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Jul 27th 2022

Peggy Schiller (D-FL) files a lawsuit against fired geographer Rebekah Jones (I-MD, D-FL), alleging that Jones is not eligible to run for office as a Democrat, as she was registered as an independent in Maryland less than 365 days before the FL primary.

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Read 103 tweets
May 26th 2022
It’s official.

Rebekah Jones, the fired Florida Department of Health dashboard designer, is NOT a whistleblower.

The walls have closed in.…
In response to her defeat, Rebekah Jones records a video while she's driving.

She cries, falsely says that the report confirmed some of her allegations, falsely claims that the original investigator was fired, and promises to file a lawsuit anyway.…
Rebekah Jones claims that she will sue the Florida Department of Health, a government agency, into bankruptcy. Image
Read 23 tweets
Dec 17th 2021
1/ It wasn't a conspiracy theory, it was a #CrimeAgainstHumanity...and it came from Florida. 🧵

The GOP started lying about COVID when Trump called it a "hoax". THAT lie has cost hundreds of thousands of American🇺🇲 lives. It also made them and their friends billions $$.

2/ Trump said it was a hoax on Feb 27, 2020. Community transmission was being confirmed in multiple cities in the US. Around the world, case numbers were increasing exponentially everywhere one was found, and economic disruptions began roiling global financial markets.

3/ Four Republican Senators on the U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee who knew how bad the virus was, sold their stocks ahead of a market collapse which saw equity valuations plunge up to 40% worldwide in a matter of weeks.

Read 26 tweets
Dec 11th 2020
3,000+ people are dying every day! This level of death or higher is expected *for months* before a vaccine is widely available. Emergency action must be taken now! Non-essential production and schools must be shut down, with full income for all workers! #COVID19
Bezos and Musk have increased their wealth by $186 billion this year. The average worker would have to work *seven million years* to earn this amount. And there is supposedly no money to provide everyone with an income while this virus is brought under control! #COVID19
850k new unemployment claims last week. 4 million have been unemployed for more than 27 weeks. Congress--Democrats and Republicans--are refusing to provide relief to the unemployed, after handing trillions of dollars to the banks.…
Read 7 tweets

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