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Aug 28th 2021
Thread: Why are we doing #HCWForVaccines? 5.13B doses of #COVID19 #vaccine have been given worldwide (33% of 🌍w/ 1+ doses), but only 1.6% of people in low-income countries have had a dose. This is unconscionable. A picture is worth a thousand words. #MedTwitter 1/X
That means even high-risk ppl--elders, HCWs--may not have had a dose. In #Zambia, a country I have worked in twice, there are ~800 practicing drs. A simple 3d contest like #HCWforVaccines can enable ALL OF #MedTwitter there to #GetVaccinated. And more. Think about that! 🤯 2/X
You can think: "There are 1.2B people in #Africa. When we started #HCWforVaccines 3d ago, 2.48% were #vaccinated. When we end at 11p, that % will be the same." OR "The đź’° we've raised could vax thousands of #MedTwitter, who will be alive & healthy to save MANY lives." 3/X
Read 4 tweets
Aug 27th 2021
A #HCWforVaccines thread about the power of #gratitude & action. So, 2 days ago, my #HCWvsHunger co-captain & muse tweeted this out of the blue, tagging me. 👇 1/X
And I immediately texted her that she needed to give me a heads up because:

1) I can’t say no to this
2) I can’t say no to @acweyand
3) Last time we did this (#HCWvsHunger, Team #FeedalizumabGiveocin), I didn’t shower or even sleep almost at all for 4d.

But also… 2/X
This was coming at a really bad time because in the last week:

1) My out of warranty iMac on which I depend had just permanently died.
2) My car on which I depend had just permanently died (& p.s. it’s impossible to find a 🚗 now:
3/X #HCWforVaccines
Read 8 tweets

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