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Oct 22nd 2022
The lies 2020:

Don’t Panic, we go for #herdimmunity, #children can’t spread it and won’t be harmed

What was really
And use #schools as a tap for controlled spread. No transparency, no testing no mask

Lets spread the lie that mask simply don’t work

Here #polarisation starts driven by misinformation and intransparancy by your government. Everybody could see that the measures were nog in line with urgency.

What were they hiding? Why no #zerorisk #zerocovid with borders closed. It could be done

2020: wait we know this will
Lead to many many deaths but the #vaccin is almost here, working hard, we know the #SPIKE is a big thing, hold on #Hopium being built.

Meanwhile lets keep up the lie of children not important to monitor😢 we know from SARS they build less #antibodies lets presume they just not
Read 31 tweets
Mar 30th 2020
"At least six of Spain's 17 regions were at their limit of intensive care unit beds, and three more were close to it, authorities said. Crews of workers were frantically building more field hospitals."…
"Smaller U.S. cities are about to witness the rapid acceleration in coronavirus cases that New York is seeing."

"Nearly 15% (almost 13K) of all those infected in Spain are health care workers, hurting hospitals' efforts to help the tsunami of people gasping for breath."
"#Moscow went on its own lockdown Monday as all of Russia braced for sweeping nationwide restrictions. The Russian capital of 13 million accounts for over 1,200 of the country's more than 1,800 coronavirus cases."
Read 10 tweets

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