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Wanna know bout the effect on national security & global stability of #QuantumHacking in #Web3 #Crypto #AI #VR & #AR by nation-state-backed hacker groups like #USCyberCommand, #NorthKorea, #Iran, #Russia, & #China?

You do? Here's you're TL;DR to minimize your Units of Attention
APT (Advanced Persistent Threat) groups are a prime example of nation-state-backed hacker groups

#CozyBear (APT29), #LazarusGroup (APT38), #DoubleDragon (APT41), #FancyBear (APT28), and #HelixKitten (APT34) are some of the most well-known APT groups
These groups have been known to carry out cyber espionage, intellectual property theft, and sabotage. For instance, the #FancyBear APT group was responsible for the alleged 2016 US election interference
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Photo 🧵 1/👇Some facts about the #cyber company NSO Group: the maker of #PegasusSpyware, from the research for our latest visual in partnership with @alhaq_org, @BisanResearch, and #MindTheGap Consortium.
2/NSO Group and #PegasusSpyware continued...
3/NSO Group and #PegasusSpyware continued...
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How Pegasus spyware is piloted on Palestinians and deployed globally. New visual on #apartheidtech and #pegasusspyware via @visualizingpal, @alhaq_org, @BisanResearch and #MindtheGap Consortium. Image
Pegasus sypware enables the Israeli dirty tech giant NSO full access to targeted devices and data without the user clicking any malware. The rise of dangerous technology like Pegasus spyware marks the exportation of Palestinian mass surveillance to global civil society.
Journalists and rights activists across the globe have all been targeted by Pegasus spyware. In response to the pilot of Pegasus spyware and its subsequent global expansion, Palestinians are calling for a ban on the trade of mass surveillance technology.
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The Israeli government + private companies like NSO Group are exporting the Palestinian experience of mass surveillance under apartheid, threatening civil society globally.

New visual on #PegasusSpyware via @visualizingpal, @alhaq_org, #MindTheGap Consortium, @BisanResearch.
Pegasus spyware is just the latest example of #ApartheidTech piloted on Palestinians and deployed globally. Palestinian civil society is calling for a ban on the trade of mass surveillance technology.
Learn more about how the Israeli military functions as an incubator for private cyber companies like NSO Group, the maker of #PegasusSpyware in this fact sheet:…
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#SupremeCourt to shortly peruse the report submitted by th 3-member expert committee formed to probe into the alleged breach of citizens personal electronic devices with the #PegasusSpyware
CJI: The report is technical in the first part, then the part is by the overseeing judge. This is the joint report submitted and by the overseeing judge Justice Raveendran

#Pegasus #SupremeCourt
CJI: a file containing on the responses received is also enumerated. some of the confidential aspects is on section 3 which deals with malware, properties therein and how law enforcement agencies act on it

#Pegasus #SupremeCourt
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The Israeli government is partnering with GoK to help it build a “Cyber-Dome” – a national defence system - to fend off increasing digital attacks. - @BD_Africa
@BD_Africa has learnt that the Israel National Cyber Directorate (INCD) - a State-run defence entity devoted to protecting Israeli cyberspace - is helping @CA_Kenya to protect communications networks in the country.
The Israeli Cyber Directorate through its Cyber Emergency Response Team (CERT) has been working to strengthen the protection of Israeli organisations and its citizens in dealing with cyber-attacks and in preparing for emergencies.
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Journalists. Activists. Opposition leaders. All reportedly targeted with a military-grade spyware. This is a thread of stories from @thewire_in, as we mark one year of Pegasus revelations.
#Pegasus #PegasusSpyware…
NSO Group, the Israeli company which sells Pegasus worldwide, says its clients are confined to "vetted governments", which rules out the possibility that any private entity in India or abroad is responsible for the infections. | @svaradarajan…
@svaradarajan Access to the spyware, which is classified as military-grade software and produced by NSO Group, was reportedly part of a "package of sophisticated weapons and intelligence gear worth roughly $2 billion" between India and Israel, a report by @nytimes said.…
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1/6- The Editors Guild of India notes with deep concern, the claims made in the the New York Times report that in 2017 the Indian government bought Pegasus from Israel. Writes to Justice Raveendran committee to take cognisance of it.
#Pegasus #PegasusSpyware
2/6- Letter sent to Justice Raveendran, urging the committee to take cognisance of claims made in NYT report, and to seek responses from
@GoI_MeitY, @FinMinIndia @MIB_India @HMOIndia @DRDO_India
#Pegasus #PegasusSpyware
3/6- Letter sent to Justice Raveendran by the Guild in November 2021, with suggestions on procudures of inquiry, witnessss and evidence, as well as urging the committee to keep all proceedings open to public at large for greater transparency
#Pegasus #PegasusSpyware
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@ZounaidOsman I wonder who knows the secrets of many of the world's politicians...
@ZounaidOsman Who could apply pressure in just the right places to oust leaders and promote their agenda?
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71/. NSO's #Pegasus spyware has been repeatedly used by abusive govts to target peaceful human rights defenders, activists & critics

