Discover and read the best of Twitter Threads about #ramlaakhtar

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To: @GBPolice1422, @IDGB_Official, @police_gb,
@GovtofGB, @DC_DM_GILGIT, @RNAKOfficial, @RandhawaAli, @samirashackle, @francescam63, @FranceInPak. Under the direction of PM @ImranKhanPTI, 🇵🇰Pakistan decided to promote tourism for creating millions of jobs…
In April 2019, influential foreign vloggers such as @migrationology, @evabiankaz, @RosieGabrielle1,
@Travellight_, @LostWithPurpose, were invited to Islamabad Tourism Summit . @Dawn They have been made in charge of 🇵🇰Pakistan PR to the attention
of western holiday makers. In Islamabad, these influencers were used to boost an international attractive image of the country 🇵🇰. It was a strong evidence of the government commitment to this foreign tourism strategy. However, such an impulse is facing resistance,
Read 27 tweets
Cyberstalkers and extremists find their inspiration hile mirroring themselves. This the case for 🇵🇰Ramla Akhtar, tweeting under @BarefootRaRa & @BestInventoryFX
READ the article:…
#RamlaAkhtar #Cybercrime #BernardGrua #PamirInstitute @bernardgrua Ramla Akhtar, aka Rmala Aalam, accusations
@wrmly, thanks again for the retweet! 🙏
Pakistani 🇵🇰 cyberstalker #RamlaAkhtar, tweeting under #BarefootRaRa & #BestInventoryFX frequently mentions she is a brown woman from Karachi to allegate she's victim of "whyte" racism. Then, why is she flirting with French 🇫🇷 Far Right?
READ the article:… Ramla Akhtar, French far right
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There is something we cannot credit 🇵🇰Ramla Akhtar (@BarefootRaRa) with, this is humour. Then, how should we call this tweet where she denounces me, #BernardGrua, a so called plagiarist with the plagiarism account @BestInventoryPR. Full mental disorder? Ramla Akhtar, Rmala Aalam, Plagiarism
Indeed 🇵🇰 @BestInventoryPR is an impersonting account of 🇫🇷 @BestInventory. BestInventoryPR is a fake name #plagiarizing the French company #BestInventory
@BernardGrua Best Inventory France plagiarized by BestInventoryPR
Have a look to the trash "logo"of the account 🇵🇰 @BestInventoryPR, Ramla Akhtar uses for complaining about #plagiarism, in her alternative and delirious reality.
Do you think any normal person would post such an insane claim? Me, #BernardGrua, I don't think so. Dirty and trash logo of BestInventoryPR junk account, by Ram
Read 10 tweets
Cette cyber-harceleuse Pakistanaise, Ramla Akhtar, alias Rmala Aalam, tweetant aussi sous @BarefootRaRa se moque des institutions françaises dont le PR: @CNIL, @cyberdefenseur, @cybervictimes, @EmmanuelMacron, en les instrumentalisant dans sa campagne de haine. Ramla Akhtar, alias Rmala Aalam insulte la France
@BarefootRaRa @CNIL @cyberdefenseur @cybervictimes @EmmanuelMacron Pour son discours de haine, la cyberharceleuse Pakistanaise 🇵🇰 utilise un compte d'#usurpation d'identité @BestInventoryPR, prétendant être localisé à Bouguenais (Loire Atlantique). Ce compte plagie le nom de la société nantaise française 🇫🇷@BestInventory Ramla Akhtar, alias Rmala Aalam, plagia
Le #plagia réalisé par #RamlaAkhtar 🇵🇰 pour ses dénonciations calomnieuses concerne aussi le logo de la société française 🇫🇷 @BestInventory. Plagia du logo de Best Inventory par @BestInventoryPR
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For almost 3 years I debunk Ramla Akhtar's crap.Sometimes it is outrageously easy. This rabid radicalised 🇵🇰cyberstalker is in such a mental disorder that she is demolishes herself within the same post. Look at her @BestInventoryPR tweets about #plagiarism against me #BernardGrua Ramla Akhtar accusing Berna...
