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Every Friday, we publish our weekly #Cardano development update. So for the lowdown on what IOG's dev team has been working on last week, head on over and take a look👇…
🔬 CORE TECHNOLOGY: The networking team improved stability and performance, updated software, and prepared for releases. The consensus team progressed on Genesis design and improved BlockFetch logic while the DB Sync team optimized UTXO query speed and rewards performance. Image
💳 WALLETS & SERVICES: The team updated vulnerable libraries in #Daedalus and worked on improving the Lace desktop application. The Adrestia team worked on community feedback about Lace and are preparing for the first big cardano-js-sdk and @lace_io update. Image
Read 6 tweets
We get it, #blockchain-speak can be quite the impenetrable code when you’re just starting out

That’s why we’ve put together a selection of key terms from our glossary, so if you’re a newcomer – or if you just need to brush up on vocab – you can navigate #Web3 like a pro
Discover the backstory behind the name of the #Cardano native currency, $ada.

A few clues: she was the daughter of a famous poet, a famous mathematician, and arguably the first programmer.

Read more and find out what you can do with a digital currency👇 Image
Named after the biblical Tower of Babel – or perhaps Douglas Adams’s fish – this mechanism doesn’t help you speak every language, but it will open up interoperability with other digital currencies for #Cardano. Image
Read 21 tweets
In collaboration with @cardanostiftung, an update proposal was submitted yesterday to upgrade the #Cardano pre-production environment to protocol v8, which will take effect on Saturday, February 11, 2023 at 00:00 UTC.
This upgrade will bring new cryptographic primitives to #Cardano, encouraging greater interoperability and secure cross-chain DApp development with #Plutus.
This environment will allow the community to continue final-stage integration/upgrade testing before the countdown to the SECP upgrade on mainnet on February 14, 2023.
Read 4 tweets
Another reason to fall in love with #Cardano

St.Valentine’s day is just around the corner, and so is the Valentine (aka SECP) upgrade.💙
This upgrade comes to Cardano to foster secure cross-chain DApp development with #Plutus, while advancing blockchain interoperability.

Read more about what the Valentine upgrade brings to #Cardano here:…
Tentatively set to go live on mainnet on February 14, 2023 at 21:44:51 UTC, Valentine functionality is planned to be available on the pre-production environment on Saturday, February 11, 2023 at 00:00 UTC.
Read 5 tweets
1/10: The next Cardano upgrade targeted for February will bring new built-in functions to #Plutus, the smart contract programming language for the #Cardano blockchain, to support ECDSA and Schnorr cryptographic signatures to make it easier for developers to build cross-chain apps
2/10: Different blockchains use different cryptographic signature methods, such as ECDSA and Schnorr signatures, which are used in #Bitcoin and #Ethereum, among others.
3/10: #Cardano uses the Edwards-curve Digital Signature Algorithm (EdDSA) with elliptic curve Curve25519 as its base curve (Ed25519) which is fast, secure and small in size, but not compatible with ECDSA and Schnorr.
Read 10 tweets
2022 was a landmark year for the #Cardano ecosystem, and it was all because of you, the community. A global movement of developers, entrepreneurs & artists built new solutions, businesses, and experiences on rock-solid foundations.
From the earliest beginnings, you the community ensured the continued growth and success of #Cardano. So, IOG wanted to take a moment to reflect on 2022 and look forward to the age of #Voltaire.
The year began with a drive towards the #Vasil upgrade named after Vasil St. Dabov, one of #Cardano's ambassadors. #Vasil brought an increase to #Cardano's performance and scalability, giving a boost to the capabilities of the entire network.
Read 16 tweets
Hey #Arbinauts (💙,🧡) #ArbitrumAutumn 🍂 is here!

The speed at which DeFi innovation is happening on @arbitrum currently is really astounding 🤯

In this thread we'll cover the latest projects 💎 - As usual, there's a cheat-sheet for the best opportunities on Arbitrum 👀
Why Arbitrum?

