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Jun 18th 2023
1/ So klang das Entsetzen der Kinderärztin Dr. Margarete Daiber-Helmbold über die #STIKO-Impfempfehlung für Kinder ab 5 Jahren aus dem Mai 2022, zum Ausdruck gebracht in einem Brief an ein #STIKO-Mitglied:

„Sehr geehrter Herr Kollege …,
Erfahrungsgemäß lohnen sich in diesen …
2/ … Zeiten kaum noch kritische Statements.
Trotz meiner Sprachlosigkeit über Ihre heutige Kinderempfehlung möchte ich mein Entsetzen darüber zum Ausdruck bringen.
Nun haben wir die #Pandemie fast hinter uns, in meiner kinderärztlichen Praxis waren fast alle Kinder an …
3/ … der #Omicron Variante erkrankt, die geimpften genauso wie die ungeimpften, keines musste stationär behandelt werden, keines ist an #LongCovid oder #PIMS erkrankt. Nun fängt auch für die Kleinen der soziale Spießrutenlauf in Kita und Grundschule an. Ich könnte inzwischen …
Read 10 tweets
May 29th 2023
🇮🇹 Dr. Roberto #Petrella : Il y aura bientôt une fausse pandémie appelée #Marburg ! Il s'agit d'une fièvre hémorragique similaire à #Ebola, un virus hautement mortel. Il s'agit en fait d'une mauvaise conséquence du💉 #COVIDー19. Le vaccin est déjà en cours de fabrication.
Les véritables Covidiots sont les femmes et les hommes qui croient au narratif officiel de l’Organisation mondiale de la santé (une entreprise privée dont le principal bailleur de fonds est l’eugéniste Bill #Gates) sans se poser d’autres questions.…
“Nous avons fait une grosse erreur a déclaré Byram Bridle, immunologiste viral et professeur associé à l’université de Guelph, en Ontario. ⤵️
Read 11 tweets
Apr 15th 2023
According to a new update from @WHO, the #Marburg outbreak in Equatorial Guinea is now up to 15 confirmed cases plus 23 probable cases.
All of the probable and at least 11 of the 15 confirmed cases have died (3 recovered, fate of one is unknown) Image
Of the last 5 cases, 4 were reported in Bata district.
„The presence of confirmed cases in Bata increases the risk of disease spread, as it is the most populated city and economic hub of Equatorial Guinea, with an international airport and port.“
Of the four Bata cases, three have an epidemiological link through a family cluster or through health care setting.
„The fourth and most recent case was reported on 7 April; an investigation of this case is ongoing to establish transmission chains…“
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Apr 15th 2023
1. @WHO has issued an update on the #Marburg outbreak in Equatorial Guinea. It is not reassuring. A 🧵
Before getting into it, a note on the Marburg outbreak in Tanzania. WHO says the case count remains at 8, with 5 deaths. If accurate, this outbreak doesn't seem to be growing.
2. Equatorial Guinea: The case count is up to 38 confirmed & probable #Marburg cases; at least 89% are dead. Authorities don't know the identify/whereabouts/disease outcome of 1 case. (shudder)
The most recent case tested positive on April 7. Not yet clear how s/he got infected. Image
3. There is no reason to think this outbreak is coming under control. Equatorial Guinea is lucky in that #Marburg doesn't seem to transmit as well as Ebola; Marburg outbreaks have historically been smaller. But one can't assume a Marburg outbreak will be small. See Angola 2004-05
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Mar 29th 2023
LIVE: Media briefing on global health issues with @DrTedros…
"In #EquatorialGuinea, WHO is on the ground with partners, supporting the Ministry of Health to respond to the #Marburg outbreak. We have deployed teams to assist with case finding, clinical care, logistics, and community engagement"-@DrTedros
@DrTedros "The number of officially reported #Marburg cases remains at 9, with 7 deaths, in three provinces. However, these three provinces are 150 kilometres apart, suggesting wider transmission of the virus"-@DrTedros
Read 22 tweets
Mar 27th 2023
Boy, I goofed. I confused in my memory banks two different original outbreaks -- Lassa and Marburg, mis-recalling things I wrote nearly 30 years ago.
I apologize. And here, I will quote a section of THE COMING PLAGUE referring to #Marburg in a thread. Image
2/"In August 1967 three factory workers in #Marburg, German, reported in sick, suffering from muscle aches & mild fevers. The three men were employed at Behringwerke AG, the vaccine-producing subsidiary of pharmaceutical giant Hoechst AG, and though their ailments looked.."
" nothing more than flu, it was quite unusual for influenza to appear during Germany's hot summer months. The men were referred to #Marburg University Hospital.
The following day the three became nauseated, their spleens enlarged and were tender to the touch..."
Read 13 tweets
Mar 26th 2023
Aerosol exposure of monkeys to #Marburg virus.

