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Oct 8th 2022
It took my legs a few minutes to warm up this morning, but glad to report that long morning walks remain easy, in contrast to later in the day. #Totnes is waking up beautifully ☀️
5 miles walked this morning, with no adverse effects. Then strimmed & mowed a lawn. Great to not be worried about my heart and lungs as I got a real workout from the gardening. However, I'm mindful of the warnings of some with #LongCovid that I should continue to pace myself.
Read 73 tweets
Jun 4th 2021
Our latest data shows that #COVID19 outbreaks linked to #school settings & cases among school-age cohorts have remained low and broadly reflected what is happening in the wider community.

Find out more here:…
The latest PHE data suggest there have been 97 confirmed #COVID19 outbreaks in primary & secondary #schools that have had at least one #variant case linked to them over the most recent 4-week period.

This represents around 1 in 250 schools.

More info:…
To ensure we continue moving in the right direction and reduce the risk of #COVID19 entering our schools, families should carry on testing children as they return to #school after #HalfTerm.

Find out more about returning to school safely on our blog:…
Read 3 tweets
Feb 15th 2021
#HalfTerm provides an important chance for families to enjoy quality time together.

Now more than ever, it’s important to try to find the fun.

So if you have run out of ideas for activities in lockdown, fear not - we have some suggestions. 📃


🧭 Navigate without GPS
🌟 Go star gazing
🧺 Have a car picnic
🏎️ Build a box-kart
🌿 Forage for food
🎣 Go fishing
🌳 Make a treehouse

🏛️ Tour ancient Rome
🐼 Visit a virtual zoo
🗺️ Explore the world
🧙‍♂️ Spend the day at Hogwarts
🎨 Paint with Bob Ross
🦕 Join a dinosaur adventure
🐠 Take a guided aquarium tour
Read 6 tweets
Mar 16th 2020
Day 1/14 of #QuarantineLife

• worked from home
• 12 meals prepped, eaten, tidied
• laundry pretty progressed
• many cups of tea
• kids sharpened all the pencils
• got our unfinished jigsaw puzzle from 2018
• stupid bloody cough

Day 2/14 of #QuarantineLife

• wore oldest shittiest clothes & didn’t style hair because nobody is going to see me
• doorbell didn’t stop ringing all day
• positivity beginning to teeter at times
• comfort eating more carbs than usual
Day 3/14 of #QuarantineLife

• caught glimpse of myself in mirror. Looking feral.
• been wearing same ancient clothes for days
• merlot has run out
• fresh tomatoes have run out
• tried feeling sorry for myself then remembered Anne Frank. This is 5* isolation.
Read 81 tweets
May 26th 2019
We gave our two teenage boys the challenge to eat for 5 days on a budget #halfterm
They spent £10 each @asda
Let's see if your choices last the week
To be continued ....
Read 22 tweets

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