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Jul 17th 2022
1/ A few #Heatwave #TopTips for the hot weather in London, on Monday and Tuesday of this week:
2/ ☀Drink plenty of water and, if you are out, take advantage of the 4,000 free water refill locations and more than 100 new water fountains installed by City Hall across the capital.…
3/ ☀Get familiar with the signs of heat exhaustion and heatstroke and find out what to do if you were to suffer from a heat-related illness, by visiting the NHS website.…
Read 15 tweets
May 19th 2022
Missed our popular ‘Cannes Do’s and Don’ts’ talk earlier at the UK Pavilion? Here’s some top tips in this thread… 🧵

Featuring our expert panelists & moderator who have decades of #Cannes-going experience between them! #Cannes2022
Be open to “the element of surprise and chance”

Build in some free time – give yourself an afternoon to explore the city, or keep 08:30am free from meetings and screenings each day ✅
#Cannes2022 #toptips
“The only decent cup of tea in this town is @teapigs” - you heard it from our panel, come visit us at UK Pavilion 118 for a free cuppa, the best in Cannes! 🫖#Cannes2022 #toptips
Read 6 tweets
Nov 9th 2019
You can't do much via the income tax system to help the poorest. They haven't enough income to pay taxes on it. But this would be much more progressive than any of Osborne/Hammond's income tax measures. Despite being, also to its credit, less politically sexy.

On "politically sexy", this is how politically salient national insurance contributions cuts are. Which (in my mind) raises the, if you like, 'moral credit' attached to the policy.
(Looking at that chart, if the Tories want the double win of saliency and progressivity they should cut council tax which is wildly regressive. #TopTips)
Read 3 tweets
Jan 16th 2019
Let’s talk about #lectures in HigherEducation
.@LangOnCourse alerts us to: When should we lecture in class? Excellent examples and analysis of the (positive) role of the lecture from @dgooblar #learning #lecture
.@mariosbham comments on "#Lectures: a much-maligned format which can be truly inspirational" #HigherEducation…
Read 48 tweets
Sep 28th 2018
Welcome to Day 28 #30days30waysUK with @N44RT and many others talking about safe #driving and being #winterready for better #roadsafety for all.
🚘🏍️🛵🚲 🍃🍂🌧️🌀❄️ - ✅

Watch today's intro:

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🚘⚠️Better #preparedness for your #RoadTrips short and long does not have to be complicated. Today on #30days30waysUK we share lots of tips to help you #staysafe and be better prepared e.g. easy vehicle checks, #driving do's and don'ts and #toptips for your car #EmergencyKit. Image
Your challenge for #DrivePrepared:

🚘🧐Check and equip your vehicle for safe #WinterDriving
📸👌Share a picture of you and your vehicle being #winterready
👥🗣️Follow #30days30waysUK and join the online discussions

#EMGtwitter #SMEM
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Sep 10th 2018
Hello #MondayMotivation and day 10 #30days30waysUK on #PetPreparedness
Today's surprise is a celebrity guest appearance is by @ashleighnsully who share some #toptips. Open 'show thread' ↙️

#SMEM #EMGtwitter #PreparednessMonth
#Preparedness must include the animals in your care.
Whether small 🐶🐱🐹🐰🐭🐦🐟🐢
or large 🐴🐄🐑🐷 you must include them in your emergency plan and assure adequate supplies to meet their needs. Image
This includes having a secure carrier and your vet's details as well as animal medical information as part of your emergency plan and kit. If for some reason you must leave animals behind, it is essential that you inform your evacuation or rest centre immediately upon arrival.
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