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Jun 14th 2023
#Israeli company #NSOgroup is still selling #PEGASUS,
its CEO Yaron Shohat told Swiss TV @RSInews while @Europarl_EN is ready to vote on #PEGA report

“Tools that allows our customers -government agencies - to gather #intelligence to fight terror and crime”

In his first TV interview, CEO of blacklisted #NSOgroup Yaron Shohat says he’s committed to do “anything possible” to make sure #PEGASUS and other tools are in proper hands and used correctly”

But not 100% sure about misuse

SwissTV @RSInews
#PEGASUS used in the past to spy on activists, journalists, politicians.
#NSOgroup CEO admits that “users might use it for different purposes” but insists that the #Israeli company sell the #spyware “for the sole purpose of fighting crime and terror”

Read 4 tweets
May 17th 2023
⭕ El caso #Pegasus trasciende al sexenio de Peña Nieto

🔹La @FGRMexico inició una investigación sobre la adquisición que hizo la PGR del software de espionaje diseñado por la firma israelí #NSOGroup. (1/11) 🧵👇 Image
🔹La oficina de Alejandro #GertzManero puntualizó que la apertura de la carpeta abarca únicamente el escrutinio del uso de #Pegasus en el sexenio de @EPN... (2/11)
... durante la gestión de Jesús #MurilloKaram como procurador general y #TomásZerón como titular de la Agencia de Investigación Criminal. (3/11)
Read 11 tweets
May 13th 2023
If you've followed me a long time, you've seen my transition from a "#linkblogger" (5-15 short hits/day) to an "essay-#blogger" (5-7 articles/week). I'm loving the new mode but returning to linkblogging is also intensely, unexpectedly gratifying:…

1/ A kitchen junk-drawer, full...
If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this thread to read or share, here's a link to it on, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:…

My last #linkblogging foray was so great - and my link-backlog is so large - that I'm doing another one.

Link the first: "Siphon," @xkcd's delightful, whimsical "#physics-how-the-fuck-does-it-work" one-shot (visit the link, the tooltip is great):

3/ XKCD #2775: Siphon. Man: 'W...
Read 125 tweets
Apr 22nd 2023
NEW: @POTUS' recent executive order has some commercial #spyware companies publicly fretting.


Pumping the brakes on reckless proliferation is the goal.

By @InesKagubare ft @james_a_lewis… James Lewis, a senior vice ...
2/ For *a decade* the commercial #spyware industry told the world that it was capable of self control.

The big players even paid an army of ex US officials to beat back regulation.

Instead, they fueled a global hacking crisis & eroded US national security.
3/ Many Ex US officials took #NSOGroup cash.

Mike Flynn, Tom Ridge, Juliette Kayyem, Jeh Johnson, Rod Rosenstein, etc.

And while they were doing that?

At least 50 🇺🇸 officials got targeted.

Countless more among our closest allies.

By @drewharwell… ImageImageImageImage
Read 6 tweets
Jan 29th 2023
Wanna know bout the effect on national security & global stability of #QuantumHacking in #Web3 #Crypto #AI #VR & #AR by nation-state-backed hacker groups like #USCyberCommand, #NorthKorea, #Iran, #Russia, & #China?

You do? Here's you're TL;DR to minimize your Units of Attention
APT (Advanced Persistent Threat) groups are a prime example of nation-state-backed hacker groups

#CozyBear (APT29), #LazarusGroup (APT38), #DoubleDragon (APT41), #FancyBear (APT28), and #HelixKitten (APT34) are some of the most well-known APT groups
These groups have been known to carry out cyber espionage, intellectual property theft, and sabotage. For instance, the #FancyBear APT group was responsible for the alleged 2016 US election interference
Read 17 tweets
Nov 21st 2022
WOW: #NSOGroup petitioned the #SupremeCourt to request the Solicitor General weigh in on @WhatsApp's lawsuit against them.

@TheJusticeDept did! Urging the Supreme Court NOT to hear the case.

Massive blow to the mercenary spyware company that makes #Pegasus. 1/

h/t @davidakaye
2/ NSO had asserted that because foreign governments - which they refused to name- used their tech...they should be entitled to immunity.