Experimental conditions. Uniformly fatal.…
“…however, for the 2 cases in tourists visiting Uganda in 2008, unprotected contact with infected bat feces or aerosols are the most likely routes of infection.”…
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Mar 23rd 2023
1. #Marburg in Equatorial Guinea: @WHO's @DrAbdiMahamud says like other countries when the first deal with a viral hemorrhagic fever outbreak, Equatorial Guinea is on a learning curve. Said with a first outbreak, countries can be tempted to think "this could go away."
2. @DrAbdiMahamud said with evidence of additional #Marburg cases spread out over 3 provinces in Equatorial Guinea, the country has now "recommitted" to combatting the outbreak.
Case count: 9 confirmed, 20 probables.
3. A concerning detail about the Equatorial Guinea #Marburg outbreak: Of the 8 most recent positive cases, 6 are dead, 1 is alive & one is ... unknown. A sample tested positive, but there was no identifying info on the sample. (see bottom of page 2.…
Read 3 tweets
Mar 23rd 2023
The #MarburgVirus is a cousin of #Ebola & there are outbreaks now in Equatorial Guinea, on the borders of Gabon & Cameroon & on other side of Africa, in Tanzania, all on the heels of Ghana outbreak last year. @WHOAFRO @WHO & African CDC are mobilized.
There are 6 major subtypes of #Marburg which is a bat-carried hemorrhagic RNA virus. The subtypes seem to have different fatality rates in humans -- up to 100%. The current strains have not yet been genotyped, so it is unclear what is going on, @WHO says.
MORE Image
It's possible these are coincident events.
It's also possible something is going on w/bat populations across equatorial Africa, which would be worrying.
@WHO 's Dr. Abdi Rahman Mahamoud just said in presser there are "more questions than answers."
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Mar 23rd 2023
LIVE: Media briefing on global health issues with @DrTedros…
"On Tuesday, #Tanzania confirmed its first known cases of #Marburg virus disease. So far, 8 cases have been confirmed, including 5 deaths. More than 160 contacts have been identified and are being monitored"-@DrTedros
@DrTedros "National responders trained jointly by WHO and the @CDCgov have been deployed to the affected region to carry out further investigations, monitor contacts and provide clinical care"-@DrTedros #Tanzania #Marburg
Read 33 tweets
Mar 22nd 2023
There is finally an update on the #Marburg situation in Equatorial Guinea:
Total now stands at 9 confirmed and 20 probable cases. A month ago there was only one confirmed case.

