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Jan 13th 2023
We are pleased to share that @MoviePass announced today it has raised its seed financing led by @animocabrands w/participation from Claritas Capital @GaingelsVC & others. Animoca Brands’ executive chairman @Ysiu will join the board of MoviePass.

2/ @MoviePass will use the new funding to accelerate the beta relaunch of its #movie theatre subscription service and to develop & implement the company’s #Web3 strategy, including #VR #cinema experiences and using #technology to drive traffic to theaters.

3/ "@MoviePass has a strong vision for #technology in the field of entertainment and our #investment demonstrates our commitment to maximizing the value that MoviePass can deliver across the film industry. ” said @ysiu, executive chairman & co-founder of @animocabrands.

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Oct 24th 2022
1/ The correct headline should be how Asia the worlds largest market for gaming is taking the lead from the west in #blockchain #NFTs #gaming because Western Gamers won't let their companies enter #blockchaingames a 🧵👇 the #nft hate is predominantly a US/western gamer issue
2/ Studios like @SquareEnix a @sandbox @animocabrands investor and Krafton the creators of @PUBG (and +others) are making major moves into #NFT #blockchain games, asian gamers welcome the innovation as they appreciate the benefits……
3/ Last year many of the largest game companies like @EA were presenting #blockchain #play&earn and #NFTs as the future of the game industry. The assessment is correct but unlike their asian counterparts are unable to venture into the space - for now…
Read 9 tweets
Aug 26th 2022
1/ #blockchaingaming is here to stay .@AxieInfinity has trailblazed #playandearn #nftgames, but it’s also a natural target for anyone against #NFTs and #web3 #blockchain games. This hostility is unwarranted, unfair and often without the benefit of facts and context.
2/ .@AxieInfinity remains one of the most played #NFT games in the world with the following metrics:

771,000 monthly-active on-chain users
370,000 weekly-active on-chain users
2.3 million Axie holders
4 million Ronin wallet downloads $AXS $RON #blockchaingames
3/ The financial strength of @AxieInfinity is starkly evident, with current FDV close to $4B (it listed at $27M). It not only weathered a major hack but also repaid all losses to affected players, a testament to its durability and care for the community.…
Read 13 tweets
Jan 18th 2022
1/ Proud and humbled to announce @animocabrands raising US$358,888,888 in a round led by @LCVentures with investors kingsway @tyler @cameron @Gemini @georgesoros @sequoia @paraficapital @smilegroup_in and many more #openmetaverse frens for details a 🧵👇…
2/ Our vision is to help build and construct the #openmetaverse based on important concepts such as openness, equity, digital property rights, and a nonzero-sum approach where users become citizens with actual ownership and rights #NFTs #blockchain…
3/ The threat to building a #metaverse that is owned by a majority interest comes from those that want to build a closed metaverse who already have control of all our data and are monetizing off the data that we gave up for free…
Read 8 tweets
Oct 30th 2021
1/ Meta formerly known as Facebook today is to the #Metaverse what the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (North Korea) is to democracy. The real metaverse is open has true digital data ownership and is governed by a majority interest i.e. its users…
2/ Facebook commands the attention of 2.89 billion users but because they own all our data it is today the complete opposite to what a truly interoperable and open metaverse should be. They are the new Digital Kings (and of our data) and which King willingly gives up his Kingdom?
3/ Interestingly Mark Zuckerberg briefly discusses #NFTs and digital ownership but in very vague terms, the way to ensure Meta embraces #NFT and #blockchain is to educate the world what #digitalpropertyrights truly means…
Read 11 tweets
Oct 20th 2021
1/ .@animocabrands is excited to announce its new strategic fundraise from @Ubisoft @LCVentures @dragonfly_cap @Com2uS @DTAPCAP @sequoia china @justinsuntron @lucytokenbay and others at a $2.2 billion pre-money valuation!…
2/ We had raised $138,888,888 just in the last quarter so this raise was about the strategic benefits that our new group of investors could bring to the #openmetaverse #NFTs which @animocabrands has been actively supporting with now over 100 companies in the fam.
3/ Portfolio companies like @opensea @dapperlabs @AxieInfinity @YieldGuild are leading the way in demonstrating the growth and potential of #NFTs #playtoearn and all the disruptive opportunities they represent…
Read 8 tweets
Sep 20th 2021
1/ .@punk6529 from the perspective of @animocabrands an investor in @decentraland and owner of @TheSandboxGame we'd like to to offer our perspective of the importance and relevance of Metaverse Land #NFTs
2/ Onboarding can only happen if it is desirable to do so, Greenland is the size of the entire U.S. east coast but has a population the size of a small town. Many reasons why but more, cheap or free land has not onboarded more people into their countries…
3/ indeed New York has the attention of 8m people but so does Bogota but its land is significantly less expensive. Why? The per capita influence of New York is higher which is what makes it more desirable and why you want to live there. Metaverse Land functions similarly.
Read 8 tweets

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