@TheJusticeDept's view is categorical. Nope.
3/ @TheJusticeDept's amicus brief notes NSO's placement on Entity List for facilitating the very type of bad things (Natsec threats, human rights abuses) that are the subject of the @WhatsApp lawsuit.

TLDR: NSO is the *very last* company that could be considered for immunity.
Read 5 tweets
Oct 16th 2022
#Nacional | #ÚltimaHora

La @FGRMexico informó que existen dos carpetas de investigación relacionadas con el sistema conocido como #Pegasus, agregó que en breve brindará más información. Image
#Nacional | #ÚltimaHora

De acuerdo con la @FGRMexico, la 1ra carpeta de investigación es por la adquisición injustificada del equipo de inteligencia #Pegasus por parte de la extinta #PGR en el sexenio pasado, por un monto de más de 456 mdp evadiendo la licitación pública. Image
#Nacional | #ÚltimaHora

La 2da carpeta de investigación de la @FGRMexico detalla que existe delito de intervención ilegal de comunicaciones privadas en perjuicio de #Periodistas y defensores de #DerechosHumanos, lo que atenta en contra de la #LibertadDeExpresión. Image
Read 4 tweets
Jul 18th 2022
🚨MAJOR INVESTIGATION: uncovering #GeckoSpy.

An espionage operation using #Pegasus spyware against #Thailand's pro-democracy movement.

THREAD on our findings 1/

Our @citizenlab collaborators: @iLawFX & @DigitalReachSEA w/validation by @AmnestyTech… Key Findings We discovered an extensive espionage campaign t
2/ In 2020, #Thailand's government triggered pro-democracy protests by disbanding a popular opposition party.

Protests continued into 2021, and were met with repression & violence.

Key figures were harassed, arrested & jailed.

Now, we know many were hacked, too.
3/ The #GeckoSpy investigation began in Nov 2021... when @Apple notified users likely targeted w/#NSOGroup’s FORCEDENTRY exploit.

Multiple activists in #Thailand received them.

Some got in touch with us @citizenlab & our collaborators including @iLawFX & @DigitalReachSEA
Read 15 tweets
Jun 24th 2022
In the @EP_PegaInquiry we listened Chaim Gelfand the representative of #NSOGroup, the company that developed the dangerous cyber weapon, #Pegasus. His answers were absolutely inadequate.
Chaim Gelfand answers were contradictory about what customer data the #NSOGroup has seen. While the technology suggests that it could be anything: data collected by intelligence services as well as a list of those being watched. 2/13
I asked Chaim Gelfand the following questions:
Are there any plans to review previous contracts now that it has emerged in so many cases that #NSOGroup clients are misusing the cyber weapons they have purchased? 3/13
Read 13 tweets
Jan 17th 2022
1/ 🧵There aren't many people who would consider themselves an apologist of #NSOGroup, or opponents of @amnesty, but Irina Tsukerman is one of them. This thread highlights the presence of artificial amplification of her thread attempting to discredit those orgs #disinformation
2/ After more news broke today/yesterday about Pegasus spyware being used to target human rights activists, Irina posted a lengthy thread with various ad hominem and/or scurrilous claims about @amnesty and @citizenlab. Quickly the threads got a lot of engagement
3/ However the engagement was suspicious for a number of reasons

a) It was extremely rapid considering the poor content

b) There were numerous identical and generic replies like 'good job' and '👍👍'

c) Accounts would reply generically to each tweet in the thread - which is
Read 9 tweets
Dec 3rd 2021
71/. NSO's #Pegasus spyware has been repeatedly used by abusive govts to target peaceful human rights defenders, activists & critics

86 NGOs & independent experts are now asking the EU to #SanctionNSO & ban all use of its technologies
@hrw #PegasusSpyware…
72/. The mobile phone of Kamel Jendoubi a UN-backed investigator who was examining possible war crimes by the Saudi-led coalition in Yemen was targeted with spyware made by Israel’s NSO Group. #PegasusProject #Pegasus #PegasusSpyware #SaudiArabia…
73/. @AmnestyTech confirms @citizenlab's finding that Polish Senator @KrzysztofBrejza was hacked with #PegasusSpyware during the 2019 parliamentary election campaign