Ramla Akhtar, the freak, posts a capture of the introduction of my article about western influencers in #Pakistan 🇵🇰.…
According to her this is #plagiarism.Please read the capture. Bernard Grua's text, accuse...
Now, compare what you read with Ramla Akhtar's garbage posted on her main cyberstalker Twitter account @BarefootRaRa. Where is the #plagiarism. Nowhere, except in the brokem brain of a mad person. Ramla Akhtar, aka Rmala Aal...
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As shown on her impersonating account @ BestInventoryPr , Radicalized cyberstalker #RamlaAkhtar, expelled from #Gojal after she physically assaulted elderly people in #Gulmit, is taking pride US #AlexReynolds @lostwpurpose copied her hate speech against 🇵🇰 #Chapursan Valley. As shown on her impersonating account @ BestInventoryPr , Ra
First, AlexReynolds @lostwpurpose shared #RamlaAkhtar insane & hatred allegations, without any proof, on Facebook Page "Backpaking Pakistan" taking advantage of Pakistan judiciary loophole, while such defamatory allegations would be prosecuted in the US.…
#AllexReynolds, @lostwpurpose, insane and unethical allegations have been challenged by "Backpaking Pakistan" followers…
Read 13 tweets
1/10 - Dear Pakistan FIA, cybercrime wing, @CyberCrimeFIA, @FIA_Agency, Ms Ramla Ahtar (born in Faisalabad, former Karachi resident, former Gulmit resident), aka Rmala Aalam, says you are currently investigating her case against me, #BernardGrua, a French citizen from #Nantes Dear Pakistan FIA, cybercrime wing, @CyberCrimeFIA, @FIA_Age
2/10 - @Johanna_Rolland (mayor of #Nantes) , Bassem Asseh (@3asseh), @NantesFR and French police authorities @PoliceNat44, @PoliceNationale are the adressees of frequent deniciations coming from Ms Ramla Akhtar.
#JohannaRolland #BassemAsseh #HateSpeech #CalumniousDenunciations
3/10 - They are fully aware of the situation because of these communication and because of the enlightments I keep them informed with. That's good news, @FIA_Agency is, eventually, in charge.
#FederalInvestiagationAgency #Cybercrime
Read 11 tweets
Ramla Akhtar,aka Ramla Aalam, the Pakistani cybercriminal jihadists running numerous Twitter accounts such as @BarefootRara, @GruaAbuseArkive, @CopingWithCovid, @BestInventoryPR etc. refused an incredibly fair proposition choosing "confrontation".…
We eventually found the solution. It will take months. But, we will DESTROY this outlaw from INSIDE Pakistan with the help of thousands domestic accounts and with the help of 🇵🇰authorities. There will be absolutely no mercy.
#RamlaAkhtar #Cybercrime #Bullying #Cyberstaking
Stay tunned, this is not a joke. It will be something unique in Twitter history. It will be a case for future social media study.
#RamlaAkhtar #Cybercrime #Bullying #Cyberstaking #Nantes #France #BernardGrua
Read 4 tweets
The #BestInventoryPR account was created by the #Pakistani Ramla Akhtar for hate speech against #French Bernard Grua, @BernardGrua from #Nantes and against his company @BestInventory. After three months and a half of frenetic activity &.. #BESTINVENTORYPR'S GUINESS BOOK RECORD The #BestInventoryPR
after 459 Tweets posted, #BestInventoryPR has just one follower, a Pakistani troll. The three other fake "follower" accounts belong to the radicalized
Pakistani stalker Ms Ramla Akhtar who created this scum account.
Such a complete disaster for a Twitter account was not foresinable because no normal person
could have anticipated such an excessive mad behavior. A true miracle! BestInventoryPR should be awarded as the biggest Twitter crap by the Guiness book of records.
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Can you imagine a more stupid #bully than Ramla Akhtar, @GruaAbuseArkive & #BestInventoryPR ? What a bucket of shit 🇵🇰💩 !
Just imagine, 5 secondes, someone asking her some evidences for her allegations...
