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Apr 20th 2023
Why #Kwarteng should have sacked the #Governor of the Bank of England.

Kwasi #Kwarteng would not have realised, when he first announced his intention to be a tax-cutting, pro-growth, fiscally-responsible #Chancellor that he had immediately set in motion the daggers that would be thrust in his back 38 days later.
The Bank of England, guardian of the nation’s wealth and cornerstone of its economic management originally started life as a private company, funded by subscription under Royal Charter in 1694, as a means to finance the public purse, depleted by various wars.
Read 39 tweets
Oct 14th 2022
🇫🇮 liikenteen #sähköistyminen etenee. Vaikka %-kasvu ennustettua, #sähköauto kpl myynti kärsii sekä #BEV-toimitusvaikeuksista että koko Euroopan laajuisesta autokaupan lamasta #Osborne

🇫🇮 uusien rekisteröinti 12-kk juokseva summa 100k/v => 83k/v 1/x
Käytettyjen autojen tuonti noussut isoon rooliin, 🇫🇮 tuodaan valtava määrä autoja edullisemman alv% ja suurempien hankintatukien maista 🇸🇪🇩🇪🇳🇱. Tuontivolyymit lähestyvät uusien autojen rekisteröintivolyymiä Sep 2022! 2/x
Valtio menettää alv-verotuloja valtavan summan, mutta toisaalta saamme nopeutettua #emobility kehitystä!

Uusien autojen rekisteröinneissä @VWGroup isossa roolissa (VW, Skoda, Audi, Seat) Sep 2022 #BEV. 3/x
Read 4 tweets
Mar 5th 2022
Feb 2022 update - #Nordic new personnel car registrations #BEV #PHEV #ICE per country 🇳🇴🇸🇪🇫🇮🇳🇱.

BREAKING: 🇳🇴&🇸🇪 12-month BEV% accelerating! Monthly % well above 12-month moving average. 🇫🇮&🇳🇱 slowing down for Jan-Feb 2022, below the trend🙁 1/x
For the 1st time I need to make different linear predictions per country for the middle part of the #BEV s-curve.

According to this 🇳🇴 will reach 100% by Dec 2023! 🇸🇪 will reach 50% early 2024, 🇫🇮 mid 2025 and 🇳🇱 by the end 2025. 2/x
🇳🇴 new personnel car market growth has stopped, but it looks very different to all other markets! This has helped 🇳🇴 car fleet #electrification, >16% is already #BEV.…

#ICE decline is a clear trend for both #diesel & #petrol, in that order. 3/x
Read 7 tweets

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