✅ Arbitrum is secured by Ethereum, arguably the most secure L1 Blockchain, with the highest TVL, most devs and longest history

✅ Arbitrum is the fastest growing ETH L2 scaling solution

Stats by courtesy of @SixdegreeLab & @superamscom 👇…
Why Arbitrum?

✅ Arbitrum has the highest TVL out of all ETH L2's and is also among the cheapest wrt Tx fees according to @l2beat #L2fees

✅ 40+ dApps >$1MM TVL according to @DefiLlama

✅ Continued improvements to increase decentralisation 👇

Read 36 tweets
Today, we take a look back at the third of Cardano’s roadmap phases: Goguen.

🧵 1/n
The Goguen phase

The Mary upgrade allowed Cardano users to mint tokens, including non-fungible tokens (NFTs), without smart contracts.

🧵 2/n
The Alonzo upgrade introduced smart contracts, adding the ability to build #DApps on #Cardano.

Alonzo also introduced the world to #Plutus, a purpose-built #smartcontract dev language and execution platform.

🧵 3/n
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From time to time I see some FUD around @PlutusDAO_io FDV, token supply, emissions, and dilution for $PLS holders. I'll try to break it down in a simple manner to clear up some misunderstandings and misconceptions around it. #Plutus #PLS #Arbitrum Image
Firstly, we have to understand what is the purpose of PLS. As of this moment, it will control governance on Arbitrum over Dopex, Jones, Sperax, as well as, GMX as per recent announcements and alpha dropped by @ethersole on @MarketCapping podcast.…
In this thread I'll assume you know the mechanisms behind @PlutusDAO_io and how the protocol acquires its governance.

If not, feel free to hop on the community Discord or hit the Medium.
Read 19 tweets
Following the successful completion & extensive testing of all core components, plus confirmed community readiness, we along with @cardanostiftung can today announce 22nd September for the #Vasil upgrade on the #Cardano mainnet. 🧵

#Vasil is the most significant #Cardano upgrade to date, bringing increased network capacity and lower cost transactions. The upgrade will also bring enhancements to #Plutus to enable devs to create more powerful and efficient #blockchain-based applications.

We’ve been tracking well against all three metrics we & @cardanostiftung set for launch:

📈75% mainnet blocks being created by the final Vasil node candidate (1.35.3)
📈Approx. 25 exchanges upgraded (c. 80% of ada liquidity)
📈Top 10 DApps by TVL confirming readiness

Read 9 tweets
A midweek #Vasil upgrade update!🧵

IOG & @CardanoStiftung continue to work with the community readying for the #Vasil upgrade. Vasil brings numerous enhancements to #Cardano, from pipelining (adding throughput & scalability) and exciting new #Plutus capabilities. 1/8
As we’ve communicated previously, we are committed to ensuring that SPOs, #DApp developers and exchanges have the time they need for updating their node versions, testing & integration work.⌛️2/8
We’re tracking three critical mass indicators ahead of triggering the hard fork: 75% of mainnet blocks created by the final release candidate, roughly 25 exchanges upgraded (representing c.80% of liquidity), and the top 10 DApps by TVL updated. 💪 3/8
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#Vasil HF update📢

🏃We’re now into the final mile as we head towards the #Vasil upgrade and HFC event. Work is proceeding well and our operational focus remains on delivering the H/F by the most efficient route BUT MOST IMPORTANTLY to the right quality.

1/n 🧵
✔️It is IOG’s responsibility to execute a successful upgrade / hard fork that is safe and secure. It also requires minimal disruption to exchanges and ecosystem partners - from #Dapp developers to 3rd party tools providers.
2/n 🧵
👌The integration program towards Vasil is the most complex to date from a number of angles. It's a process that requires not only significant work, but also close coordination.
3/n 🧵
Read 10 tweets
Cardano uses the extended UTxO accounting model.

EUTxO differs from Ethereum’s account-based model. In Ethereum’s model, everyone has an account with a balance. When funds are transferred from one account to another, then balances are updated.

