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Dec 22nd 2021
Countdown to #FairDistricts - Day 0
Here's the fallout from yesterday:

The result is CD 13.9. 4 Safe R (CDs 2,5,8,9), 3 Mostly Safe D (CDs 3, 4, 7); 2 Competitive (CDs 1,6)
Other than irrelevant changes to vote shares for very safe districts, the main effects on competitiveness was to make CD4 less competitive (I call it a mostly safe D) and CD6 more competitive by a little bit.

I'll post @PlanScore when I get it...
See you back here at 9:00 for the VOTE and then deliberations on the State Legislative Plan. Let's hope Commissioner Lerner was able to sleep well. And that the Republicans - all three of them - did not.
Read 4 tweets
Dec 6th 2021
This is a rehash in some degree of the actions of @ArizonaIRC Commissioner David Mehl, the chairwoman @ErikaNeuberg and the @SALCLeaders to KNOWINGLY and DECEITFULLY promote the purely partisan #TucsonGerrymander to benefit a sitting #AZGOP State Legislator, @VinceLeach
and in doing so undermine the integrity of the @ArizonaIRC itself.

Commissioner Mehl used his position of public trust on the @ArizonaIRC to advance a personal, partisan interest. That is the textbook definition of corruption.
That he attempted it in full-daylight makes it no less corrupt. The fact that he tried to hide it shows he knew it was corrupt. @ErikaNeuberg feigns confusion as to why this is fundamentally different from the @NNHRC1, the #LatinoCoalition or others submitting proposed districts.
Read 23 tweets
Dec 5th 2021
Happy Sunday!
Today is a breather from the 5-plus hour hearing yesterday and the first day of @ArizonaIRC mapping "real" districts tomorrow starting at 9:00 am - Link to view:

Countdown to #FairDistricts - Day 17
And sharing the link to time-stamped, computer generated transcripts here (current now through December 3)
Please note: Transcripts from @ArizonaIRC of recent hearings and upcoming mapping sessions will not be available until AFTER they have voted on final maps.
Just one more measure of how little they value transparency & public participation. And how much we DO! You're welcome!
Read 4 tweets
Dec 1st 2021
Annette Alvarez - LD 29 -- attends GCC - remove Peoria from CD 3
Marybel - Add Glendale - they are neighbors, friends and have similar experiences w/ Avondale. DO not include Peoria - they have different experiences. Please create district that will listen to people in our community.
Back to Pine Top --- -- On behalf of 17K members of San Carols Apache Tribe - submits letter - LD 6 and Cd 2 in current drafts - any proposal that fractionates the Am Indian population will dilute their voice.. Imperative to maintain a robust Am Indian opportunity district.
Read 39 tweets
Nov 30th 2021
Countdown to #FairDistricts - 22 DAYS!
Waiting for @ArizonaIRC business meeting to begin. This evening is a public hearing on the draft maps in Avondale and Pine Top. More details here:…
Oh wait - here they are -- what did we miss? On Item agenda #5! WTF? is this #Transparency?
Geneal mapping update - 201 published plans. Q: how many have the @ArizonaIRC actually considered? not more than a handful. Not a great way to generate public trust.

I am so offended by them patting themselves on the back for these "metrics".
Read 71 tweets
Oct 28th 2021
Seems like a good day to remind @ArizonaIRC what the voters approved in 2000 by 56% of the vote. The official title:
An amendment to the constitution of Arizona. Amending Article IV, Part 2, Section 1, Constitution of Arizona; relating to ending the practice of gerrymandering~
~ and improving voter and candidate participation in elections by creating an independent commission of balanced appointments to oversee the mapping of fair and competitive congressional and legislative districts.
The Descriptive Title:
Amending Arizona Constitution to create a 5-member "Citizens' Independent Redistricting Commission" with no more than 2 members from each political party and no more than 3 members from each county, to draw
Read 13 tweets
Oct 28th 2021
Countdown #FairDistricts for Arizona -56 Days!

