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2| What caught my eye in this @guardian article was the quote:

“In Israel there is a strong political movement to make #diplomacy through #business. Business first, diplomacy later. When you make a deal together, it opens a lot of doors to diplomacy.”
3| The notion that #profits trump #consent is rather disturbing, but perfectly in line with the product- #spyware.
Read 13 tweets
1/. Gross press freedom violations revealed by #PegasusProject can’t be met with impunity

Govts & agencies who’ve spied on journalists must provide answers on this misuse of NSO technology #Pegasus #PegasusSnoopgate @amnesty @globalfreemedia @pressfreedom…
2/. Journalists, MPs & human rights activists were selected as targets for surveillance by authoritarian regimes

#Pegasus is the spyware developed, marketed & licensed to govts around the world by the Israeli company NSO Group.
@citizenlab #PegasusProject
3/. In the months before he died & a year after his murder, people associated with Jamal Khashoggi, were selected for potential surveillance by clients of NSO

Hungary’s far-right govt is suspected of hacking phones of journalists & targeting owners
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