#Cardano $ADA
The ‘E’ in EUTxO stands for extended, improving on Bitcoin’s UTxO. Whereas UTxO smart contracts only interact with immediate requests to confirm a transaction, #Cardano’s EUTxO model improves on this.

Learn more about EUTxO here:…
💡To better understand EUTxO, read about how it supports multiassets and smart contracts⬇️…
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CIPs coming with June’s HF:

CIPs (Cardano Improvement Proposals) present new features to the #Cardano network that are key to bettering our blockchain

The upcoming HF introduces:
CIP-31: Reference Inputs
CIP-32: Inline Datums
CIP-33: Reference Scripts
CIP-40: Collateral Outputs Image
Reference inputs allow you to read datums from outputs without consuming and recreating them.

➡️Multiple #DApps will therefore be able to read from the same datum at the same time, improving concurrency. Image
Inline datums allow you to store the data on-chain as opposed to just storing a hash of it on-chain as #Cardano currently does.

➡️This provides a more convenient architecture where devs don’t have to include the data when interacting with the script. Image
Read 10 tweets
#Cardano & its smart contract platform, #Plutus, are set to undergo significant enhancements in June’s HF.

This series of threads on @JohnAlanWoods’s Plutus explainer will help you understand:

Plutus Core
CIPs & improvements
Determinism, parallelism & concurrency

🤓Let’s start with what is Plutus Core:

Plutus Core is Cardano’s native smart contract language that is deterministic, verified, functional, and compact.

Providing a safe programming environment to create scripts with Haskell.
👉 Plutus Core scripts enable the creation of #DApps & multiasset support on the blockchain (ie anyone can create their own tokens)
Read 10 tweets
NETWORK UPDATE: Today, we have proposed the next parameter update as we continue to increase #Cardano network capacity in line with the plan. The proposal will increase block size by a further 8KB taking it from 72KB to 80KB.

This latest adjustment represents an increase of c. 11%.⬆️

In addition, an update proposal has also today been triggered to increase #Plutus script memory units per transaction on the #Cardano mainnet from the current 12.5M to 14M – an increase of 1.5M.

The increases to block size and memory units will both take effect at the boundary of epoch 319 on 4 Feb at 21:44:51 UTC and are in line with our announced plan to scale and optimize #Cardano network throughput.

Read 9 tweets
گاهی وقت ها چون یه چیزایی رو خودمون میدونیم فکر میکنیم بقیه هم ممکن اون چیزا یا اطلاعات رو بدونن،مثال ساده اش وقتی که میخوای به راننده ادرس بده..!
چون خودت مسیر رو بلدی گاهی فراموش میکنی که به راننده بگی کدوم سمت بره..!
امروز میخوایم #رودمپ بررسی کینم
#کاردانو چطور متولد شد..؟
#کاردانو یک بلاک چین نسل سوم است که از ابتدا با استفاده از تحقیق، بررسی همتا و یک مدل توسعه رسمی دقیق ایجاد شده است. داستان در سال 2015 با چشم انداز پرداختن به سه چالش استراتژیک پیش روی همه شبکه های بلاک چین آغاز شد: مقیاس پذیری، قابلیت همکاری و پایداری...
برگرفته از نام جورج گوردون بایرون شاعر و سیاست مدار انگلیسی
دو سال، هزاران GitHub متعهد شدند، و صدها ساعت مطالعه،بعد اولین نسخه #Cardano در سپتامبر 2017 ارسال شد و دوران بایرون آغاز شد.
اولین تجسم #Cardano به کاربران امکان خرید و فروش ارز دیجیتال #ADA که به نام برنامه
Read 24 tweets
PARAMETER CHANGE INCOMING: A few hours’ from now, a fresh network parameter update will increase #Plutus script memory units per transaction on the #Cardano mainnet from 11.25M to 12.5M – a 1.25M increase.
This will take effect at the boundary of epoch 317 today, Tuesday 25 January, at UTC 21:44:51. The increase will provide additional resources for #Plutus scripts and the DApps making use of them. For example, improving DEX throughput.
This adjustment is the next in a continuing series of planned network optimizations. We’ll continue to optimize the core network in a series of measured steps as we carefully & methodically scale #Cardano for future growth.
Read 10 tweets
PARAMETER UPDATE: Today, we have commenced the update proposal process to increase Plutus script memory units per transaction on the #Cardano mainnet by 1.25M. This initial change will take effect at the boundary of epoch 317 on Tuesday 25th January at UTC 21:44:51 🧵↩️
The current #Plutus script memory units per transaction = 11.25M. After this change, it will be 12.5M. This incremental adjustment is the next in a continuing series of planned adjustments & network optimizations we’ll make as we start to scale #Cardano for future growth. 2/9
This change will provide increased resources for Plutus scripts and the DApps utilizing them. Once deployed, we shall monitor carefully over at least one epoch (5 days) to determine the next increment. Continuing close observation & orientation will be key throughout. 3/9
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As we enter the Basho phase of #Cardano development, we’ll be focused on optimization & scalability.

