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Jun 19th 2023
@crossbased by @combased_app is a Launchpad for #NFTs delivering a One-Stop Solution for #NFT Projects on @MultiversX #Blockchain

It offers a suite of tools and services to help you launch your NFT collection, from creating to listing and more.

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The Crossbased #NFTs Launchpad is designed to simplify the entire process of generating an #NFT collection.

It includes development assistance, an awareness campaign for your launch and a partnership offer.…

Once you login to their #dApp, you can access the Creator tools, where you can create & launch your #NFT collection for 1.5 $EGLD per created collection and 1,5% fee for each sale.

A lot of features allows you to configure the sale as you'd like.

Read 5 tweets
Jun 13th 2023
@pawn_whale is a "pawn" shop for the @MultiversX #NFTs space, providing instant loans for pre-approved #NFT collections.

It enables #NFTs Enthusiasts to use their #NFTs as a collateral to borrow $EGLD and adds value to #NFT projects.

Let's see how it works!

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Using data from @omniscient_tool , @pawn_whale pre-approves and ranks top #NFT collections.

Then, via their #dApp, the NFT can be pawned for a 3, 7 or 11 days loan. Once the terms are agreed, the NFT is send to the #smartcontract, which pays the entire loan amount.

The loan and its fees needs to be re-paid before the loan period expires. Once the loan and fees have been fully re-paid, the #smartcontract returns the #NFT.

The #dApp and approved #NFTs collections are at:

Read 5 tweets
May 25th 2023
Angels, we bring great news!🎇

We spread our wings to finally integrate our #NFTs with the IRL 🇷🇴 charity: we donate 1 Angel #NFT for every donation you make on these childcare NGOs:

A thread🧵⬇️

@MultiversX #CharityAngel #charity
How this works?

Simply provide your donation proof and your @MultiversX wallet and we will send an Angel #NFT for free, plus add its ID next to the childcare NGO you donated, so everyone will know that NGO has already an Angel. 🫂

And others will wait their turn. 👼

We have re-opened the mint for all our #NFT collections.

Mint any of our #NFTs to support our project, the voluntary work we do, the rewards in $JOY that we provide for staking #NFTs at #dApp and help us grow this project.🛠️

Read 4 tweets
May 17th 2023
@XDomainServices offers tokenized names that represent hostable domains. Each name is a unique 1:1 to the Top Level Domain it is based on.

They tokenize the names using #NFTs on @MultiversX #blockchain

Let's discover it! 🧵👇 Image
Currently, the following domains TLDs are claimable via their #dApp using #NFT Voucher burn, $EGLD and $RARE: .mvx .egld .erd .ape .bear

The .eth TLD will follow soon for @ethereum

Here is Derek & @BitcoinliveDB on Tokenized Names:

Led by @travel_w_derek and his team, @XDomainServices aims to capture market share in the real world, and bring the real world to open source #crypto technology by offering Premium Domain Name Services for the @MultiversX #community and beyond.

Read 6 tweets
May 10th 2023
#Multifungible by @dgomezde83 is a cross-platform library written in C++ that allows to seamlessly create and manage non-fungible tokens #NFTs and semi-fungible tokens #SFTs in the @MultiversX #blockchain

Works with any programming language capable of loading libraries.

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#Multifungible Library’s goal is to facilitate the integration of @MultiversX blockchain operations on any project by providing an extensive set of methods.

Each method takes a simple input and performs a unique task on the blockchain of either modification or querying.

When finished, the function returns a completion code and an information message so that the caller (your #dApp) can easily decide what to do.…

Read 7 tweets
May 4th 2023
1/ #Cardano native tokens are a game-changer for the #blockchain world, enabling innovative use cases and offering unique benefits. Let’s explore the top benefits of Cardano’s native token functionality 🧵.…
2/ First, here’s a brief refresher on what native tokens are:
3/ Here are some key terms associated with native tokens:

Native: token logic runs directly on Cardano ledger, rather than using smart contracts

Token: the representation of an asset stored on the Cardano blockchain

Asset: an item on the blockchain that has a value
Read 23 tweets
Apr 24th 2023
@CycLockOfficial is a bike parking network built on @MultiversX #blockchain