Tomorrow the @ArizonaIRC will likely 1) approve an outreach plan for the 30 day comment period and 2) vote to accept official draft plans for new congressional and legislative districts. Like or retweet if you commit to participate
Like or retweet if you commit to participate to secure quality healthcare for all Arizonans
Like or retweet if you commit to participate to secure safe roads and infrastructure for all of Arizona
Read 6 tweets
Oct 25th 2021
Countdown to #FairDistricts for All of #Arizona: 59!
With just a bit of time before the @ArizonaIRC makes changes, here are the top takes and a district-by-district summary: 1) #PoorPinal County looks like road kill. It is divided into five districts and
its communities are connected with neighboring MarCo & Pima counties, but also Yuma and Sedona; and as far north as Coconino Co. Adding insult to injury, two of the splits are to accommodate changes integrated into the plan from the @SALCLeaders to achieve their very grand plan
for a S AZ "economic driver." Clearly, they did not consider Pinal Co. As a partner in that plan.

2) The very, very, very worst district is LD 7. This district is just a mess. Not even pictures of cats could fix this. And it creates messes all over the place.
Read 46 tweets
Oct 21st 2021
Here I am again - Day 7 of 7 (or 9) mapping days with the @ArizonaIRC. Counting down are 62 days to #FairDistricts if they meet their aspirational deadline of Dec. 22. I'm not much of a gambler;50/50 is my take at the moment. What odds would Vegas give?
You know the drill by now:
Here is the link to follow along:…

The link to make comments during the meeting today:…

And the 24/7 comment link:
OH -- and if you have the personal contact info of Commissioner David Mehl of Cottonwood Properties and @SALCLeaders - he is also accepting comments. Just an option if you feel you are not being heard equally.
Read 68 tweets
Oct 21st 2021
Count-Down to #FairDistricts for AZ: 62 Days

Tonight there are 119 "citizen submissions" on the AIRC Hub. Seven more than the 112 that were posted this morning. One of those submissions is from the Southern Arizona Leadership Council @SALCLeaders -a group founded by
Commissioner Mehl in 1997. What makes this map stand out is the submitters messaged Commissioner Mehl to tell him they had submitted a map. Want to know what it is now called? Draft version 6.3. in the official draft map lineage.

Maps from two other groups have been brought
forward for serious consideration by the @ArizonaIRC. One, a single legislative district, was submitted by the Navajo Nation Human Rights Commission @NNHRC1 on behalf of the Navajo Nation (a sovereign Native American Nation).
Read 13 tweets
Oct 20th 2021
They are back - and immediately headed into E-Session for guidance on VRA -for the 2nd time in 6 hours. Maybe they really need better legal counsel @BallardSpahrLLP and @SWLawNews. And draft maps do not yet exist -
BACK - Live -- does it look like @ArizonaIRC is pleased?
Dr @ndc_doug ready to talk through CD maps - This is 5.2
Read 37 tweets
Oct 20th 2021
Count-Down to #FairDistricts for AZ: 64 Days

The Navajo Nation submitted a proposed legislative district map today that would have protected the existing voting power of the Navajo Nation and other northern Arizona Am. Indian tribes.
It asked for a population deviation of 7%. @ndc_doug said: we can still keep within the overall 10% planned deviations as this is considered presumptive constitutional. We just have to be very careful on the districts that are over, make sure none of them is over by more than 2.95%

Commissioner Mehl said: "With all due respect to their request. I think it just goes counter to everything we've talked about these things actually in detail and voted on them and at one point
Read 16 tweets
Dec 25th 2019
'Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the state
A whole bunch of folks just weren't doing so great;
With no health insurance, and school weeks 4 days
The legislature was unworthy of praise. #moleg
Lawmakers were sleeping all snug in their beds
While visions of #DarkMoney danced in their heads.
The will of the people they chose to ignore;
Democracy seemed just too much of a chore.
To make voting easy, they simply refused
For a map with #fairdistricts, they just had no use.
The roads they were crumbling, the bridges were too;
Where cement was needed, the fix was but glue.
Women and doctors were growing irate;
Their bodies and freedoms now seized by the state.
Our unions and workers faced ruthless attack
Wishing for someone who just had their back.
Read 8 tweets
Jun 16th 2019
Opinion piece from Ohio State Senator Cecil Thomas:
"Ohio needs a new congressional map sooner rather than later"
#FairMaps #FairDistricts…
So what’s next? I urge Ohioans to get or stay engaged. Contact your state lawmakers and Statehouse leadership. Demand they get to work on a new map – now. Keep a watchful eye out for the Supreme Court ruling on Maryland and North Carolina’s maps.
Even if the ruling is not in our favor, gerrymandering threatens fairness in our elections and Ohio voters have recognized that the time has come for it to end. In the words of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., "Justice too long delayed is justice denied."
Read 3 tweets

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