#RamlaAkhtar #RmalaAalam #cyberstalking Can you imagine a more stupid #bully than Ramla Akhtar, @GruCan you imagine a more stupid #bully than Ramla Akhtar, @Gru
What a no-culture brown monkey does not want to understand is that, in France, we have a strong enforcement of "presumption of innocence"- law June 15, 2000, and that defamation is strongly condemned for 140 years - law from July 29, 1881. It is tougher than in the US.
No responsible person would ever take the risk to fall under these laws violation by echoing allegations not supported by a decision of justice. Defamation on social media is dangerous in France, for its author. Ramla Akhtar's hate speech campaign will never work in France.
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Cette 🇵🇰 #RamlaAkhtar, @ GruaAbuseArkive, est une folle grotesque. Elle ne comprend rien à la mentalité française. Son compte Twitter poubelle, #BestInventoryPR, ne leure personne. Il est sale et non professionnel.
La parodie, en 🇫🇷France, ne peut pas paraître si primitive et tant manquer de subtilité. Rappelons que le sens de l'humour est quelque chose qui ne voyage pas, même entre deux pays voisins. L'usurpation d'identité est totalement ratée.
Le résultat est juste une infecte bouillie pour les porcs🐖🐷. La traduction automatique en français est un ramassis d'immondices vulgaires. Il est impossible d'imaginer que ceci ait pu être écrit par un 🇫🇷Français. Tout montre un délire d'illettré fanatisé.
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The cyber-criminal activities of radicalized 🇵🇰Pakistani Ramla Akhtar, aka Rmala Alaam, @ gruaabusearkive against 🇫🇷 French citizen @BernardGrua are documented on public media Agoravox. These publications got 27,595 cumulated readers.
#Pakistan #France #cybercrime #RamlaAkhtar The cyber-criminal activities of radicalized 🇵🇰Pakista
Ramla Akhtar, aka Rmala Aalam, is a radicalized woman from southern #Pakistan. Her hate speech mixes most of the modern social themes with the most primitive instincts, while making misguided use of religion.
Read more (in #French):… Ramla Akhtar, aka Rmala Aalam, is a radicalized woman from s
Ramla Akhtar, aka Rmala Aalam, self calling a "whistleblower", claimes that there is in Hunza, a conspiracy between local guides, travel agents and foreigners to abuse local women & sexually assault all independent foreign female travelers.
Read in French:… Ramla Akhtar, aka Rmala Aalam, self calling a "whistleb
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New Racist and colonialist hate speech from Ramla Akhtar, aka Rmala Aalam tweeting under @ GruaAbuseArkive.

#RamlaAkhtar #RmalaAalam #BetterBonds #ExtremeTravelsInRussia #RussianExtremeTravel #OlgaLeonidovnaOzerova #OlgaSim #TravelPakistan #TravelHunza Ramla Akhtar, Rmala Aalam, BetterBonds by Ramla, Extreme Tra
🇵🇰Ramla Akhtar, aka Rmala Aalam, is the Karachi stalker 🇷🇺Ms Olga Leonidovna Ozerova, aka Olga Sim, decided to support while blackmailing Akhtar's main victim 🇫🇷@BernardGrua
#ExtremeTravelsInRussia #RussianExtremeTravel #TravelPakistan #TravelHunza Ramla Akhtar, Rmala Aalam, BetterBonds by Ramla, Extreme Tra
🇷🇺Olga Leonidovna Ozerova, aka Olga Sim, allegations have been proved to be uncheked copies of 🇵🇰Ahtar's calumnious denuciations.
#RamlaAkhtar #BetterBonds #ExtremeTravelsInRussia #RussianExtremeTravel #OlgaLeonidovnaOzerova #OlgaSim #TravelHunza Ramla Akhtar, Rmala Aalam, BetterBonds by Ramla, Extreme Tra
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@Twitter a une large respnsabilité dans l'assassinat #islamiste de #Conflans en autorisant le #harcèlement, la #diffamation, les discours de haine et la publication d'informations privées (#Doxing) sur son réseau.
