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#BREAKING S. Africa's President Ramaphosa files bid to annul damning parliamentary panel report: court papers ImageImage
#BREAKING S. Africa's ruling ANC says will vote against any parliament bid to remove Ramaphosa ImageImage
#UPDATE South Africa's ruling party on Monday warned it would not back any motion at an upcoming parliamentary debate that would lead to a vote for removing President Cyril #Ramaphosa, under fire over a burglary scandal ▶️ Image
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70 presidents and prime ministers from Europe and Africa are arriving right now for day 2 of the #EUAUSummit in Brussels.

The big-picture geopolitical context: #Europe is trying to convince #Africa to choose them as a partner instead of #China.
European and African leaders have just held a press conference announcing a compromise on the issue of #Covid19Vaccines and IP rights.

The EU will set up technology transfer hubs in Africa to scale up production. But this falls short of the #TRIPSwaiver African countries wanted.
"We’re doing this in the right order," insists Macron.

"We first donated doses, now we’re launching these technology transfer hubs so we can develop the manufacturing sites for MRNA manufacture...Then we need the purchasing commitment."
Read 8 tweets
[Thread] 1. #Ramaphosa:
1. 60% of 60+ and 50% of people of 50-59 years have received at least one #COVID vaccine dose
2. @healthza's goal = to vaccinate 70% of adults by the end of the year. This could save up to 20 000 lives.
2. #Ramaphosa:
1. To reach the goal of vaccinating 70% of adults by the end of 2021, we need to vaccinate 16 mil more this year
2. That means we need to vaccinate 250 000 people each week day
3. #Ramaphosa
1. SA is launching #VoomaVaccination weekend on Friday. This weekend is the first in a series of Vooma weekends.
2. Why? Because not enough people are turning up for vaccinations (we need to do 250 000 per day to reach our goal; today we did 146 190)
Read 4 tweets
[Thread] 1. What % of SA adults have been fully or partially vaccinated?

1. Fully vaccinated: 4.7% (Limpopo = 6.2%)
2. Partially vaccinated (1 #Pfizer dose): 9.1% (1 dose provides 94% protection @ hospitalisation as a result of infection with the #DeltaVariant)
2. Is #VaccineRollOutSA scaling up? Yes. Here’s the timeline for every 1 mil doses recorded on the #EVDS (data = @healthza dashboard):

1 mil: 28 May
2 mil: 16 Jun (19 days)
3 mil: 30 Jun (14 days)
4 mil: 8 Jul (8 days)
5 mil 16 Jul (8 days)

