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Apr 29th 2020
#Corbin was one of a group of young #Protestant intellectuals in #Paris who discovered the work of #KarlBarth (1886-1968) the Swiss reformed theologian whom he met in Bonn in 1931 1/
Barth was known for his dialectical theology starting with his Commentary on the Epistle to the Romans (#DerRömerbrief) published in 1919; in 1934 he openly opposed Nazi authority insisting upon the absolute sovereignty of the divine and returned to Switzerland 2/
‘Faith is awe in the presence of the divine incognito; it is the love of God that is aware of the qualitative difference between God and man and God and the world’ 3/
Read 26 tweets
Nov 18th 2018
This thread is for my own personal record. When I stopped watching #Netflix, I started using #Audible #Audiobooks to read. I 'read' all the time now. This is the first free book i purchased when I signed up for the 30-day trial. It's 28 hours long.…
When I stopped watching #Netflix I started using #YouTube. I found some interviews and lectures of @jordanbpeterson and thought his intellect fascinating. I bought #MapsOfMeaning first because it was more expensive and the first book is free. This was 2nd:…
After reading both of Dr. Peterson's books I was convinced that I would benefit gaining the wisdom he has by reading what he reads. Most of his books reference many of the same authors so I went looking for a list. Of course he has one. Recommended
Read 27 tweets
Nov 14th 2018
I don't know if people realize this, but this country wouldn't be here if it weren't for nationalists.


a person who advocates political independence for a country.

#JFK #Nationalist #IndependenceDay #DeclarationOfIndependence
Yes that's right our country was founded by Nationalists and Patriots.


A person who vigorously supports their country and defends it against enemies or detractors.
#JFK reading the #DeclarationofIndepence in above tweet found at
Most people Don't know that another mysterious organization was founded just 2 months before the #DeclationOfIndependence was signed. That organization was the #Illuminati. This occulted organization persisted in one form or another til #JFK and up to now.…
Read 26 tweets

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