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Sep 29th 2021
Fundamental #BritishValues & #Democracy the Vision

Versus the Reality

#Embedding #Prevent-laced No Outsiders, #QueerTheory project
to #deradicalise potential #radicals & #homophobes from #nursery in Birmingham
#DfE declared..#Social, #Moral, #Spiritual & #Cultural..purposes maintained thru promoting #FBV

Translated in Birmingham as
#QueerValues to deradicalise
embedding #StonewallLaw
that erases tolerance, freedom of thought/religion/speech/ belief &
#threatens #democracy
#Prevent-laced No Outsiders, ideological marriage made in heaven to target the Muslamic Radicals embedded in nursery kids,
the epicentre school is reborn after the scandal & the 'enemy within' removed

& in 2019 the 'enemy at the gates' returns EX-EHRC CHAIR 's programme title
Read 10 tweets
Jul 12th 2021
#mindfulmonday THREAD & we're all about gratitude! It starts with us as parents, carers, caregivers, grown ups. Show up for your little one's by helping them appreciate the small things in life. The things that make the 🌎 beautiful, sparkle, shine.
We know it's been a tough year. We've been #homeschooling, #parentinginapandemic and working. It's been rough, full stop. But remember the clapping, the rainbows, the neighbourly kindnesses. That's the human in us all shining through.
This week, try to focus on #gratitude. 🙏

Here's some ideas! 👇👇 What works for you?

🏺Make a gratitude jar together
👀 Spend some time appreciating your surroundings together
💬 Talk about what makes your little ones happy. Tell them.
Read 7 tweets
Aug 11th 2019
Thread - #Appeal: #Sindh Govt should impose Emergency & call PAK Army - #UrbanFlooding reports from several areas of #Karachi

1. Lath Dam overflow, water can effect, #Malir, Gadap Town, Northern Bypass & Super Highway.

#KHIAlerts #KarachiRain #KarachiSinks
2. #Malir Naddi overflowed, rainwater entered in surrounding residential areas.

3. Nala overflow at #KalaBoard, water entered in surrounding residential areas.

4. Nala overflowed at #Korangi 36 G.

#KHIAlerts #KarachiRain #KarachiSinks #Karachi
5. Gujjar Nala overflowed at FC Area.

6. #StarGate area is unreachable.

7. #Gulbahar area is unreachable.

8. Nala overflowed in #Korangi Gulzar Mehmood Colony.

9. Urban Flooding at KDA Chowrangi.

10. Urban Flooding at #Hyderi.

#KHIAlerts #KarachiRain #KarachiSinks #Karachi
Read 27 tweets

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