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Feb 14th 2021
💥He recopilado las 69 MEJORES EMPRESAS que lo pueden hacer mejor en los próximos años💥
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16 sectores con mucho potencial:
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Read 70 tweets
Dec 23rd 2020
Happily for $TSLA investors, @tim_cook missed the reincarnation of $AAPL when @elonmusk approached him while experiencing “production hell” with the Model3. An #EV is the ultimate mobile device.
#Tesla took a leaf from #Apple’s business plan when it designed its own #AI chip. Apple designed its own smartphone chip when #QCOM was catering to Motorola, Nokia, and Ericsson, none of which understood that phones could and would become smart.
#Tesla dropped $NVDA, not because its GPUs missed the move toward #autonomous, but because the design cycle of $GM, $BMW, & #TM was 4-5 years longer than that for Tesla. Catering to large auto manufacturers, Nvidia was not moving fast enough for Tesla.
Read 4 tweets
Jul 30th 2020
Analysis: #NASDAQ $QCOM

Case 404: ##Qualcomm Incorporated

UPDATE from Nov 25, 2019:

DISCLAIMER: The analysis is strictly for educational purposes and should not be construed as an invitation to trade.

#QCOM 1/3
Chart 1
Price came very close to triggering our first (partial) exit at 107.50. A new synthetic #resistance has appeared, sloping at 123.17. Our final exit is, for now, 123.30 as we continue to watch for .....

QCOM 2/3
..... a possible close above. The Stop has been raised to 82.00 (on close) from 47.50.

The update is printed on the image.

$QCOM 3/3
Read 3 tweets
Nov 25th 2019
Analysis: #NASDAQ

Case 55 #Qualcomm Incorporated

DISCLAIMER: The analysis is strictly for educational purposes and should not be construed as an invitation to trade.

Thread 👇👇👇

#QCOM 1/5 Image
After 3 years of base building at approximately the 49.00 level, price is now ready to tackle the all time high set in March 2000, but to do this a monthly close above #pivot resistance at .......

QCOM 2/5
...... 88.06 is required and a lot of work still needs to be done. Current conditions are volatile and choppiness should continue.

QCOM 3/5
Read 5 tweets

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