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Mar 28th 2022
Lessons from #RPA22 which just wrapped up in Dallas, a 🧵 1) Value-based care (#VBC) has injected a jolt of energy into the private practice sphere. Half the exhibitors on the convention floor were new since 2019. It was THE topic of conversation during the breaks - who are you
working with, have you signed up with anyone? The 3/25 deadline for KCE participation added to the frenzy, as did news of the Cricket-Interwell-Fresenius merger. Talks about VBC and the new payment models were well attended and garnered lots of questions and discussion.
2) The mandatory #ETC model is a dead letter, at least on the nephrologist side. For all but the big practices, the dollars at risk are too small, and the performance results too long delayed, to warrant making any changes. The dialysis companies have more $ at risk, but it was
Read 14 tweets
Mar 26th 2022
Fantastic real world application of the financial implications of the #ETC model - what’s the dollar amount of the penalties/bonuses? By the wonderful Terry Ketchersid at #RPA22 Image
And with these numbers personally the relevance of #ETC drops significantly.
What about JV owners? The monetary amounts are bigger but is it enough to drive investment and change practice? I don’t think so. The dialysis companies have more to risk so may drive the response to ETC. Nephrologists need to be at the center! Image
Read 9 tweets
May 5th 2020
Umbereen S Nehal MD MPH: who is this person? Several people have been asking

A thread

Where am I from? Hooboy.
Let’s say, citizen of the world, human ping pong ball. Third culture kid. Genetic mutt

Born: 🇺🇸
🇵🇰 parents - when my parents born colonial rule, pre-Pakistan
To thoroughly annoy my Twitter bestie, @DrvanTilburg

Am an ENFP - a cross between Snoopy, Robin Willians, Ellen Degeneres, Dr. Seuss, Charles Dickens, Upton Sinclair

I border on ENTP - love new info and love to challenge in order to break through barriers or limitations
My great-grandfather was given title "Khan Bahadur" (brave). As a judge, a brown man under Colonial rule, he threw the book at a British attorney. "Learn the law" if in his courtroom. Hence my stiff moral backbone

My mom & me:

(She loves this song)
Read 52 tweets

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