Ruling party chair admits buying #Pegasus but denies it was used for political purposes!…
Read 34 tweets
Nov 19th 2021
69/. The #PegasusProject has been awarded a @RSF_inter award for its impact

But what had the impact been so far?👇

Well done @FbdnStories @AmnestyTech @citizenlab @guardian @haaretzcom @lesoir @DIEZEIT @proceso @direkt36 @OCCRP @thewire_in @frontlinepbs
70/. “NSO Group is in crisis,” according to @HowellONeill in @techreview

“They are struggling & failing to reverse US sanctions & are $500 million in debt. There is doubt at the highest levels about their future”
#Pegasus #PegasusSpyware #pegasusproject…
71/. NSO's #Pegasus spyware has been repeatedly used by abusive govts to target peaceful human rights defenders, activists & critics

86 NGOs & independent experts are now asking the EU to #SanctionNSO & ban all use of its technologies
@hrw #PegasusSpyware…
Read 30 tweets
Oct 7th 2021
61/. Human rights lawyer & husband of ex-PM, Cherie Blair has been revealed as ‘ethics advisor’ to NSO, the Israeli firm that sold #PegasusSpyware to human rights abusing govts

NSO are implicated in facilitating the murder of Jamal Kashoggi. #Pegasus…
62/. On Saturday, we mark the 4th anniversary of the murder of #DaphneCaruanaGalizia

At the time, she was investigating the Panama Papers & links btw SCL/#CambridgeAnalytica & Henley Ptnrs

There are vigils in Malta & London

@Europarl_EN has a journalism award in her honour. ImageImageImageImage
63/. In times of greater repression the job of journalists becomes more vital than ever: more vital & more dangerous

It’s in the interest of the corrupt & powerful to silence effective media

Today we mark 4 years since the murder of #DaphneCaruanaGalizia
Read 29 tweets
Sep 25th 2021
noob: i wanna become hacker
hacker: are you ready to spend two years to learn just basics?
noob: no
hacker: good bye
Very well then - lesson One: Maths and Hobbies - YAN :)- #Hackers So you say you wanna be a h...
Lesson Two: Encryption is nice - but true Ephemerality means you might never need it - YAN :)- Image
Read 41 tweets
Sep 7th 2021
Seit Monaten streitet das @BMI_Bund (#Seehofer - #CSU) und die #Bundesregierung ab, das Überwachungsmonster #Pegasus der #NSOGroup zu benutzen.

Nun stellt sich raus: Lüge. Mindestens das #BKA nutzt die Software. /TN…
Mit #Pegasus schnorchel(te)n Regimes weltweit andere Politiker:innen, Journalist:innen und Menschenrechtsaktivist:innen ab.

Zu den bekanntesten möglichen Opfern gehört u.a. #Macron & Charles #Michel (aktuell Präsident des EU-Rates).
Read 4 tweets
Sep 7th 2021
Spionagesoftware #PegasusProject
Das #BKA hat offenbar unter größter Geheimhaltung umstrittene israelische Spähsoftware #Pegasus gekauft. @KonstantinNotz hatte dazu schriftliche Fragen an #Bundesregierung gestellt. Heute berät der #Innenausschuss…
„Trotz gravierender rechtlicher Bedenken habe das #BKA einen Vertrag mit dem israelischen Unternehmen #NSOGroup abgeschlossen, heißt es in Sicherheitskreisen. Darüber will die #Bundesregierung heute im #Innenausschuss des Deutschen Bundestags unterrichten. #PegasusProject
hier die PM von @KonstantinNotz vom 21.07.21 zum #PegasusProject „Die #Bundesregierung ist bis heute Teil des Problems“… #BKA
Read 10 tweets
Sep 7th 2021
Umstrittene Firma in Israel: #BKA kaufte #Spionagesoftware bei #NSOGroup

