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After falsifying FISAS, chipping me , torturing me and stealing my cognition for 10years and distributing it to Google, Facebook, Blackrock, Neuralink, Gates, & thousands more, the DOD now destroying@my brain with implanted radioactive capsules. Congress & lawyers refuse to help.
I have contacted dozens in Congress including those whose job it is to oversee FBI & DOJ. @ChuckGrassley @HawleyMO @SenRonJohnson do absolutely nothing about these extrajudicial depraved crimes against humanity. They are complicit in sale of US citizens for profits of elites.
I was put in this program for revenge. My family was destroyed, my home was stolen, my cat was kidnapped and burned alive by exmilitary in the 3300 block of Red Lion Road in Philly. The US has a holocaust being carried out by FBI & its sick civilian army of millions. @Jim_Jordan
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So.. are they going to put everyone who isn’t double jabbed in chain gangs after 16th August. Would it ever have been even imaginable that we would ever stoop so low as to discriminate against anyone just because they wouldn’t or couldn’t have a vaccine jab?
Irrespective of the benefits of taking the jab, I am appalled that this is the new democracy of the greater number that is being foisted upon us by a government that has only one priority - the economy.. not the public health nor whether you catch Covid or not!
So please let us not deceive ourselves with the moral platitudes of the politicians and media who condemn those who can’t or won’t with the same tarbrush as conspiracy theorists or anti-vaxxers, anti-maskers or anti-social distancing because that is not how society works.
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Don’t watch Love Island..period but the current series does raise the issue of how difficult it is for disabled people to meet and date other able bodied people.
It can be a minefield of picking their way together through awkward moments that can lead to misunderstandings in the early stages at least until they both get to know each other well enough to relax and accept each other’s differences.
Meds and their effects can really throw a spanner in the works leading to poor communication. Many people with disabilities struggle behind the scenes with self confidence and low self esteem. To date a disabled person you got to go the extra mile and learn to understand them.
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The logic behind the case for taking the Covid vaccines has been seriously flawed given the inability of anyone either in government or in the medical side to produce firm evidence that any of them actually work other than citing a reduction in deaths from Covid variants so far.
A reduction in deaths could be explained by a number of things such as seasonal factors or impact of lockdown, people by on large taking more precautions etc. No one single factor stands out as a one fit explanation so we are still no further forward in understanding the stats!
What we do know is that trillions of dollars are being milked out if this pandemic by the big pharma companies.

Secondly no matter how hyped up these variants are, they still belong to the same family of virus’s known as the flu, so it’s a flu virus with a nasty twist.
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Anyone who now has any opinion which questions the groupthink that is being heavily promoted by the government and mainstream media in relation to how we should behave during this pandemic, is now being branded a conspiracy theorist and even labelled in the most derogatory terms!
It goes beyond anti-maskers and is including links to anything that contradicts the prevailing general consensus that just falls into line with whatever we are being told. It’s as if any such views are being quietly airbrushed by the main social media platforms as well.
Recently I tried accessing a news item that featured prominently during the summer last where the WHO’s U.K. ambassador on visiting the U.K. heavily criticised governments for using repeated lockdowns as a first response to a pandemic. I simply couldn’t find anything about it!
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More bungling incompetence from the British government.

First it was no up and running computerised records of who got what doses and when and now it’s jabs up to 4 months apart!

