She though, she found it. On February 22, 2020, Ramla Akhtar sent to the Twitter account of M.Gilles Pennelle the following message: "Hi. I write from Pakistan. I believe that a few years ago, the French far right ...
What she says about the document is: "In this article, Mr. @BernardGrua supports a pedophile and a...
Everybody understanding English can make his own opinion.…
Then, there are four captions to address.
2. Why, me, Bernard Grua, I was under fire of far right activists?
3. What is Ramla Aktar harassment?
4. What reommendations for Ramla Akhtar for a less despicable communication?
FIRST CAPTION: Gilles Pennelle
Gilles Pennelle is a politician...
SECOND CAPTION: under Far Right fire
Nantes far right does not know me well. I have been a target just because I opposed the Rassemblement National (at this time Front National) party being financed by a foreign authoritarian regime which was...
Link:… Nantes far right does not know me well but I have been even more a target while opposing the delivery of two giant invasion vessels...
It was translated on a Pakistan defense forum… My demonstrations against Mistral deal were declared to the..
Of course, Russian authorities and FSB know me. They were so upset. They don't need the despicable calumnious denunciation of a psychopath bulimic piece of fat jelly..
THIRD PART: Ramla Akhtar harassment
Let's come back to the tweet where, Ramla Aktar, stages herself as a victim of harassment.
her attacks until mid June 2019 are documented. Let's remember she initiated calumnious denunciation to French Embassy, tried to launch a defamation in pack, including a professional one.
FOURTH PART: recommendations for Ramla Akhtar.
First recommendation for Ramla Akhtar: : don't mess with French politics. You don't..
Second recommendation for Ramla Akhtar: avoid geopolitics issues. You have no culture and no experience about it. Your low-level statements show your blatant ignorance and your..
#BernardGrua #RamlaAkhtar #RmalaAaalam #ChildAbuser #CyberCrime #BetterBonds