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Aug 1st 2021
"Everyone wants to win, but sometimes there are more important things than being the winner."
On Friendship Day, felt like sharing this incident again.....
An incident happened at a cross country race in 2012, but it is a story well worth repeating.
The race was taking place in Navarra, Spain. Ivan Fernandez Anaya was a long distance runner from Spain. He competed in cross country races & marathons.
Abel Mutai was a Kenyan athlete who had been in the lead. Ivan was behind him.
Kenyan runner Abel Mutai was only a 10 mtrs frm d finish line,but got confused with d signs & stopped, thinking he had finished d race.
Ivan Fernandez, was right behind him &,realizing what was going on,started shouting to d Abel to keep running but as he didn't know Spanish,
Read 10 tweets
Aug 1st 2021
అంతర్జాతీయ స్నేహితుల దినోత్సవ శుభాకాంక్షలు..... #InternationalFriendshipDay

స్నేహమేరా జీవితం.....స్నేహమేరా శాశ్వతం అన్నాడో కవి. కలకాలం నిలిచిపోయేది స్నేహమని, సృష్టిలో తీయనైంది స్నేహమేనని ఎందరో కవులు పేర్కొన్నారు. స్నేహితులంతా కలిసి ఒక పండగ సంవత్సరంలో ఒక రోజును జరుపుకోవాలని
నిర్ణయించుకొని జరుపుకుంటుంన్నాము.
రక్త సంబంధాలకూ, బీరకాయ పీచు బంధుత్వాలకూ, చత్వారపు చుట్టరికాలకూ అతీతంగా ఉండేది స్నేహం.
నిజానికి వాటన్నిటికన్నా అందమైనదీ, అపురూపమైనదీ, అద్భుతమైనదీ, అత్యున్నతమైనదీ స్నేహమే. ఇటువంటి ఎన్నో విశేషణాలు జోడించి స్నేహాన్ని వర్ణించడానికి చేసిన ప్రయత్నంలో ఎన్నెన్నో కథలు, కవితలు రూపొందాయి. కానీ స్నేహానికి వివరణలు, వర్ణనలు, తాఖీదులు, హామీలు అవసరం లేదు.
Read 20 tweets
Aug 2nd 2020
मी अडीच वर्षा पासून सोशल मीडिया वर नव्हतो.पण नंतर मी लवकर आणि खऱ्या बातम्या नवीन गोष्टी बघण्यासाठी म्हणून @Twitter चालू केले. मला या ठिकाणी सुरुवाती पासून खूप चांगला प्रतिसाद मिळाला आणि त्यातच खूप जवळचे मित्र भेटले.
खासकरून @The_NitinD @Ok_Bharatiya @KaduAmol
@MrBabarMatiKAR @AJBhagwadhari @pandehrushikesh या दादानी खूप चांगले मार्गदर्शन केले. समविचारी असल्याने या सर्वांच्या पोस्ट बघण्यात आनंद वाटतो. वेळोवेळी योग्य त्या सूचना मार्गदर्शन केले.
कधीही न भेटलेलो आम्ही सर्व खूप जुनी मैत्री असल्या सारखे बोलतो.आणि या सगळ्या सोबत
काही जणांची उडवायला खूप मज्जा मस्ती होते.वेगवेगळ्या ठिकाणी असलेले ऐतिहासिक गोष्टींची माहिती मिळते.
Read 4 tweets
Aug 4th 2019
If you have even one real friend in your life, every day can be celebrated as #FriendshipDay. Sudama had one! And the best one anyone could ask!

A short photo-thread on the various visual representations of their immortal friendship! ☺🙏

This miniature from 16th century.
Another beautiful miniature from the Kangra school.

Krishna is busy in his palace as Sudama arrives at his door. A Sakhi is telling Sudama that he can't see krishna now. As Sudama is pleading... ☺

And they finally meet! Like long lost friends! ☺

This should be an Amar Chitra Katha illustration. Looks like one at least. ☺

Read 13 tweets
Dec 4th 2018
"I shall leave my dreams in their argent air,
For in a raiment of gold and blue
There shall move on the earth embodied and fair
The living truth of you..."


(Art: Unknown)
"Storm is the dance of the locks of the God assenting to greatness..

Veiled in events he lives and working disguised in the mortal
Builds our strength by pain, and an empire is born out of ruins..”


(Art: Leslie Abraham)
"Yet all we dream and hope are memories treasured,
Are forecasts we misspell,
But of what life or scene he who has measured
The boundless heavens can tell.."


(Art: KaalChakra, Konark Sun temple)
Read 22 tweets

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