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Aug 16th 2020
As I predicted. #Putin is waiting in the wings. If #Lushenko falls is #Belarus, #Russia will invade under a mutual defense pact. This puts the #RussianArmy head-to-head against #NATO countries in the #Baltics as #Trump scrambles NATO formations. #BigMess…
@thewademethod If #Russia invades #Belarus to save #Lushenko & binds now independent nation into Russia a 'la #Crimea, what will #China do? #Belarus invasion puts #NATO on alert & draws resources. Great time for big event in #SouthChinaSea. They are allies & we are pinned down. #TrumpPutin
It's getting ready to happen. #Russia state TV just does not call for invasions for the hell of it. The invasion of #Belarus by #Putin, almost immediately after #Trump tears up the #NATO war plan by scrambling the forces. Was this planned with sweet nothings in #Trump's ear?
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