #VaccineRollOutSA stats: Tu, 10 Aug

* 9.3 % of SA adults have been fully vaccinated @ #COVID19 (1 #JnJ jab/2 #Pfizer shots) *

1. Jabs, past 24 hrs: 176, 752 (Last Tu: 191, 721)
2. Total doses: 8, 811, 608
3. Adults fully vaccinated: 3, 719, 508 (9.3%) ImageImageImage
2. How many #JnJ shots did we do today?
Answer: 48, 246 (shots which were entered into the #EVDS, which is where @HealthZA's dashboard draws data from).

Not reflected, are the paper record doses (some sites do these), which will only be added in the coming days or weeks. Image
3. Have we used the +/- 50 000 #JnJ doses we had this morning and that will expire at 23:50 tonight (Tu)?

We don't yet officially know, but we've likely come close:
50 000 - 48, 246 = 1 754 (doses left, but these could be paper record doses not yet entered into the #EVDS).
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LATEST #VaccineRollOutSA stats: Thu, 5 Aug:

[Thread] 1. We've fully vaccinated 8.6% of adults in SA

1. Jabs, past 24 hrs: 181, 096 (Wed: 185, 949)
2. Total doses: 8, 377, 606
3. Adults fully vaccinated: 3, 447, 380 (8.6%)
2. How many adults were fully vaccinated in the last 24 hours? 111, 205 (most of these vaccinations happened in Gauteng, KZN and Limpopo)
- #JnJ: 60, 464
- #Pfizer: 50, 741
3. Cool new @healthza dashboard feature: Breakdown of vaccinations by age and gender:
1. % of men: 39.77%
2. % of women: 60.23%

Vaccine doses administered per age group:
60+: 4, 469, 450
50-59: 1, 658, 651
35 - 49: 1, 851, 896
18-34: 392, 869
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[Thread] 1. When will our new vaccine stock reach #VaccineRollOutSA sites?

@healthza says:
#JnJ (1, 454, 900 doses released by Aspen last wk): Tu onwards
#Pfizer (1,5 mil doses we bought; arrived on Sun): Thu onwards
Pfizer (2.8 mil US donated doses; arrived on Sat): Next week
2. When will our new #Pfizer doses expire?

@healthza says:

Both the 2.8 mil donated #Pfizer doses and the 1.5 million procured doses expire on 30 November 2021
3. When will our new #JnJ doses expire? 31 May 2023

When will our current JnJ doses expire?
11 Aug

How many of the old JnJ doses have we got left?
@healthza's dashboard says we had used 1, 053, 862 by 1 Aug
1, 500, 000 - 1, 053, 862 = 446 138
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[Thread] 1. What's happening with our #VaccineRollOutSA doses — will we have enough and are we reaching the right people?

Nicholas Crisp, @healthza:
We crossed the 7 mil mark for vaccine doses administered this week, but we're not yet reaching enough 60+ (most vulnerable).
2. Crisp:
1. 80% (4, 416, 391) of 60+ have been vaccinated with at least one dose
2. 15% (727, 839) of 50+ have been vaccinated with at least one dose

@healthza's goal for Aug: 1 out of 7 vaccinations has to be for 60+
3. Crisp:
We're not reaching the desired public/private mix for jabs: there is far more capacity in the private sector than what we're currently using

Below is a screen grab from @healthza's dashboard that shows a breakdown of the % of jabs done at pub/priv sites on Thu
Read 8 tweets
[Thread] 1. How far are we behind with our original #VaccineRolloutSA targets? Dr Jabu Mtsweni from @CSIR has analysed this.

What is our target? To vaccinate 40 million adults in SA by March 2022.
2. How do we measure if we're reaching targets?
1. We can look at the nr of doses we administer in either a 5 (without weekends) or 7 day week
2. We can count how many people are fully vaccinated, but the nr of doses we count are different for JnJ (1 dose) and Pfizer (2 doses)
3. So how is SA doing?
1. Average nr of doses/day = 173 258
2. 80% of the doses = Pfizer (2 doses) and 20% = JnJ (Pfizer was up until recently, the only jab available to SA to roll out at sites)
3. Using more 2 dose jabs makes us move slower on targets for full vaccinations
Read 12 tweets
[Thread] NEW #VaccineRollOutSA stats: Thu, 29 Jul:

* We've done 4 x more Pfizer (5, 838, 267) vs. JnJ doses (1, 459, 645), but more people = fully vaccinated with JnJ because it only requires 1 shot *

1. Jabs, past 24 hrs: 215, 066 (Wed: 194, 891)
2. Total doses: 7, 297, 912
2. Adults fully vaccinated: 2, 835, 930 (7%)
* #Pfizer full vaccinations = 1, 376, 285
* #JnJ full vaccinations = 1, 459, 645
3. Why are we not yet doing 300 000 jabs per day?
Shortage of jabs:
- We received fewer Pfizer doses in July than June, but we vaccinated more people
- Our 1.49 mil JnJ jabs that Aspen released to JnJ on Mon haven't yet been handed over to @healthza (hopefully on Fri morning)
Read 3 tweets
Our #BhekisisaWebinar is now live — ‘procurement, policy and partnerships: pandemic lessons for the #NHI’. Follow the link to join our panel or follow along on Twitter
A reminder of our speakers this afternoon. #BhekisisaWebinar #NHI
(@afrobarometer) Presents a report on the impact of #COVID19 on South Africans. #BhekisisaWebinar
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