La @PoliceNationale y contribue elle aussi.
Destinataire des #DenonciationCalomnieuse et ainsi témoin du harcèlement produit par la radicalisée pakistanaise @GruaAbuseArkive, @PoliceNat44 a refusé, à quatre reprises, de prendre ma plainte et m'a physiquement jeté hors du commissariat Waldeck Rousseau.
Le comportement irresponsable de @PoliceNat44 est d'autant plus inexcusable qu'il existe un module spécial de Twitter afin que les forces de l'ordre (#LawEnforcemet) puissent avertir la modération de Twitter en ce qui concerne les comportements délictueux.…
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@IvoVinko @GruaAbuseArkive @RTLFrance @NewsHour The user behind @GruaAbuseArkive is a radicalized Pakistani cyberstalker named #RamlaAkhtar, aka #RmalaAalam. She is an enraged fanatic against western people. She also calls for violences against an ethnic & religious minority of northern Pakistan.…
@IvoVinko @GruaAbuseArkive @RTLFrance @NewsHour There are numerous child abuse testimonies about Ramla Akhtar aka Rmala Aalam tweeting under @GruaAbuseArkive.
#RamlaAkhtar #RmalaAalam…
@IvoVinko @GruaAbuseArkive @RTLFrance @NewsHour @RTLFrance, cette fanatique pakistanaise, Ramla Akhtar, alias Rmala Aalam, tweetant sous @GruaAbuseArkive est un cas que j'ai largement documenté. Je suis à votre disposition pour vous aider à en faire un sujet. Si vous le souhaitez.
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#RamlaAkhtar, aka #RmalaAalam, always post the same garbage since more than one year. Those are exasperated answers she got after one week of continuous harassment. She shows them regularly pretending they are new and part of a repeated stalking. What a crap! #RamlaAkhtar, aka #RmalaAalam, always post the same garbage
This garbage dumping does not work at all. But #RamlaAkhtar, #RmalaAalam, the pig-bull 🐷🐂 continues the same suicidial burden. Look, she celebrated recently 10,000 tweets with this profile. How many followers? 150. This freak does not interest anybody.
One year ago, Ramla Akhtar pretended she would mobilize bloggers and journalists in her hate campaign. Where are they? They just run away from this sticky account. Browse one day of her Twitter "activity", it is easy to understand this is the account of a psychopath.
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Ramla Akhtar, aka Ramla Aalam, @GruaAbuseArkive considers her repeated anonymously/impersonated calumnious denunciation brought "improvements." She should make a search, here, or on Google, about #Ramlaakhtar #RamlaAalam #BetterBonds etc... Devastation. Stupid rabid freak.
What is improvement for a fem. stalker Ramla Akhtar, aka Rmala Aalam, in spreading hate speech against foreigners and local minorities? While just ranting on Twitter and devasting her reputation. A complete mess up with Social Media…
What is improvement for a fem. stalker Ramla Akhtar, aka Rmala Aalam, @GruaAbuseArkive in spreading hate speech against foreigners and local minorities when she will have these evidences on the web for the rest of her life.…
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How the criminal Social Media model of Ms Ramla Akhtar, aka Rmala Aalam, @GruaAbuseArkive, @CopingWithCOVID was contained & devastated its stalker-author in 4 lessons.…………
None of defamation & stalking Tweets of Ms Ramla Akhtar, @GruaAbuseArkive, @CopingWithCOVID will stay un-sanctionned. The right of answer is immediately processed by Google and published on its first result page. That's the end of bullies & pyschopaths Twitter game.
Top of first Google page for Ramla Akhtar, the radicalized stalker hiding behind @GruaAbuseArkive and @CopingWithCOVID. No mercy for bullies. #RECIPROCITY #SANCTION #RamlaAkhtar
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#BetterBonds shop charlatan, the cyberstalker Ramla Akhtar, aka Rmala Aalam had her former account supressed for impersonation and stalking. She recently renamed her other account @BarefootRaRa into @CopingWithCovid to avoid being tracked by Twitter.
