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Aug 5th 2022
THREAD In 1995 after #Oluja I reported from #Bosnia on #Serb refugees fleeing #Croatia.
A guy, 25 driving a tractor loaded w/ women & children shouts: “Hey, jounalist, remember me?” I didn’t. “In July 91 [after Struga massacre] you told my commander ‘your parastate [#Krajina] /2
2/ can’t exist, you should find a way to reconcile with #Croatia, it is your country'. They kept telling us we’ll never lose, that Serbia is behind us, but as time went on I oft thought about your words. I sensed you were right & we were headed for our own destruction”. Then & /3
3/ there I had nothing to tell him. Every refugee said “our own army ordered us to head away from home”. It was a cynical calculation by Serb leadership (I cannot claim whether Croatian Serbs decided on their own or if Milošević & the Karadžić lot from Bosnia influenced it). /4
Read 7 tweets
Aug 4th 2022
NIZ: Jedan od malobrojnih poštenih i iskrenih iskaza sa srpske strane o #Krajina i #Oluja. Od onoga koji je na kraju svoje postupke svojom odlukom i svojom rukom platio glavom:
“Izlazim pred ovaj Tribunal s dubokim osjećajem sramote i kajanja. Dozvolio sam sebi da sudjelujem /2
2/ u progonu najgore vrste, protiv ljudi, samo zato što su oni bili Hrvati, a ne Srbi. Nevini ljudi su bili proganjani, nevini ljudi su nasilno istjerani iz svojih kuća i nevini ljudi su ubijani. Čak i nakon što sam saznao što se dogodilo šutio sam o tome. Još gore, nastavio /3
3/ sam sa službom i kroz moje vlastite aktivnosti postajao osobno odgovoran za nehumane postupke koji su pogodili nevine ljude.
Žaljenje koje osjećam zbog toga je bol s kojom moram živjeti ostatak života. Ovi zločini i moje sudjelovanje u njima nikada ne mogu biti opravdani. /4
Read 8 tweets
Apr 14th 2021
Dalmatia through history.
Part III:

In previous 2 threads you could have read:
1) about the therm Dalmatia and what it meant in the time of creation
2) what was left of her after crash of Roman authority and arrival of Slavs

In this "sequel" we will see how Dalmatia, from the scattered cities and islands, has become what we consider Dalmatia today.

I will also explain where the historical pretensions of the Italians to Dalmatia came from.

Let's go in order.
Everything we do and don't know about Dalmatia in the period of 2 centuries after the arrival of the Slavs, ie the end of organized Roman rule and written news about the events in it can be underlined and summarized by the provisions of the Peace treaty in Aachen, signed in 812.
Read 51 tweets
Sep 1st 2020
Let's be clear..
#Croats, #Bošniaks, #Albanians & Montenegrin #DPS activists who cry about election result in #Montenegro & call #Serbs fascists are revisionists & ideological heirs of Nazi supporters in Balkans, who formed SS divisions & exterminated Serbs, Jews & Roma in WW2.😏 ImageImageImageImage
2. Fact that some Atlantist, #NATO & EU mouthpieces are upset by this result lies in the fact that NATO turned into a new Axis in the 90s & resurrected the Ottoman, Austrian, Italian, German & Komintern politics in the Yugoslav #Balkans:
Foster divisions & conquer divided people. ImageImageImage
3. Milo is an opportunist who changed master w/ the wind.
Once favorable to unified #Serbia, he turned his jacked to save his ass & benefit from the situation.
Like in #Kosovo, #NATO would support mobsters in #Montenegro to break-up #Yugoslavia, no matter the cost for the locals. Image
Read 6 tweets
Aug 23rd 2020
4 covers of "Le Petit Journal" dedicated to #Serbia in WW1. (1/2).
Courtesy of, found on a Tweet that I cannot find again, hence RT. ImageImageImageImage
4 more covers of "Le Petit Journal" dedicated to #Serbia in WW1. (2/2).
Courtesy of, found on a Tweet that I cannot find again, hence RT. ImageImageImageImage
3. These 8 covers show pro-Serbian feeling & encouragements pushed in #Paris during #WW1.
At the time, #France was trying to obtain the establishment of a #Balkan front in order to help #Serbia, pincer #Quadruplice & alleviate Western front.
80,000 French died there.
And we won.. ImageImageImageImage
Read 27 tweets
Jul 22nd 2020
Here's an interesting tweet that I dug out because I wanted to talk about #France, after talking about #Serbia this night.
Indeed France betrayed Serbs in the 90s, & has been holding onto it since.
I guess it deserves an explanation, from a Frenchman who's not on a payroll.
2. First, as an Historical reminder, what #France betrayed was something big. 200 years of joint History since a wave of Serbian diplomats & scholars came into France to see what we were doing, & then Prince Petar Karađorđević fought in the Franco-Prussian War on the French side.
3. France, despite its ties with the Ottoman Empire, progressively supported Serbia against it because it needed a new foothold in the Balkans, & #Serbia and Serbs showed interest, & huge appreciation for French intellectual & artistic movements. This relationship grew until WW1. Image
Read 54 tweets

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