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Mar 8th 2023
In testimony before #Congress yesterday, @federalreserve #ChairPowell unsurprisingly displayed resolve that the central bank’s fight to return inflation closer to its 2% target is unfinished and that the historical record suggests that relenting too soon would be a mistake.
Chair #Powell signaled more rate hikes and a higher terminal rate than previous #Fed projections, and an openness to adjust the pace of rate hikes depending on the totality of the data.
With the strength recently witnessed in the #LaborMarket data, in various #inflation measures and in #economic growth readings more generally, this resolve by policymakers would seem to be not only required, but critical to returning inflation to more normal levels.
Read 9 tweets
Feb 4th 2022
🎊It's Friday! Which means it's time for our weekly media briefing. Today we're talkin' cars and the red flags ⚠️ you need to watch for when making a purchase. You can follow the convo @EthnicMediaSvc starting at 11am PST or via FB live: @FTC @HERAdvocates
🎊Welcome to EMS's regular Friday briefing. Today we're discussing what you need to know when buying or financing a car with the @FTC, @legal_aid_MN and @HERAdvocates. Follow the discussion @EthnicMediaSVC or via FB live
Two really useful resources from the @FTC for consumers preparing to buy or lease a vehicle:
Buying a used car from a dealer:…
Read 37 tweets
Jun 21st 2021
Has anyone noticed the run-a-way #inflation in the #UsedCar market? Cars that were going for $1600 4 months ago are now going for $16,000– and they have 100,000 miles on them.
2/ Turns out that @JoeBiden’s #Chinese “friends” (read that bosses) are not making the #chips necessary for #NewCarProduction, but his @DNC admin is doing nothing. As usual. We need the real President back. ASAP!
#PresidentTrump would never have allowed it.
Read 4 tweets

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