86 NGOs & independent experts are now asking the EU to #SanctionNSO & ban all use of its technologies
@hrw #PegasusSpyware…
72/. The mobile phone of Kamel Jendoubi a UN-backed investigator who was examining possible war crimes by the Saudi-led coalition in Yemen was targeted with spyware made by Israel’s NSO Group. #PegasusProject #Pegasus #PegasusSpyware #SaudiArabia…
73/. @AmnestyTech confirms @citizenlab's finding that Polish Senator @KrzysztofBrejza was hacked with #PegasusSpyware during the 2019 parliamentary election campaign

Ruling party chair admits buying #Pegasus but denies it was used for political purposes!…
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69/. The #PegasusProject has been awarded a @RSF_inter award for its impact

But what had the impact been so far?👇

Well done @FbdnStories @AmnestyTech @citizenlab @guardian @haaretzcom @lesoir @DIEZEIT @proceso @direkt36 @OCCRP @thewire_in @frontlinepbs
70/. “NSO Group is in crisis,” according to @HowellONeill in @techreview

“They are struggling & failing to reverse US sanctions & are $500 million in debt. There is doubt at the highest levels about their future”
#Pegasus #PegasusSpyware #pegasusproject…
71/. NSO's #Pegasus spyware has been repeatedly used by abusive govts to target peaceful human rights defenders, activists & critics

86 NGOs & independent experts are now asking the EU to #SanctionNSO & ban all use of its technologies
@hrw #PegasusSpyware…
Read 30 tweets
Extracting false confessions on non-existent crimes by torturing Palestinians, including kids has always been the zionist occupation standard.
You can watch a decent documentary on the subject in the link below.…
Deranged, yet unsurprising.
The problem has NEVER been the government, which zios especially liberal ones claim.
It is in fact the people themselves.
As the "israeli" president admitted
“It is time to honestly admit that Israeli society is sick”

Read 130 tweets
#Pegasus row: SC appoints expert committee to investigate spying allegations

The functioning of the committee will be monitored by the Supreme Court, the chief justice said.…
#Pegasus row: Supreme Court appoints expert committee to investigate spying allegations

The committee will be headed by former Supreme Court judge RV Raveendran.…
#Pegasus row: Supreme Court appoints three-member committee to investigate snooping allegations

Chief Justice NV Ramana said the Centre had not specifically denied allegations that it had used the spyware developed by an Israeli company.…
Read 9 tweets
#PegasusSnoopingCase: #SupremeCourt verdict shortly

Bench: Members of a democratic society have reasonable concern of privacy. Citizens need to be protected from violation of privacy.

#Pegasus #SupremeCourt Image
'Citizens need to be protected from violation of privacy', says #SupremeCourt while pronouncing order on #PegasusSpywareCase

#Pegasus #SupremeCourt #PegasusSnoopingCase…
#FPJLegal: #SupremeCourt constitutes #IndependentExpertCommittee to probe #Pegasus snooping allegations

The committee will be Supervised by Justice Ravindran, former SC Judge, assisted by Mr Alok Joshi and other experts.
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CJI NV Ramana led bench to deliver judgment on a batch of petitions seeking an independent probe into the #PegasusSpyware scandal which had allegedly compromised privacy of individuals and institutions

The judgment will be pronounced at 10.30 am today

The three-judge bench to assemble shortly
#SupremeCourt #PegasusSnoopgate
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61/. Human rights lawyer & husband of ex-PM, Cherie Blair has been revealed as ‘ethics advisor’ to NSO, the Israeli firm that sold #PegasusSpyware to human rights abusing govts

NSO are implicated in facilitating the murder of Jamal Kashoggi. #Pegasus…
62/. On Saturday, we mark the 4th anniversary of the murder of #DaphneCaruanaGalizia

At the time, she was investigating the Panama Papers & links btw SCL/#CambridgeAnalytica & Henley Ptnrs

There are vigils in Malta & London

@Europarl_EN has a journalism award in her honour. ImageImageImageImage
63/. In times of greater repression the job of journalists becomes more vital than ever: more vital & more dangerous

It’s in the interest of the corrupt & powerful to silence effective media

Today we mark 4 years since the murder of #DaphneCaruanaGalizia
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Dubai’s Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum had phones of his ex-wife & lawyers hacked during custody battle over their children, England’s High Court ruled.