Graph = @mediahackza/@Bhekisisa_MG
3. What does the 1-mil timeline in the previous tweet tell us? We now take 8 days to administer 1-mil jabs. Initially we took between 14 + 19 days. If we reach #Ramaphosa’s goal of 300 000 jabs/day, we’ll get close to 1 mil jabs every 3 days (we’re now doing about 220 000/day).
Read 9 tweets
Breaking: #Ramaphosa says SA moves from Alert Level 3 to Alert Level 1 from later this evening once the regulations have been gazetted. Gatherings will be permitted subject so limitations on size.
#Ramaphosa: Religious, social, political and cultural gatherings are allowed. The maximum nr of people at any gathering = 100 for indoor gatherings and 250 for outdoor gatherings.
#Ramaphosa: Nightclubs will remain closed. The sale of alcohol = permitted. But no alcohol can be sold during curfew hours. Masks are still mandatory. Failure to wear a mask remains a criminal offense.
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#Ramaphosa: A year after #COVID reached our shores, there are several safe and effective #COVIDVaccines. SA's scientists have led the way internationally with identifying variants.
#Ramaphosa: In the ten days since we launched our #COVID vaccination study/programme more than 60 000 #HealthWorkers have been vaccinated. A news batch of 80 000 J&J jabs arrived in SA yesterday.
#Ramaphosa: The number of #COVID vaccination sites will be expanded this week (for the second batch of 80 000 J&J vaccines) — from 17 to 49. Of the 49 sites, 32 will be at public health facilities and 17 at private health facilities.
Read 5 tweets
[Thread] 1. SA is rolling out its first #CovidVaccines in the form of an implementation study for health workers. That means only workers participating in the study are allowed to get vaccinated. So how come #CyrilRamaphosa could get a shot?
2. Changes to study protocols can be made if there are good reasons. Protocols are "rule books” that stipulate how a study will be conducted. They explain who can take part and what will be tested. SA's roll-out study will look at real-life implementation of the J&J jab.
3. In the case of the J&J jab, our regulator, @SAHPRA1, adjusted the study’s protocol to:
* Include government officials with health qualifications
* Include #Ramaphosa + #Mabuza
The reason? To “encourage vaccine uptake and reduce vaccine hesitancy”.
Read 11 tweets
President #Ramaphosa: My Fellow South Africans,
As I address you this evening, the country has just received the deeply sad news of the passing of the outgoing Auditor-General Mr Kimi Makwetu.
President #Ramaphosa:  During his term as Auditor-General, Mr Makwetu served his country with dedication, with distinction and with integrity.
Our thoughts and prayers are with his family at this time of great sorrow.
President #Ramaphosa: As a nation, let us continue to do what we know must be done to keep ourselves and others safe.
Let us continue to demonstrate that we are a people of resilience and courage.
Read 6 tweets
President #Ramaphosa: My Fellow South Africans, We have lost many lives to this pandemic.
Many of us have had to bid farewell to a loved one, a friend or a colleague.
President #Ramaphosa: As we look back on a year of much pain and sorrow, it is important as a nation that we should honour and remember all those who have succumbed to this disease.
President #Ramaphosa: It will be appropriate that during the #16DaysofActivism for No Violence against Women & Children – which is the second pandemic we are confronting – we demonstrate remembrance of all those who have departed due to #COVID19 pandemic & gender-based violence.
Read 7 tweets
President #Ramaphosa: Fellow South Africans,
From the onset of this crisis, we have sought to both save lives and protect livelihoods.
President #Ramaphosa: That is why in April we introduced a massive economic and social relief package to limit the effects of the pandemic on companies, workers, households and communities.
President #Ramaphosa: This intervention was essential to keep businesses afloat, to protect jobs and to prevent millions of people from going hungry.
Read 20 tweets
President #Ramaphosa: As we have said before we need to utilise various tools in our coronavirus toolbox to fight this virus.
We can also use technology to fight the virus.
President #Ramaphosa: I call on each of you to join the 700,000 South Africans who have downloaded the Covid Alert SA mobile app.
President #Ramaphosa: The Covid Alert app can notify you if you have been exposed to the virus – whether it is in a taxi, a shopping mall or a social gathering – and it does so without sharing your location or any personal information.
Read 21 tweets
President #Ramaphosa: To ensure that we can keep all the necessary prevention measures in place, we are, as required by the Disaster Management Act, extending the National State of Disaster by another month to the 15th of December 2020.
President #Ramaphosa: The second area of concern that we need to pay attention to is the upcoming festive season, during which many South Africans travel to other parts of the country and where people tend to gather socially.
President #Ramaphosa: These activities, if not undertaken responsibly, pose the greatest immediate threat to our management of the pandemic.
But we can avoid a second wave if we each play our part, if we remember what we need to do to keep ourselves and others safe.
Read 15 tweets
President #Ramaphosa: To date, South Africa has recorded 742,394 coronavirus cases. Of these people, over 92% have recovered.
But the greatest blow we have suffered since the start of this pandemic are the confirmed deaths of 20,011 people due to COVID-19.
President #Ramaphosa:  While we have a relatively low fatality rate compared to many other countries, we cannot begin to calculate the loss and anguish that these deaths have caused.
Since the beginning of this crisis, our goal was both to save lives and protect livelihoods.
President #Ramaphosa:  As we rebuild our country in the midst of this pandemic, this must remain our overriding concern.
Although infections have stabilised, many people are still getting infected every day and we remain vulnerable.
Read 17 tweets
President #Ramaphosa: My fellow South Africans,
We have not had our national family meeting for some time.
It has been many months now since the outbreak of the coronavirus in South Africa.
The pandemic has caused great hardship for all our people.
President #Ramaphosa: After such a long time of uncertainty and worry, we all wish for a return to normal life. I know that many of us are suffering from coronavirus fatigue.
The problem is that we have begun to forget that the virus is still present all around us.
President #Ramaphosa: As I speak to you this evening, the COVID-19 pandemic is worsening across the globe.
The world has just recorded its highest number of weekly new cases since the start of the pandemic and the highest number of weekly deaths.
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President #Ramaphosa: Our greatest challenge now – and our most important task – is to ensure that we do not experience a new surge in infections.
Several countries around the world have been hit by a ‘second wave’ or a resurgence of infections.
President #Ramaphosa: A number of these countries had passed the peak of the disease and had seemingly brought the virus under control.
Some of them had even lifted most of the restrictions on economic and social activity.
President #Ramaphosa: In many cases, the second wave has been more severe than the first. Several countries have had to re-impose a hard lockdown. Our public health response is now focused on further reducing the transmission of the virus and preparing for a possible resurgence.
Read 12 tweets
President #Ramaphosa: Guided by the advice of our health experts and after consultation with provincial and local government, Cabinet has decided to place the entire country on alert #level2, with effect from midnight on Monday, the 17th of August 2020.
President #Ramaphosa: Alert Level 2 in terms of our risk adjusted strategy in dealing with the pandemic means that there is a moderate Covid-19 spread of the virus with a relatively high health system readiness.
President #Ramaphosa: The move to level 2 means that we can remove nearly all of the restrictions on the resumption of economic activity across most industries.
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[Statement] EE cautiously supports the decision to temporarily close public schools, as the @DBE_SA & PEDs work to address legitimate & serious concerns raised by teachers & learners about some schools being unsafe & inadequately supported to re-open

