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Nov 9th 2022
Swiss #multinationals are responsible for at least 2-3% of global greenhouse gas emissions, if indirect emissions are taken into account. These numbers are similar to Brasil, Japan or Indonesia, despite Switzerland’s comparatively small population and size. 🧵
According to a @McKinsey study, greenhouse gas emissions directly controlled by multinational enterprises in🇨🇭are 7 to 10 times higher than the country’s domestic emissions. And that’s without including the emissions along these enterprises’ value chain. Here’s how 👇
In relation to its size, Switzerland is among the countries with the highest climate-damaging greenhouse gas emissions worldwide. Externalising negative consequences of its wealth has been a part of the “Swiss business model” for a long time.
Read 11 tweets
Mar 16th 2021
Waarom is het belangrijk dat @PolitiekBIJ1 een plek krijgt in de Tweede Kamer?

Een blik op de voorstellen van @AmsterdamBIJ1 die werden weggestemd door @GroenLinks020, @d66amsterdam, @pvda_amsterdam en @SP_Amsterdam spreken boekdelen.

Een draadje met tien voorbeelden. #StemBIJ1
Motie van @AmsterdamBIJ1 en @Denk_Amsterdam om er bij de #politie op aan te dringen #sanctiebeleid te maken voor politiemensen die zich schuldig maken aan #etnischprofileren. Weggestemd door o.a. GL, D66, PvdA, SP, PvdD en CU. #StemBIJ1

Het bonnetje:…
Amendement van @AmsterdamBIJ1 om #zelforganisatie van #bewoners in #ontwikkelbuurten te stimuleren door hier extra geld voor te reserveren. Weggestemd door o.a. GL, D66, PvdA en SP. #StemBIJ1

Het bonnetje:…
Read 13 tweets
Apr 5th 2020

Important thread.

Q: What does #Imperial College, the World Economic Forum (#WEF), #Salesforce, #Sinovation Ventures (Chinese technology venture capital), #ABB (#automation technology), global artificial intelligence (#AI), all have in common? Image
A: #Vaccines, #EmergingMarkets, #gene editing - via the Fourth Industrial Revolution

[It is important to Important to note that on June 13, 2019 WEF officially partnered with the UN. On March 11 2020 it announced partnership w/ WHO to form "COVID Action Platform for business." ImageImageImageImage
Jan 24 2019: "Imperial scientists present #vaccine revolution to world leaders at WEF in Davos"

Academics from Imperial's Network for Vaccine Research, joined heads of G20 & other states, #CEOs of #multinationals, members of int. orgs & other scientists at the #WEF meeting. ImageImageImageImage
Read 30 tweets

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