It aims to create smart city services using #blockchaintechnology and the Ride2Earn concept, currently available in France. 🇫🇷…

Let's see how it works! 🚴

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Using the @CycLockOfficial app and a free lot/space for parking, one can create a network of connected bicycle storages/garages. 🔥

The team can even provide modular or customisable boxes to store the bikes, which can be controlled via their #dApp

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The bike storages can be used for employees, connected to the local city network and improve the mobility of your smart city.🧠

The project is currently in France, which has an estimate of 22 Mil cyclists and over 2Billion Euros 🚴parking market⬇️…

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Apr 19th 2023
Some believe #privacy in #Web3 stops at anonymous transactions, which couldn't be further from the truth

@OasisProtocol have built a solution to propel #blockchain adoption to areas that were not previously possible 🌹

Mega thread🧵⬇️

Don't miss this one

❤️/RT/Follow for more… Image
2) @OasisProtocol will be imminently releasing the Oasis Privacy Layer (OPL) to all major #EVM chains, allowing any #dApp to integrate customisable, compliant confidentiality to any existing dApp

With OPL and their #privacy paratime Sapphire, a new era is coming to #Web3 Image
3) Now let's get into what this unlocks in #Web3

Undercollateralized or variable rate lending in #DeFi

Borrower reputation can be established via private data such as credit history

Those with a good reputation can get loans using less collateral &/or lower interest rates
Read 23 tweets
Apr 13th 2023
Hello everyone, today I offer you a short thread on Sei, the L1 of traders. 👇🧵
Sei Network is a Layer 1 protocol designed to provide a fast and scalable platform for decentralized applications and decentralized finance. Sei aims to reduce transaction fees for users while providing fast processing times.
With an innovative blockchain architecture and flexible fee structure, Sei is designed to be easily accessible to dApp developers. Developers can build apps using familiar programming languages ​​like Solidity.
Read 6 tweets
Apr 4th 2023
@ElvenTools by @JulianCwirko can now deploy an SFT #smartcontract @MultiversX 🔥

The #SFT minter is a complementary tool of the #NFT minter or can be used as an independent tool as well. It works with the #dApp template and CLI available at:

Currently, it has the following functionalities: to issue an SFT collection, configure and manage it, limit per one address, mint, buy and send SFTs (payment with $EGLD atm) and claim funds from #smartcontract.

A walkthrough video is available at:

@ElvenTools SFT Minter #smartcontract code is open sourced and available at:…

@JulianCwirko added this Tool to at:…

Ready to deploy your next #SFT collection?
Let's build!🔥🛠️

@MultiversX $EGLD
Read 3 tweets
Mar 28th 2023
1/ To be honest, I'm having a hard time comprehending this one, but I came up with a simple example that could help. 🧵

@woj4ke Please correct me if I am incorrect.

I'll probably delete this later if it doesn't make sense.
2/ Assume I develop a #decentralized gaming app (L2-Smart Contract) with 10 nodes hosted all over the world to be redundant and reliable while processing #smartcontract data in the #network.

➡️ The purpose of this #game is to walk from the starting point to the finish line.
3/ On the players route to the finish line, there are rocks to leap over.

After successfully leaping over a rock, a #transaction on the #dApp gets crafted, granting the player 1 issued #Token labeled "JUMP".
Read 13 tweets
Mar 27th 2023
@PulsarMoney is a #Web3 Protocol offering instant on-chain finance automated tools via #smartcontracts powered by @MultiversX #blockchain

First module, currently available on #Devnet, consists of liquidity/treasury vaults, assets streaming and vesting #smartcontract 🪙

Liquidity Vaults are meant to ensure the stability of a project and build trust with investors by locking the LP tokens for a set period of time, protecting against rug pulls and other quick drain of tokens.

Liquidity Vaults or Lockers details:…

Treasury Vaults uses the same mechanism as the Lockers but are dedicated to projects using ESDT tokens allocations, looking to prove to their communities that their tokens are locked for a period of time into @PulsarMoney #smartcontract 👀⬇️…

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Mar 22nd 2023
🧵 $OFUDA 🧵
🧵 @ofudatoken 🧵

A thread about $OFUDA a deep lore-based utility project with one of a kind website that touches your soul when you see it!

