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Dec 4th 2019
Been watching season 3 of #TheCrown?
Despite 2000 years of stone construction, #London has no indigenous building stone. Its geology is sand, gravel and clay. Stone has been imported since #Roman times along the #RiverThames to build that amazing city.
#nspoli #NovaScotia #mining Image
To build #Londinium (starting in 47 AD), Romans imported stone from many places in #England and from as far away as #Egypt, #Greece and #Italy. Part of the Roman defensive wall is still visible and many buildings have been uncovered (amphitheatre, forum, bath houses, etc)
#nspoli Image
Medieval #London had narrow streets and timber-framed, thatch houses so the #GreatFireofLondon destroyed much of it in 1666. Legislation afterward required stone or brick construction to prevent future fires. #Halifax NS passed a similar bylaw in 1857 after several fires.
#nspoli Image
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