Covid vaccine: chief medical officers defend rescheduling of second doses…
Again and again this government displays a rare talent or capacity for screwing up everything around the promises made in respect of their response to this pandemic. Everything they touch goes pear shaped!
They are chancers who fly by the seat of their pants in first promising they will deliver on PPE, a track and trace system on time that actually works, tests that are reliable, staffing of the NHS and proper hospitals to deal with a pandemic situation etc etc and then renege!
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It’s ironic that those Ulster Unionists who are bleating on about their ‘Britishness’ now being betrayed when they were the ones, led by the DUP they voted for in big numbers who backed Brexit to the hilt.
They were misled by the DUP all along and sold the belief that by voting leave they would ensure their union was future proofed by ringfencing the partition of Ireland through a hard land border. That was the plan anyway.
Of course they didn’t factor in the untrustworthiness of the British government as they thought it was all sown up the minute the DUP signed the toxic confidence-and-supply deal with Theresa May.
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The Tories are up to their old tricks yet again in trying to deflect attention away from their own failures by laying the blame for the sweatshops of Leicester at the door of the local council and police.
Is anyone surprised that another Tory government that is morally bankrupt on so many fronts is trying to now cleanse its image from by forging a new image of being a champion of human rights in proposing tougher legislation against the ills of 'modern slavery'.
It seems that there is no end of Tory cabinet ministers rushing off to proclaim a new cause at home & abroad. This includes Patel's new found crocodile crusade against injustice in the workplace and Rabb in taking tyrants to task globally as well as Sunak on youth unemployment.
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I admire the note of strong optimism but with the exception of England, the growing reality is that the other nations of the union have had more than enough of being tied into the fortunes of English nationalism and the disastrous outcome of decisions made at Westminster!
Northern Ireland must align itself more and more with its natural trading partner in southern Ireland and Scotland and Wales must also work to end the hegemony or dominance of decisions made mostly in the interests of a numerical majority living in England.
The union cannot continue to operate given the present lack of inclusivity of regional concerns over Brexit and the increasing demands for the right of nations to full independence in what is supposed to be a post colonial U.K. There is an inherent contradiction here!
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The Jenrick scandal is not just a tale of a planning scam but a tiny glimpse of a much bigger issue that has given working class communities in the north of England real food for thought in a sobering realisation that this government is out to price them out of the housing market
That’s a huge deal in many former Tory swing constituencies where the red wall came down on the basis of promises by Johnson that there would be a levelling up of disadvantaged areas of England that addressed the inequalities in affordability of housing and job opportunities!
Merely filling the ranks of Tory toffs with more MPs talking in thick northern accents at Westminster has been shown to be a cosmetic change that has failed to cut below the surface of a system that still operates on the basis of special favours for cash donations.
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I’ll just leave this here in the faint hope that someone inside the British Labour Party will start acting honestly for once because when not if a second spike occurs in infections, they will carry equal blame as the Tories for a hugely reckless act. Health before Profit!
It seems utterly contradictory that the mainstream media on one hand are unanimously anticipating that businesses will only operate at half capacity as many of the public will not be prepared to put themselves at risk so early in this pandemic to pop into pubs or restaurants...👇
Yet here we have politicians from both sides of the HOC telling us it is the right thing and more or less our civic duty to just pop down and spread the love and the higher risk of becoming infected or infecting others just to keep the British tradition of pub going alive??
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Before we follow the lead of Tory politicians and those who objected that it was an assault on their heritage, we should examine the background as to why the BLM statue toppling was the end result of a long racist narrative that deliberately denied a more democratic solution.
When previous calls for the statue of the slave trader, Sir Edward Colston to be removed were made, they were met by repeated refusal to even discuss the matter and on one notable occasion a clique of Bristol business people blocked any attempt to even debate it democratically.
Similarly, the statue of the colonialist Cecil Rhodes whose presence at Oxford Uni has caused so much controversy for generations and as far back as the 1950’s when Afrikaner students protested his denial of their Britishness, was met with stonewalling and silence.
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Tory MP James Cleverly caught trying to pull the wool over the public’s eyes on BBCQT by claiming that the government had backed both their own privatised and centralised app as well as the same app used by other European countries including Germany.
When asked by Fiona Bruce why the government had trialled the NHS app on the Isle of Wight but hadn’t bothered to trial the European app here, Cleverly claimed that there was no need to as it was already used elsewhere in Europe.
Well sorry James but it only went live in Germany yesterday so it didn’t have time to produce enough results of how efficient and accurate it is. Tory’s talking a load of tosh yet again as they only ever stated they were going after developing their own in-house app, not both!
Read 15 tweets
BBC investigative journos have visited Wuhan university complex but unable to access the grounds due to guards present. This is a Grade 4 (highest level) non-military experimental site for working with viruses.
The university is part of an international network of universities around the world that takes samples of contagious viruses & modify them to make them more pathologically dangerous to humans so as to later create vaccines to prevent their spread.
However support for this branch of this scientific research among scientists is divided between those who believe that the advantages outweigh the huge risks whilst other scientists are tearing their hair out at the possibility of these viruses escaping.
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Just to put today’s far right thuggery and it’s reporting in perspective as well as the attempt by MP’s and some figures in the media to downplay its representativeness of the extent of racism in Brexit Britain, you only have to recall the reporting violence in Northern Ireland..
Then you had the British media criticising protestors and any acts of violence by Irish people as indicative of the savage nature of sectarian hatred that was widespread throughout the population at large. There was no attempt to educate or inform the British public otherwise.
Even though that was not the case in reality as the vast majority of Irish nationalists rejected the actions of the IRA outright, that myth of an Irish problem was readily seized upon by the establishment to shift the blame onto the Irish as an uncivilised and unruly nation.
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This is what local lockdown could mean if people download the government run NHS track and trace App and report others to contact tracing call handlers! How else do you think they will be able to zone in on housing estates, offices or places of leisure use.
This is the next phase of the governments rollout of mass surveillance and is all set to operate without any independent scrutiny or formally documented procedures that protects the public from abuse of the powers assumed by the government and those acting in its behalf.
Whilst Cummings & Co are creating new ways to ensure our movements are recorded indefinitely on government computers and restricting our freedoms, those at the heart of government are setting double standards by allowing one law for the special one and another for the rest of us
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Leo Varadkar on RTE interview has confirmed that from 18th May, as part of phase two, 4 adults will be allowed to sit around a table outside at 2 metres apart. Three weeks later, they will be able to sit indoors at two metres apart.
With phase three starting June 29th, cafes and restaurants will be open so long as people are sitting two metres apart! Phase four July 20th will he sports like golf played. Barbers and hairdressers open for haircuts . Churches open and hotels.
Phase five - August 10th - bars, cinemas & nightclubs etc will be back in business!