Let`s go!
@CryptoGirlNova @CRyptOracl3 @cryptoskullx
So this is something different, It`s a Lore based token but not a #meme cuz it has a cool utility in the making!

It reminds me $TSUKA @Dejitaru_Tsuka a bit but with practical utility that’s upcoming – sounds very interesting!

Let`s go!
So let’s start with LORE:
In Japan, OFUDA (お札/御札, honorific form of fuda, "slip [of paper], card, plate") is a talisman that is used to protect against misfortune and calamity. They are commonly found in both Shinto shrines and Buddhist temples and...
Read 18 tweets
Mar 22nd 2023
🧵 $MO 🧵
🧵 @mochainapp 🧵

A thread about $MO a Layer 2 blockchain with already live mainnet, lots of features and nice amount #dApps already functioning!

Let`s go!
@CryptoGirlNova @CRyptOracl3 @Altcoin_Gold
@thelearningpill @fitforcrypto_
So I found this project by a friend pm me and I started to dig into it as He was impressed, and He always finds some cool stuff!

So this project is actually massive and they were stealth building and will be launching the coin soon...
They do it the right way, that is:
First build then make a coin!

Whats awesome the blockchain is already live and many apps online, excited to research this one!

So lets go!
Read 26 tweets
Mar 21st 2023
@SmartBazaar_ is a coding free tool for launching ESDT tokens and #SFTs on @MultiversX

A user-friendly launchpad for projects looking to easily create, manage, and sell their token w/o any coding skills required, with #smartcontracts ready to deploy from UI dashboard.

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Currently, contracts available to deploy are for ESDT and #SFT creation, but others will follow, such as staking, auction, airdrop or NFT creation.

There are also options to send ESDT/NFT/EGLD, purchase ESDT/SFT, vesting and claiming ESDT tokens.

The ESDT #smartcontract allows you to create, import, send and create a sale for your ESDT token.

Vesting and Sale is customizable and the #smartcontract can be updated, if needed.

Same for #SFT, plus support for multi-collections, sales & simplified built-in functions.

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Mar 20th 2023
@JewelSwapX is a Peer-to-Pool #NFT lending protocol on @MultiversX built by @ElrondPunks & @combased_app

It empowers the @MultiversXNFT #community to participate in a Peer-to-pool Lending Liquidity Protocol by using #NFTs as collateral and borrowing up to 3 $EGLD/NFT🔥

@JewelSwapX participants consists of Lenders & Borrowers⚖️

The Lenders can get up to 237% APY atm w/ compounded rewards. The lock period is set to 21 days.

Claiming or compounding rewards is very intuitive via the #dApp dashboard from:

The Borrowers are the Holders of 15 top NFTs Collections and more to be added later:

There are 3 borrow plans, w/ the lowest starting at only 0.5%, meaning you can borrow up to 3 $EGLD

Same intuitive Dashboard shows the previous & ongoing loans.

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Mar 15th 2023
1/11 🚨 Attention developers! The new EU Data Act may impact smart contract development, but @Conste11ation $DAG offers a solution for building dApps in compliance with new regulations. Here's why you should consider Constellation for your projects. 🌐 #EUDataAct #SmartContracts
2/10 📜 The EU Data Act is not specifically aimed at the crypto industry, but it focuses on IoT data. However, it could have implications for smart contracts, which underpin DeFi infrastructure, if the scope isn't clearly defined. ⚠️ #IoT #DeFi
3/10 🔐 Article 30 of the Data Act focuses on "essential requirements regarding smart contracts for data sharing" and includes rigorous access control mechanisms, trade secret protections, and termination or interruption possibilities. 🛡️ #SmartContractRegulations
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Mar 9th 2023
I've received a few DMs lately asking about what makes me so bullish on 🥷 $INJ --as if having a substantial bag shouldn't be reason enough!?!🤦‍♂️

Because so many have asked, I've decided to do something weird and make a short thread --not really my thing!😱

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Firstly; I'm bullish on DEXs, which means I have a tremendous bias towards many #DeFi coins. I think crypto will be heavily regulated but as much as regulators can try, it won't be easy to regulate DeFi. Those who get it right will profit.

So what is Injective Protocol?