Here are some of the adjustments & innovations (11, in fact…) that will all play their part in steadily increasing capacity through 2022.

🧵Ready? Image
Here’s how we’ll optimize & scale securely as we grow

1️⃣ Block size increase📈
The bigger the block, the more transactions it can carry. We recently increased block size by 12.5%; we’ll apply further increases over time based on ongoing system monitoring and network health. Image
2️⃣ Pipelining

Improves block propagation times by coalescing validation & propagation. The goal is for blocks to be propagated to at least 95% of peers within five seconds by reducing the ‘dead time’ between blocks. Image
Read 15 tweets
We can expect significant network traffic around the launch of new #DApps, especially in the early days. And especially around the most hotly anticipated new #DeFi launches, with many coming soon.
In these (still very) early days, demand will very likely exceed capacity at peak times. To support ongoing growth & ensure #Cardano maintains its resilience & robustness, we’ll be making a series of node and #Plutus improvements and steady adjustments to network parameters. 2/7
Today, we have released a new #Cardano node version (v 1.33.0).

The network is designed to run at peak capacity and extensive benchmarking suggests significant performance improvements which will help smooth out network peaks, giving us further scope for parameter changes. 3/7
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IMPORTANT THREAD: Over the past 24 hours we have seen a lot of social media speculation (and let's face it, outright FUD & misinformation) over Cardano’s ledger approach and specifically ‘concurrency’. Let’s clear this up. #Cardano $ADA 1/n
Cardano is a UTxO (Unspent Transaction Output) blockchain, which utilizes a different programming paradigm for DApps than on account based blockchains like $ETH 2/n
The specific flavor #Cardano uses is the eUTxO – or extended model which we believe offers greater security, allows for fee predictability (no nasty surprises...) and offers more powerful parallelization. 3/n
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ALONZO UPDATE: We’re delighted to announce that we have now successfully spun up #AlonzoPurple and have today begun the new user onboarding process👍 💪

$ADA #Cardano @CardanoStiftung @Cardano @emurgo_io @IOHK_Charles
This is an exciting and important next step in the #Alonzo journey. In fact, the #Cardano journey. With the support of our OG community testers on the Blue & White phases, #AlonzoPurple will be the first fully public Cardano testnet to support #smartcontracts 🚀
It's an important moment, marking significant progress in the rollout of #smartcontracts on the #Cardano mainnet which is targeted for the end of August/early September.
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ALONZO UPDATE: We’re continuing to make good progress with the rollout program and this week we’ve started onboarding new SPOs and developers to join #AlonzoWhite. Here’s a thread to share how we're rolling!😀👍 #Cardano $ADA @Cardano 1/14
To recap, we're building out the remaining #Goguen #Smartcontracts capability via a series of color-coded testnets, supported by the #Cardano community. We're adding new community testers as we go, steadily adding new users as we add functionality, test, iterate & improve 2/14
On Monday, we asked our #AlonzoBlue community testing team to nominate and bring new members into the program (a mix of experienced SPOs and developers) ready for #AlonzoWhite. We’ve now also invited and started onboarding these new users 3/14
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