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Jun 8th 2021
@SDCAnews “Today we revealed the most sophisticated effort in disrupting the activities of criminals operating around the globe. Let this serve as a warning to those criminals who believe they are operating under an encrypted cloak of secrecy-your criminal communications may NOT be secure"
@SDCAnews In an innovative effort, the FBI, with the help of the Australian Federal Police, launched their own encrypted communications platform and supplied more than 12,000 devices to hundreds of criminal organizations that operate around the globe. #FBI #OperationTrojanShield
Read 7 tweets
Jun 8th 2021

Wow! Big news!!

With this operation, #Encrochat #Sky #MPC & other encrypted networks being infiltrated, does this mean the end of #Drugs #Corruption #OrganisedCrime ?🤔


It's a brilliant operation BUT may have unintended consequences

A #Thread
I got sucked into doing some amateur study of the economy of drug trafficking because of brilliant TV shows.

When you study the numbers, understand the geo-politics, social, criminal & financial elements behind the global industry... you realise just how powerful it really is!🎬
If you trace the industry from;
- Areas of production
- Transit routes
- End Markets

Then look at the money flows;
-Peso exchange
-Hawala networks
-Trade based money laundering

Then the operational groups🧐

It's mind blowing in scale & influence @InSightCrime 🤯
Read 25 tweets
Jun 7th 2021
Seeing reports from around the globe that this may involve AN0M --- an encrypted chat application used by organized crime groups that was actually developed by the FBI. #OperationTrojanShield
Breaking: Police down under confirm FBI was secretly operating encrypted chat app AN0M for 18 months. Law enforcement watched criminals around the globe sell drugs and plot murders in real time. Anom[.]io now:
“Worldwide, 9000 law enforcement officials were involved in co-ordinated operations linked to the penetration of An0m.”…
Read 9 tweets

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