2/11 👇
$INJ is a DEX built on #Cosmos that allows users to trade a vast amount of assets, including:


😲 cryptocurrencies
😲 derivatives
😲 other financial products

Bet you weren't aware of these amazing facts, were you? Now let's get down to the real stuff!

3/11 👇
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Mar 6th 2023
🧵 Why you should try using DipDup indexing stack for your #dapp backend?
Reason number one: fast feature-to-market (1/7)
It is very easy to start building on DipDup, as it's #Python-based, accompanied with comprehensive docs and templates. You can also get help in our developer community. (2/7)
DipDup is a framework, and it gently guides you towards the right path by restricting file organisation, by providing to-be-implemented stubs, and other hints. (3/7)
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Feb 28th 2023
We are excited to announce that we will be conducting a testing round of the Sarcophagus dApp on the #Goerli Testnet.

Testing starts today!

This test period will allow the team to collect valuable feedback and address any possible improvements before the mainnet launch

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To help users better understand how it works, we have created a short video walkthrough of using the V2 dApp!

Sarcophagus Goerli dApp Walkthrough



A pool on Goerli Uniswap has been created to supply gSARCO for dApp testing. if you are unable to utilize the pool, you can request tokens in the Discord channel 🚧testnet-users🚧

gSARCO Contract: 0x4633b43990b41B57b3678c6F3Ac35bA75C3D8436


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Feb 23rd 2023
If you want to build the future, you must have good companions in this adventure. @AstarNetwork signed an agreement with one of its most experienced comrades in the technology industry about a week ago; @sonynetworkcom 🫶🏼🎉😊
#Astr #Dot #Web3 #Sony
In our article today; I will write an article about what the definition of #Web3 is, about Astar Network's partnership with Sony Network Communication and why Astar Network cares so much about development. I wish you good reading.
Mission #1 Web 3 belongs to us!

Despite the barriers created by the 2022 crypto bear market and the collapse of several companies focused on Web3 and #blockchain development, the development of the Web3 industry is gradually increasing.
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Feb 18th 2023
Last Saturday, we released:
“Start Building on @MultiversX - The Rust Language”

- a series of Resources designed for 🦀Rust @rustlang #developers as a quick reference library

- a guide for newcomers willing to build #smartcontracts on #MultiversX…

Today we continue the series with materials for @reactjs - a #JavaScript library for building user interfaces & #dApps

The @MultiversX Team created an SDK dedicated to @reactjs - the sdk-dapp - a library that holds #MvX #dApp core functional logic:…

All materials are available here:…

If you have your own #reactjs tutorials and you think they worth sharing with the #MultiversXBuilders #community, please post them below👇 and will be added to this resource.

Let's learn and build together!⚡️🛠️

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Jan 28th 2023
1/ The #1 marketplace on @MultiversX by a LARGE margin has MASSIVE plans for 2023

Doing nearly 90% of the #NFT volume @xoxnoNFTs has quickly become a juggernaut 🔥

Building faster than any MP in #crypto 🛠️

Here is what they have coming for 2023…🧵

#XOXNOToken #NFTs ⚡️
2/ But first let’s look at who/what @xoxnoNFTs is and what they have accomplished so far

Having been around for just over 1 year the team is building at an insane pace 🤯

So much accomplished in 2022 with such a small but mighty community…

@xoxnoNFTs has…

⚡️Send/Receive offers
⚡️Global offers w/trait filtering
⚡️P2P and community chat
⚡️FIAT payment integration
⚡️Marketplace aggregator
⚡️NFT Launchpad
⚡️NFT Staking
⚡️Browser/Email notifications

All in 1 year! 🤯
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Jan 27th 2023
The blockchain industry will reach a $1,000,000,000,000 valuation in the near future.

Do current limitations on scalability and cost hinder its potential?

Introducing #dappchains.

🎯 Must-Read Thread! Image
The vision of a multi-chain network and scaling problems of L1s have facilitated the boom of the #dappchains.

✦ The idea of an application chain was not born yesterday. #Cosmos envisioned creating an ecosystem of universal connectivity beginning.
⚡️As a solution for resource-intensive decentralized applications, #dappchains is a new way to scale and reduce strain on the network.

Imagine a game that has millions of players. Should the game rely on the scalability of another network that hosts other games?
Read 13 tweets

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