#RamlaAkhtar #RmalaAalam
Pakistani #BetterBonds shop charlatan, the #cyberstalker Ramla Akhtar, aka Rmala Aalam is already identified by Twitter with INAPPROPRIATE BEHAVIOR & STALKING + sharing PRIVATE conversations with her new Twitter ID @CopingWithCovid. #RamlaAkhtar #RmalaAalam #Hussaini
#Trump to force hoax is used to write "sad". Pakistani #BetterBonds shop charlatan, the #cyberstalker Ramla Akhtar, aka Rmala Aalam @CopingWithCovid is smarter. She says she FORGIVES her victim. Lured people cannot imagine she is the tormentor. #RamlaAkhtar #RmalaAalam #Hussaini
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Stop-Trolls, Ramla Akhtar, Rmala Aalam @BarefootRara 1/
Hunza : the Black Mountain Dragon anthology
#RamlaAkhtar #RmalaAalam #BetterBonds #Hussaini #Hunza #Pakistan 🇵🇰
Stop-Trolls, Ramla Akhtar, Rmala Aalam @BarefootRara 2/
Black Mountain Dragon's (FB blog page) tale going on - an incredible troll case
#RamlaAkhtar #RmalaAalam #BetterBonds #Hussaini #Hunza #Pakistan 🇵🇰
Stop-Trolls, Ramla Akhtar, Rmala Aalam @BarefootRara 3/
Rmala Aalam (FB personal page)'s tale going on - an incredible troll case
#RamlaAkhtar #RmalaAalam #BetterBonds #Hussaini #Hunza #Pakistan 🇵🇰
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Travel report on a Chapursan Valley, Hunza
@BernardGrua, #BernardGrua publication on Medium about Pakistan
By Bernard Grua
#RmalaAalam #RamlaAkhtar #BetterBonds #Hussaini…
@BernardGrua Relgions in Chapursan Valley, Pakistan…
@BernardGrua, #BernardGrua publication on Medium about Pakistan
By Bernard Grua
@BernardGrua #Wakhi mountain houses
@BernardGrua, #BernardGrua publication on Medium about Pakistan
By Bernard Grua…
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Testimony N°1 about #ChildAbuse from Ramla Akhtar, aka Rmala Alam, currenty tweeting under @BarefootRaRa, looking for help of French #FarRight to harass the #whistleblower @BernardGrua, #BernardGrua.
#RamlaAktar #RmalaAalam #Hunza #Pakistan #Bullying #RassemblementNational
@BarefootRaRa @BernardGrua Testimony N°2 about #ChildAbuse from Ramla Akhtar, aka Rmala Alam, currenty tweeting under @BarefootRaRa, looking for help of French #FarRight to harass the #whistleblower @BernardGrua, #BernardGrua.
#RamlaAktar #RmalaAalam #Hunza #Pakistan #Bullying #RassemblementNational
@BarefootRaRa @BernardGrua Testimony N°3 about #ChildAbuse from Ramla Akhtar, aka Rmala Alam, currenty tweeting under @BarefootRaRa, looking for help of French #FarRight to harass the #whistleblower @BernardGrua, #BernardGrua.
#RamlaAktar #RmalaAalam #Hunza #Pakistan #Bullying #RassemblementNational
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Pakistani🇵🇰 #RamlaAkhtar, aka #RmalaAalam, under twitter account @BarefootRara is now explicitly asking for the support of French #FarRight against, me, @BernardGrua, @GruaBernard, a 🇫🇷French photographer, blogger, and activist in her quest for personal revenge against #Wakhi...
@BarefootRaRa @GruaBernard ...ethnic and religious minority and against the collected testimonies of her child maltreatment. She uses the classical alt-righ & totalitarian states accusation, the one of paedophilia.
@BarefootRaRa @GruaBernard Ramla Akhtar evidenced her sentences against colonialism, white-suprematism, racism where pure hypocrisy while looking for French far right support Ramla Akhtar evidence her sentences against colonialism, white-suprematism, racism where pure hypocrisy while looking for...
Read 45 tweets

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