27 of these cases have died (including all probable and 7 out of 9 lab confirmed cases)
13 March: two positive tests from Kié-Ntem province
15 March: a case from Litoral province tests positive
„The two provinces (Kié-Ntem and Litoral) are located in different parts of the country, about 150 kilometers apart“
18 and 20 March: 3 more cases confirmed from Litoral province.
20 March: 2 more laboratory confirmed cases reported from Centre Sur province.
Read 6 tweets
Mar 7th 2023
#WEF | World Economic Forum officially began to advertise the Marburg virus, the PCR test and the vaccine against it🤔…

#WEFpuppets #Vaccine #Virus #ClownWorld #BillGates
#Marburg the Next #Pandemic | #WEF already launching #propaganda campaign for the next "#Catastrophic Contagion", the next #Plandemic | #MarburgVirus 🙆‍♂️
20-year-old clip from #AlexJones and Dr #RimaLaibow telling us about all that has been happening all these years

#WHO is already getting ready for the next planned "pandemic" ... they have already started introducing the global population to the existence of the next coming planned "pandemic" now!! -> Marburg Virus.

#WEFpuppets #Vaccine #Virus #ClownWorld #BillGates #ClimateScam
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Feb 26th 2023
1. @WHO has finally issued an update on the #Marburg situation in Equatorial Guinea. The "finally" is not criticism of WHO. They issue these with info provided by an affected country & sometimes countries are not eager to share information.
The situation is complex.
A 🧵
2. There has only been 1 confirmed case of #Marburg so far, but that is mainly because 8 other people suspected of having had the disease died without testing. This is Equatorial Guinea's first #Marburg outbreak & @WHO is concerned about the country's capacity to cope. Image
3. There have been no cases in health workers yet, a blessing given 1 of the people who died was in a health care setting at death. People who are dying of Marburg are teeming with virus; preparing bodies for burial often results in infection, which may have been the case here. Image
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Feb 21st 2023
The indications of a Marburg virus infection can be very similar to other illnesses or conditions. However, symptoms can become increasingly severe as the disease progresses. This can lead to deadly consequences such as multi-system organ failure.
While diagnosis of #Marburg can be difficult and requires a molecular diagnostic test, if you are in an area with an outbreak and experiencing any symptoms it is important to be evaluated.
More information on Marburg virus infection symptoms can be found at the CDC:…
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Feb 19th 2023
3 weeks after the first human trials of the Marburg vaccine show "promising results", the WHO makes an official announcement regarding concerns of a Marburg outbreak in Africa

what a relief we have the vaccine to fall back on AND they are already telling us development can be speeded. It is being developed at USA's National Institutes of Health NIH where Faucci is the Director

the investigational vaccine appeared to induce strong, long-lasting immunity to the MARV glycoprotein: 95% of participants in the trial exhibited a robust antibody response after vaccination, and 70% maintained that response for more than 48 weeks.
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Feb 16th 2023
📃Decálogo de recomendaciones preliminares urgentes #GTUAAN-@GepiSeimc -#SEIMC sobre manejo clínico de #pacientes en españa en el contexto del brote de enfermedad por #virus #marburg en Guinea Ecuatorial 🇬🇶 🧵
Podéis descargar el documento aquí: seimc-rc-2023-recomendaciones_marburg.pdf
@javimembrillo et Al. A fecha de la emisión de este documento, según @WHO-AFRO y el #CCAES hay 9 fallecidos, 16 sospechosos y 4.000 personas en #cuarentena. GTUAAN-GEPI-SEIMC emite las siguientes #recomendaciones para ayuda en la implementación de medidas en centros sanitarios:
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Feb 15th 2023
LIVE: Media briefing on global health issues with @DrTedros…
"Last night I returned from #Syria, where I visited areas affected by last week’s devastating earthquake. I saw the destruction of entire communities, the unspeakable suffering of people, & the courage & determination of survivors & responders"-@DrTedros
@DrTedros "In Aleppo, I met people in temporary shelters set up by community and religious groups;

I saw neighbours supporting each other with bedding, clothes and food;