Al Maktoum used the sophisticated #Pegasus software, developed by Israeli firm NSO.

(Misuse of #Pegasus in #India too)
The #Pegasus software has been developed by Israeli firm NSO for countries to counter national security risks.

Here phones of Princess Haya bint Al Hussein, half-sister of Jordan’s King Abdullah II & some of those closely connected to her were spied upon.

@Israel @UN_HRC @hrw
19 months earlier a court in England had concluded that Al Maktoum had abducted two of his daughters, mistreated them, and held them against their will.

In a new ruling Judge Andrew McFarlane said “The findings represent a total abuse of trust, and indeed an abuse of power”.
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#SupremeCourt to hear a plea seeking to disband the two-member Commission of Inquiry headed by retired Supreme Court Judge, Justice Madan B Lokur formed by West Bengal govt to probe allegations regarding #PegasusSnoopgate #JusticeLokur @MamataOfficial
Adv Saurabh Mishra: Senior Adv Harish Salve is to appear. This challenge is against the notification by the WB government under Commission of Inquiry Act. Please let me read 2A of the Act
CJI: There are inconsistencies in your affidavit. THe you want technical committee and constitution of committee is unconstitutional. you have to be consistent in the prayer. you want enquiry or not?
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How can people, media & judiciary be blind to what happened with (Wahan virus) covid deaths, #rafalescam , Gogoi episode, #FarmersProtest , #Pegasus & now blatant use of communal politics for UP elections.

Media I can understand, for the most part they have sold their souls.
But what is wrong with our judiciary ? Are they asleep ? They don't know what is going on ?

It seems that the Indian judicial system is slowly shaping into a form of the Pakistani one - where all important & constitutional matters will be decided by the Establishment.
Why did the Chief Justice of India, no less, find himself to be so helpless that he had to reveal the fact of asking for help from CBI & IB.

And that these organizations are not listening to the Supreme Court's plea.

There is still time your lordships - to be firm and fair.
Read 15 tweets
[#PegasusSnoopingScandal Hearing in Supreme Court]

CJI NV Ramana led bench to shortly hear a batch of petitions by journalists, alleged victims of the scandal and Editors Guild of India seeking an independent probe into the #PegasusSpyware issue

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Petitions filed on the #PegasusSnoopingScandal till now:

1) ML Sharma
2) CPI MP John Brittas @JohnBrittas
3) N Ram @nramind
4) Jagdeep Chokkar @JagdeepChhokar
5) Narendra Mishra
6) Rupesh Kumar Singh
7) Paranjoy Guha Thakurta @paranjoygt
8) SNM Abdi
9) Editors Guild of India
Five journalists, who as per media reports were targets of Pegasus spyware, had moved the Supreme Court stating that the unauthorized use of surveillance by government agencies have violated their fundamental rights #PegasusProject
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2| What caught my eye in this @guardian article was the quote:

“In Israel there is a strong political movement to make #diplomacy through #business. Business first, diplomacy later. When you make a deal together, it opens a lot of doors to diplomacy.”
3| The notion that #profits trump #consent is rather disturbing, but perfectly in line with the product- #spyware.
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24/. It may be tempting to frame this as “a battle btw democracies & autocracies” BUT the problem of malign surveillance is inseparable from the wider assaults on our privacy that are intrinsic to our daily online life.
#Pegasus #PegasusProject @NewYorker… ImageImageImageImage
25/. “My work to expose the crimes of the Saudi regime led to a hacking attempt on my phone. Today, I am overwhelmed by feelings of vulnerability & intrusion.”

Analyst @MadawiDr, on how #PegasusProject findings have affected her. #Pegasus @declassifiedUK…
26/. Alarmed by #PegasusProject revelations that #Pegasus has been used to facilitate worldwide human rights violations on a mass scale, 146 NGOs call on states to implement an immediate moratorium on the sale, transfer & use of surveillance technology… Image
Read 57 tweets
In 2011-12, the total allocation to National Security Council was 17.43 Crores which increased to 26.06 crore in 2013-14.
After NDA assumed office, it increased to ₹44.46 crore in 2014-15. In 2016-17 it was 33 crore.

It was In 2017-18 budget that it shot up to Rs.333 Crores. Modi visited Israel in July 2017. This was also the time when Pegasus was commissioned.…

In 2018-2019, the Government drastically increased the National Security Council Secretariat’s budget again to Rs 841.73 crore, of which Rs 715.89 crore was under capital budget.

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