All phases are subject to revision and can be put back it moved forward depending on updated transmission rates!

This IS a plan.
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50% of Swedes live alone

Hefty fines for breach of

96% less visitors to favourite Easter holiday location at Gotland

75% less footfall/mobility in Stockholm

Well equipped health system paid for by higher taxation…
They say the best things are free but Sweden from the days my cousin left the U.K. in 70’s to marry, work and live in Sweden, was way ahead of the game by paying more in tax and reaping much better health care, pensions and other benefits as a result!
As a result they are much better placed to deal with a pandemic virus with spare ICU capacity of 10% and emergency tents set up just in case, lying empty! It’s a story of decades of preparation & paying into a future health & pension system that works because it pays for itself!
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Has anyone even thought to ask why all those passengers who taken from the Diamond Princess Cruise Ship were taken to the Wirral hospital and put into quarantine for 14 days whereas others weren't??👇
I'm referring to a video released by Dave and Sally Abel who tested positive on the last day aboard the Diamond Princess and subsequently treated for 3 and a half weeks in Japan, allowed to board a flight home on their own & pass through customs unchecked with no questions asked.
Dave highlights how much of a shambles the UK government's response was by quarantining everyone on the cruise ship irrespective of whether they tested positive whereas he & his wife were able to return unnoticed with a Japanese clearance certificate nobody was even interested in
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Sat in my car yesterday and watched people passing each other on the street in Northern Ireland. Some were keeping a safe distance from each other but quite a few others others stopped, held lengthy conversations close up, one pair shook hands twice before parting.
Groups of teenagers & young adult males in threes and fours within inches of each other, walking along without a care in the world! Couples and families taking up most of the room on the pavement leaving little or no room for others to pass safely. No social distancing whatsoever
They are all going to get a huge shock over the next 3-4 weeks as the numbers infected rises sharply to an expected worse case scenario of between 13,000-15,000 eventual deaths in Northern Ireland alone from Coronavirus & 9,000 if we behave responsibly. That’s 6,000 lives saved!
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Is the UK government waiting for ‘herd immunity’ or does it urgently need to inject immediate and significant additional resources into providing quality medical care interventions for its citizens?
Boris appears to wants us to believe that as long as you wash your hands and accept the fate of your loved ones as the price you must pay for developing ‘herd immunity’ to Covid-19 then some of us can look forward to greater immunity at some unspecified date! But when?
However what he has not told us is that there is no short term herd immunity short of being given adequate quality medical care to increase our chances of full recovery.
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Like Bernie Sanders I marched for civil rights at the young age of 15 defying unjust laws that denied our common humanity & segregated us on the basis of inequality.…
Whether on the basis of religion, colour or access to housing, health or food, the fight is always the same.. to defeat a corrupt system institutionalised by a rigid status quo of discriminatory practices that hoards the resources of the state for the benefit of a privileged few
Today we face that same struggle against an even more corrupt establishment backed by powerful allies in the right wing media & helped by foreign powers intent on destroying the very institutions that might redress our situation to provide adequate health, housing & right to food
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Sanders has just won the first three primaries of Iowa, New Hampshire and now, Nevada in the US race to become President. This is a political watershed and virtually unprecedented in American political history so let’s all get behind Sanders for POTUS!
If Bernie is successful, this will put immense pressure on the policies of this copycat Trumpstyle extreme right wing government of Johnson & Co and spell the demise of his government, cabinet and unelected special advisers!
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Protesters Condemn Hanau Terror Attacks at Cologne Rally | Red Revolution Media…
The rise of the far right across Europe must be opposed by every citizen who believes in racial tolerance. The links between a number of European governments and the far right that is suspected to include the U.K. is extremely worrying but not enough is being done to deal with it
Brexit has unleashed a sharp rise in anti-immigrant attacks in public and online. Social media is awash with vile accusations against foreigners, especially those in the low paid jobs sector whilst the U.K. government is doing little to discourage a culture of open racism.
Read 17 tweets

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