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Feb 11th 2022
Hello Twitter! My name's Steve (pronouns: they/any 🏳️‍🌈 ) and I am currently a Visiting Researcher at the University of Leeds, funded by the @_ISRF and researching #disabled people's involvement in #cooperatives in the UK. My research website is
My profile on the @_ISRF website:…
This is a one-year research project, funded from September 2021 to Sept 2022, but I've only been able to "go public" and recruit participants now (Feb 2022) due to waiting for university ethics committee approval.
However, I am hoping that this research can continue in some form beyond the funded period, and I definitely intend my website to remain in existence as a resource for #disabled people and #cooperatives.
Read 18 tweets
Dec 22nd 2021
#COVID19, fraud, murder, operator changes, awards ... the @_McKnightsSL #seniorliving #yearinreview has it all! #YIR Image
#YearInReview: 2021 began with the hope that the new #COVID19 vaccine would help control a pandemic that had caused so much illness, death, loneliness, isolation and worker fatigue in long-term care in 2020. #seniorliving #YIR
#YearInReview: #COVID19 vaccines, boosters and corporate and federal mandates still dominate life for #seniorliving workers and operators.… #YIR
Read 33 tweets

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