We welcome the confirmation from @PresidencyZA #Ramaphosa, that the National School Nutrition Programme will continue to provide food to learners while at home over the next 4 weeks, to lessen the detrimental impact of school closures on learners.
The initial phasing back of only grades 7 & 12 learners will relieve of the pressure on schools, brought about by the return of more grades earlier this month. As a movement of learners, we are still very concerned about the impact of extended school closures on children.
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President #Ramaphosa: Fellow compatriots, Ri perile, Dumelang, Sanibonani, Molweni, Ndi madekwana, Gooie naand, Good evening. It is exactly 10 weeks since we declared a national state of disaster in response to the coronavirus pandemic. #CoronaVirusSA
President #Ramaphosa: Since then, we have implemented severe and unprecedented measures – including a nation-wide lockdown – to contain the spread of the virus.
President #Ramaphosa: I am sorry that these measures imposed a great hardship on you – restricting your right to move freely, to work and eke out a livelihood.
Read 115 tweets
President #Ramaphosa: My Fellow South Africans,

This week, our country reached a sad moment in the progression of the coronavirus pandemic, as we recorded our 219th death from the disease.

Every life lost is a tragedy.

#COVID19 #CoronaVirusSA
President #Ramaphosa: These 219 people who passed away had families, they had dependents, friends and colleagues. Their lives were cut short by a virus that has caused human and economic devastation across the world.
President #Ramaphosa: In recording and reporting on the daily figures of new infections, deaths and recoveries –– we can too easily lose sight of the fact that we are dealing with human lives.
Read 93 tweets
President #Ramaphosa: My Fellow South Africans, it has been exactly seven weeks since the first case of the coronavirus was confirmed in our country.

Since then, all our lives have changed in fundamental ways.

#COVID19 #CoronaVirusSA
President #Ramaphosa: As a nation we have been forced to take aggressive action against an invisible enemy that threatened our lives and the lives of our loved ones.

We have been forced to adapt to a new way of living, in a short space of time.
President #Ramaphosa: As we enter the fifth week of an unprecedented nation-wide lockdown – and as we look to the future – we should remember why we are here. The #coronavirus, which was identified in the Chinese city of Wuhan in December, has spread rapidly across the world.
Read 82 tweets
President #Ramaphosa: Fellow Compatriots, it is 25 days since South Africa began a nation-wide lockdown to contain the spread of the #coronavirus. It has demanded of you great fortitude and endurance.
President #Ramaphosa: It has caused you much suffering and required much sacrifice. Once again, I salute you and I thank you. The #coronavirus pandemic has disrupted your lives and damaged our economy.
President #Ramaphosa: Its severity will continue to take a heavy toll in the weeks and months to come. The pandemic has resulted in the sudden loss of income for businesses and individuals alike, deepening poverty and increasing hunger.
Read 82 tweets
President #Ramaphosa: At midnight tonight, it will be exactly two weeks since our country entered into an unprecedented nation-wide lockdown to contain the spread of the coronavirus.

#COVID19 #CoronaVirusSA
President #Ramaphosa: During the course of these last two weeks, your lives have been severely disrupted, you have suffered great hardship and endured much uncertainty.
President #Ramaphosa: We have closed our borders to the world, our children are not in school, businesses have closed their operations, many have lost their income, and our economy has ground to a halt.
Read 92 tweets
President #Ramaphosa: We are now entering a new phase in the fight against the #COVID19 pandemic.

In the coming days, government will be rolling out a screening, testing, tracing and medical management programme on a huge scale.
President #Ramaphosa: Around 10,000 field workers will be visiting homes in villages, towns and cities to screen residents for COVID-19 symptoms.

People with symptoms will be referred to local clinics or mobile clinics for testing. #CoronaVirusSA
President #Ramaphosa: People who are infected with coronavirus, but who have no or moderate symptoms will remain in isolation at home or at a facility provided by government and those with severe symptoms will be transferred to hospitals.

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President #Ramaphosa: My fellow South Africans,

It is a week since we declared the coronavirus pandemic a national disaster and announced a package of extraordinary measures to combat this grave public health emergency.

#COVID19 #CoronaVirusSA
President #Ramaphosa: The response of the South African people to this crisis has been remarkable. Millions of our people have understood the gravity of the situation.

#COVID19 #CoronaVirusSA
President #Ramaphosa: Most South Africans have accepted the restrictions that have been placed on their lives and have taken responsibility for changing their behaviour. I am heartened that every sector of society has been mobilised & has accepted the role that it needs to play.
Read 40 tweets

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