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Oct 4th 2019
Takeaways from my #TCDisrupt talk with Snapchat CEO Evan Spiegel:
1. On Instagram Threads’ icon vs Snap Spectacles. “Haha. Nice logo”
Spiegel says it will be 10 years until there are popular AR glasses, and Snap could beat Apple by starting on phones. (Sounds like a decade of risky spending). 2/
Snapchat’s CEO confirmed his legal team made a Project Voldemort dossier of Facebook’s anti-competitive behavior since there was so much to keep track of. 3/
Read 9 tweets
Oct 2nd 2019
In SF at the @TechCrunch #TCDisrupt hackathon with @josephofiowa this week.

I’ll be live tweeting what we build for the next ~48 hours. Smash that subscribe button and buckle in!
We settled in at table 51 in the hackathon area if you’re around and want to stop by!
We’re planning to build a computer vision powered Chess utility that uses your phone’s camera to understand the state of the board and add software features to real-world Chess!

First step: collecting training data for our machine learning model.
Read 38 tweets
Sep 2nd 2019
1/ This weekend, I’ve been reaching out to startup influencers to coordinate a twitter campaign where we celebrate Indie Hackers, bootstrappers, customer-funding, and Zebras during the unicorn-obsessed #TCDisrupt #DisruptSF conference October 2 – 4, 2019.
2/ If you want to join us, we’re using the hashtag #DisruptVC. One of the influencers I approached asked why #FounderFriendlyStandard gives founders a 24:1 voting advantage. The reason is to keep founders in control of their companies. Here’s an excerpt from the email:
3/ #FounderFriendlyStandard is a checklist of issues for founders in every country in the world, not just Delaware C-Corporations. Section 2.2 says that founder stock vests over 4 years. In some legal jurisdictions, unvested stock cannot vote.
Read 11 tweets
Nov 30th 2018
0/ A massive 24 hours in the world of #crypto and #blockchain.

To help you stay on top of it all, I've put together this thread. Just doing my bit to make your day a bit easier!
1/ 👾 @TRONFoundation [ $TRX ] revealed it will be establishing a #blockchain game fund dubbed #TRONArcade. Up to $100M committed for use over the next 3 years!

Click through to learn more about #TRON's plans to build out the blockchain game ecosystem.…
2/ 🧸 U.K.-based @CryptoKaijuIO, a startup offering designer vinyl toys that are traceable on the #Ethereum #blockchain as an NFT, has officially launched.

The first kaiju, Genesis, is now selling for $55. Check it out!…
Read 24 tweets

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