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Oct 16th 2020
The Prime Mole admits that insufficient garlic in the UK’s ‘oven ready’ meal deal offer is likely to be unpalatable to the EU. “I prefer to think it will now taste more like an exciting bushtucker trial with choice cuts of Kangaroo and Camel.”
#NoDeal #BrexitReality
The PM continues: “We have not made progress with the EU. Let’s not say ‘No Deal’, but rather the ‘Australia Option’. I am making alternative arrangements as we speak - I have ordered Oz style PPE from a ‘mate’ and will now make preparations to enter the jungle on WTO terms...”
PM’s deal with the EU is even worse than Iceland’s.
#Australia #NoDeal #OvenReady
Read 3 tweets
Sep 15th 2020
Every single one of these @Conservatives MPs last night voted

Against their own "Oven Ready Brexit" pledge made to the UK

To break international law they created 9 months ago

To give Johnson/Cummings dictator level powers

I have removed those voted against/no vote recorded
They voted to restore the Direct Rules power to the NI sec which gives him the ability to override NI's MPs and Councils

This will retrigger the troubles

They voted against the will of the people of NI

Who voted over 71.12% for the GFA and 55.78% to remain in the EU
Chris Skidmore

Pauline Latham

Adam Afriyie

Gagan Mohindra

Philip Dunne

Paul Bristow

Peter Aldous

Andrea Leadsom

Elizabeth Truss
Read 44 tweets
Jul 1st 2020
I'm supporting this call in the FT from UK's important medium sized businesses for a close #EU trade deal.

This is not about #remainers or #leavers. We have left the #EU, and it is now incumbent on #Government to deliver for us ALL on their promise.

And we rely on this promise of an ambitious, wide-ranging & balanced economic EU partnership not #NoDeal and not and #AustraliaDeal and not #Canada either. The bespoke #ovenready deal with no economic downside which needs close alignment on standards 2/3
And here the letter in full and the 110 signatures of entrepreneurs, small and medium sized businesses and manufacturers

Read 3 tweets

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