For in a raiment of gold and blue
There shall move on the earth embodied and fair
The living truth of you..."
(Art: Unknown)

Veiled in events he lives and working disguised in the mortal
Builds our strength by pain, and an empire is born out of ruins..”
(Art: Leslie Abraham)

Are forecasts we misspell,
But of what life or scene he who has measured
The boundless heavens can tell.."
(Art: KaalChakra, Konark Sun temple)

Therefore we seek, but find not that Eden. Planting & spoiling
“This is the garden” we say,“lo,the trees & this the river”
Vainly redeemers came, not one has availed to deliver"
(Art: N. Sombart)

Of darkness, then God’s dagger rips the sky.
Small is the blade & narrow to the eye
The rift; but through it seas of light shall pour
And through it the world-shaking thunders roar.."
(Art: N. Roerich)

Born from the mute unseen omniscient Ray:
The Voice that only Silence’ ear has heard
Leaps missioned from an eternal glory of Day.."
(Art: Rassouli)

What flame wearst thou that wraps thee with its power..
It's the fire of an awakened soul
Aspiring from death to reach Eternity,
The wings of sacrifice flaming to their goal,
The burning godhead of humanity"
(Art: R.Anger)

The rhythmic worlds describe that passion-dance.
Life springs in her and Mind is born; her face
She lifts to Him who is Herself, until
The Spirit leaps into the Spirit’s embrace."
(Art: USGS)

I am that Madan who inform the stars
With lustre and on life’s wide canvas fill
Pictures of light and shade, of joy and tears,
Make ordinary moments wonderful
And common speech a charm.."
(Art: @keshav61)

When mind pinnacled is lost in thy Light-Vasts…
I'll know that the game was well worth the toil whose end is thy divine embrace"
(Art: Rassouli)

Golden he came,
Armed with the flame,
Looked on the world that his greatness and passion must free."
(Art: Priti Ghosh)

Who follow ancient virtue & the paths
Of the old perfect dead; ever my face
Turns steadfast to that radiant goal, self-vowed
Its sunflower. To the drear wilderness I go.."
(Art: Sanjay Patel's 'Ramayana: Divine Loophole')

Thy smile within my heart makes all my strength;
Thy Force in me labours at its grandiose plan,
Indifferent to the Time-snake’s crawling length.."
(Art: Sachin Nagar, Artstation)

Vague, wide, some veiled Maker, masked Lighter of the Fire:
With dire blows the Smith of the World
Forged strength from hearts of the weak.."
(Art: Parashurama, Rani ki Vav, @veejaysai)

The undivided mother infinite
Indignant for his severing thought of God.
Now in a trance profound of joy by her
Conceived, she sprang again to livelier birth
To heal the sorrow & the dumb divorce"
(Art: N. Bose)

Man, devouring, devoured who is slayer & slain through the ages
Since by the beast he soars held & exceeds not that pedestal’s measure.."
(Art: John Pitre)

Go not from thee,—surrounding me stand.
In thy own love’s diviner way
Make me too love thee without end.."
(Art: Niranjan Guha)

In wondrous lights & sealing shadows caught,
& every night & every day have sought?
Pilot eternal, friend unknown embraced,
O, take me to thy shoreless self at last.."
(Art: @keshav61)

Brings brilliant out
A living world; forth into space they wind,
The shining rout,
& hate & love, & laugh & weep, enjoy,
Fight & shout.."
(Art: Nityam Singha Roy,…)

My heart to syllables, make all desire
One burning word, then would my letters yearn
With some reflection of that hidden fire.."
(Art: Pallavi Jain,…)

Wherein my soul they bound;
Myself resigned
To servitude my mind;
My heart than thine no sweeter slavery found.."
(Art: The Mother's sketch for Champaklal)

O sculptor of the living shapes of earth,
O dramatist of death & life & birth,
World-artist revelling in forms & hues
Hast Thou shaped the marvel of the whirling spheres.."
(Art: Bindu,…)