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Aug 19th 2022
NEW/BREAKING: Day 177 of #Russia's invasion of #Ukraine - US prepping another $775 million security pkg for #Kyiv in the tradition of w/"what they need, when they need it" per a senior US defense official
NEW US $775 million pkg for #Ukraine will include:

- more ammo for #HIMARS, which have "really changed the dynamic on the battlefield"
- 16 105mm #Howitzers & 36,000 artillery rounds

per a senior US defense official
US pkg will also boost #Ukraine's surveillance capabilities with 15 #ScanEagle drones, per a senior US defense official
Read 20 tweets
Aug 12th 2021
The #Taliban not only seized appr. a hundred US humvees and (MaxxPro) MRAPs at Kunduz airport, but also several US ScanEagle drones.
Billions of US tax payer $ going to Islamist extremists, thanks to the administration's hasty withdrawal without a peace deal or follow up mission. ImageImageImageImage
The sheer amount of vehicles raises the question if anyone ever used them after they were paid and transferred by the US ...
Now every Taliban fighter gets his own Ford, Toyota, Humvee or MRAP. Image
Counting the boxes, Taliban collected another five #ScanEagle drones in Herat, each costing around 4.000.000$.
Let’s see how much Iran or China pay the Taliban for them to investigate our western technology …
#EpicFail #Afghanistan ImageImage
Read 3 tweets

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