"Das BKA soll eine umstrittene Spionage-Software aus Israel eingekauft haben, mit der Smartphones überwacht werden können. Nun soll das Parlament darüber unterrichtet werden."…
"Demnach sollen die deutschen Ermittler eine modifizierte Version des Programms "#Pegasus" eingekauft haben, mit dem umfangreich Smartphones ausspioniert werden können. Am Dienstag soll der Innenausschuss des Deutschen @Bundestag'es darüber unterrichtet werden."
"...#NSOGroup bereits 2017 erstmals bei Sicherheitsbehörden vorstellig geworden sein, unter anderem beim #BKA in Wiesbaden und beim bayerischen #LKA in München. Die IT-Fachleute sollen auf einer "Roadshow" ihre Produkte vorgestellt haben, allen voran den #Trojaner "#Pegasus"."
Read 3 tweets
Jul 27th 2021
2| What caught my eye in this @guardian article was the quote:

“In Israel there is a strong political movement to make #diplomacy through #business. Business first, diplomacy later. When you make a deal together, it opens a lot of doors to diplomacy.”
3| The notion that #profits trump #consent is rather disturbing, but perfectly in line with the product- #spyware.
Read 13 tweets
Jul 25th 2021
24/. It may be tempting to frame this as “a battle btw democracies & autocracies” BUT the problem of malign surveillance is inseparable from the wider assaults on our privacy that are intrinsic to our daily online life.
#Pegasus #PegasusProject @NewYorker… ImageImageImageImage
25/. “My work to expose the crimes of the Saudi regime led to a hacking attempt on my phone. Today, I am overwhelmed by feelings of vulnerability & intrusion.”

Analyst @MadawiDr, on how #PegasusProject findings have affected her. #Pegasus @declassifiedUK…
26/. Alarmed by #PegasusProject revelations that #Pegasus has been used to facilitate worldwide human rights violations on a mass scale, 146 NGOs call on states to implement an immediate moratorium on the sale, transfer & use of surveillance technology… Image
Read 57 tweets
Jul 22nd 2021
A bit of history on #NSOGroup
I’m going to start with #TheFoundersGroup, #23Traders, & sadly I’m opening with an article regarding the suicide of Fred Turbide of Edmonton, Alberta, Canada……
From the 01/19/2017 article above…
“According to Israel’s corporate registry, Market Giant’s director is Eran Schindler, whose LinkedIn profile describes him as the founder and owner of *“Schindler CFO Financial Services*.” Also according to Israel’s corporate registry,…
Market Giants is owned by a company called “CFO Outsourcing Services Ltd,” which is owned by Eran Schindler together with a third company called I-TLD Management Ltd. According to the Israeli corporate registry, I-TLD Management Ltd is owned by…
Read 42 tweets
Jul 19th 2021
Not only does this show how easily #pressfreedom can be erupted and diminished, but it also shows how crucial a prudent but minimal government is in order to limit the market from becoming a bestial predator:…
We could assume that the NSO group consciously
sold its #PegasusSpyware software to gov'ts with a more than questionable rate on freedom and liberties. Speaking particularly of India, this was far from unknowable, given the recent Freedom House rating:…
You do not even need to be a politics buff to know
under Narendra Modi (BJP), India's ratio of freedom and liberty has continuously deteriorated. To consequently think that selling spyware software that would inevitably be used to target “the state's 'enemies'” brands you as either dangerously dumb or willfully ignorant. Both at-
Read 10 tweets
Jul 19th 2021
As #Pegasus trends today, we move beyond sensationalism for truth. In 10 tweets, we verify each statement the IT Minister, Ashwini Vaishnaw, made before the Parliament today on the #PegasusProject row and surveillance revelations by media groups, including @thewire_in.

1/10 👇
On the number of individuals who were spied upon through #Pegasus.

On whether snooping took place.

Read more here in this report by @thewire_in:….

Read 10 tweets
Jul 19th 2021
Spyware reform critical as at least 180 journalists revealed as potential Pegasus targets…
“This report shows how governments and companies must act now to stop the abuse of this spyware which is evidently being used to undermine civil liberties, not just counter terrorism and crime,” said @RobertMMahoney.
“No one should have unfettered power to spy on the press, least of all governments known to target journalists with physical abuse and legal reprisals.”
Read 7 tweets

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