I saw health workers providing medicines and consultations"-@DrTedros #Syria
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Feb 13th 2023
This will become potentially relevant. Just an FYI;)
Raise you hand if you know the intermediate host of #Marburg.
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Oct 1st 2022
1. Does it feel like we're seeing far more filovirus outbreaks (#Ebola, #Marburg) in recent years? It does to me so I plotted outbreaks into a graph. No lab accident cases, or outbreaks with only lab animals, ie 1967 Marburg. Each outbreak is only counted on the year it started. Image
2. Likewise, I didn't count spread to other countries as distinct outbreaks, like the #Ebola cases in Spain, the US & Nigeria, etc from the 2014 West African outbreak.
So it definitely feels like #Ebola & #Marburg outbreaks have been more frequent since the mid-1990s. Image
3. Some of that increase in frequency could be real. Climate change? Better detection of outbreaks. But some of it is probably due to the fact that #Ebola outbreaks beget more Ebola outbreaks. The more Ebola survivors there are, the higher the risk of survivor-ignited cases. Image
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Jul 27th 2022
1. #Marburg: Concerning details from @WHO about the Marburg outbreak in Ghana. The 2 newest cases (#3 & #4) are the wife & child of the first case, who died June 27. @SoceFallBirima says the child was infected through contact with the mother, not Case #1. The child has died.
2. The wife, #Marburg case #3, refuses to go to a treatment center where she can be safely cared for. She is in a prayer camp, where the practice of laying on of hands is used to try to heal people, @SoceFallBirima said. The response team is trying to negotiate her transfer.
3. This is a dangerous situation which could result in a number of additional #Marburg cases in the Ghana outbreak.
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Jul 22nd 2022
1. A short #Marburg 🧵
@WHO issued an update on the cases of Marburg in Ghana today. It didn't declare the outbreak over, but it did say that all 108 known contacts of the 2 cases have gone through 21 days without becoming sick, so they are in the clear. Good news. Image
2. However, investigations into the two men — both of whom died — have not revealed how they contracted #Marburg. Hard to rule out the possibility there might be other, as yet undetected cases. This is the first time Marburg has been detected in Ghana. Image
3. Both men were from the Ashanti region of Ghana, the most heavily populated part of the country. One of the men — the first to seek care — had traveled to the western part of Ashanti before he became ill & he was buried in the Savannah region. It was not a safe burial. Image
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Jul 12th 2022
LIVE: Media briefing on #COVID19 and other global health issues with @DrTedros.…
"I am concerned that cases of #COVID19 continue to rise - putting further pressure on stretched health systems and health workers - and deaths are unacceptably high"-@DrTedros
@DrTedros "The Emergency Committee on #COVID19 met on Friday last week and concluded that the virus remains a Public Health emergency of International Concern"-@DrTedros
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Jul 7th 2022
#WHO #Gana, iki #Marburg virüsü hastalığı vakasının ön bulgusunu açıkladı ve eğer doğrulanırsa, bunlar ülkede kaydedilen bu tür ilk enfeksiyonlar olacaktır.
#Gana, iki #Marburg virüsü hastalığı vakasının ön bulgusunu açıkladı ve eğer doğrulanırsa, bunlar ülkede kaydedilen bu tür ilk enfeksiyonlar olacaktır. Marburg, daha iyi bilinen #Ebola virüsü hastalığı ile aynı aileden yüksek derecede bulaşıcı viral hemorajik ateştir.
Ülkenin Noguchi Memorial Tıbbi Araştırma Enstitüsü tarafından iki hastadan alınan örneklerin ön analizi, Vaka'ların Marburg için pozitif olduğunu gösterdi.
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Apr 26th 2022
Via #vincenzotrasmissioni @eretico_l
Callender:"nelle persone a cui sono stati iniettati "vaccini" mRNA (che in realtà non sono vaccini) sono state installate nanotecnologie che trasportano carichi utili di virus chimerici incluso il virus Marburg"
Via #vincenzotrasmissioni

Tecnologia che distruggerà l'azienda olandese ASML: in Russia è iniziato lo sviluppo di una fotolitografia
Read 72 tweets

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