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Aug 23rd 2022
Vote D!ONNE Renée @OnElectionDay #Toronto!

Our platform remains the same as in previous Elections.

We march, advocate, peacefully protest; yet, we continue to be harmed trying to ensure that we all have the ability to live & thrive.

Together we succeed!
Save your dollars. This campaign doesn’t ask for donations.
Elections shouldn’t be about who can afford to buy Elections or how much wealth a Candidate has— that’s white supremacy tactic 101.2b.

Your efforts to share the message Vote D!ONNE Renée @OnElectionDay is what is needed
We won’t get what we need without you. Together we succeed!✅

#TORONTO #TOpoli #voteTO
Read 62 tweets
Oct 11th 2018
Toronto my name is #28 in the Mayor column on your ballot.

They excluded me from Debates and tried to exclude me from being heard, but my name is on every ballot. every. ballot.

#TOpoli #electionTO #TORONTO #TOvote #voteTO #exlnTO #TOelxn #CommunityWellness #inclusion
#Ward1 Toronto my name is #28 on your ballot in the Mayor column.

They excluded me from Debates and tried to exclude me from being heard, but my name is on every ballot. every. ballot.

#TOpoli #electionTO #TORONTO #TOvote #voteTO #exlnTO #TOelxn #CommunityWellness #inclusion
#Ward2 Toronto my name is #28 on your ballot in the Mayor column.

They excluded me from Debates and tried to exclude me from being heard, but my name is on every ballot. every. ballot.

#TOpoli #electionTO #TORONTO #TOvote #voteTO #exlnTO #TOelxn #CommunityWellness #inclusion
Read 29 tweets
Sep 6th 2018
Dear Seniors,

I love you!

I’m writing to you as your TORONTO Mayoral Candidate because the media & supporters of status quo are doing their very best to exclude Black Candidates voices- as usual.

Have you been co-signing maintaining the status quo?

#TOpoli #ElectionTO #TOvote
Have you shaken hands and made agreements against the Public’s interests, specifically Black Candidates in order to maintain the status quo?

Are you amplifying voices presented to you by the establishment?

#TOpoli #ElectionTO #TORONTO #OurCityHallToo #OurTorontoToo #OurCityHall
Have you turned away from your public chants of “end racism, stop racists, etc...” during this Election period and are instead prepared to publicly/quietly push what the establishment has been pushing just to get the results that you say you’re against?

#TOpoli #ElectionTO
Read 11 tweets
Sep 6th 2018
Dear East Asian fam,

I’m writing to you as your Mayoral Candidate because the media & supporters of the status quo are doing their very best to exclude Black Candidates voices- as usual.

Have you been co-signing maintaining the status quo?

#TOpoli #ElectionTO #TORONTO
Have you shaken hands and made agreements against the interests of society, specifically Black Candidates in order to maintain the status quo?

Are you amplifying voices presented to you by the establishment?

#TOpoli #ElectionTO #TORONTO #OurCityHallToo #OurCityHall #OurToronto
Have you turned away from the public calls for “inclusion, end racism, stop racists, etc...” during this Election period & are instead prepared to publicly/quietly push what the establishment has been pushing just to get the results that we’re all against?

#TOpoli #ElectionTO
Read 10 tweets
Sep 6th 2018
Dear people who identify as having #disabilities fam,

I’m writing to you as your Mayoral Candidate because the media & supporters of status quo are doing their very best to exclude Black Candidates voices- as usual.

Have you been co-signing maintaining the status quo?

Have you compromised your needs and made agreements against the interests of #accessibility #inclusion, in order to maintain the status quo?

Are you amplifying voices presented to you by the establishment?

#TOpoli #ElectionTO #TORONTO #OurCityHallToo #OurTorontoToo #OurCityHall
Have you turned away from your public chants of “#accessibilityNOW, #inclusion, #equity, #universalDesign, etc...” during this Election period & are instead prepared to publicly/quietly push what the establishment has been pushing just to get the results you’re against?

Read 10 tweets
Sep 6th 2018
Dear LGBTQIA2S fam,

I’m writing to you as your Mayoral Candidate because the media & supporters of status quo are doing their very best to exclude Black Candidates voices- as usual.

Have you been co-signing maintaining the status quo?

#TOpoli #ElectionTO #TORONTO
Are you amplifying voices presented to you by the establishment?

Are you amplifying the 2 status quo Candidates that media put in your face as the only options for Mayor even after all we’ve been through?

#TOpoli #ElectionTO #TORONTO #OurTorontoToo #OurCityHall #TOvote #VoteTO
Have you turned away from your public chants of “end homophobia, end transphobia, end discrimination, etc...” during this Election period and are instead prepared to publicly/quietly push what the establishment has been pushing just to get the results that you say you’re against?
Read 10 tweets
Sep 6th 2018
Dear ‘intersectional feminists’ in TORONTO,

I’m writing to you as your Mayoral Candidate because the media & supporters of status quo are doing their very best to exclude Black Candidates voices- as usual.

Have you been co-signing maintaining the status quo?
#TOpoli #ElectionTO
Have you shaken hands and made agreements against the interests of ‘intersectionality’, specifically Black Candidates in order to maintain the status quo?

Are you amplifying voices presented to you by the establishment?

#TOpoli #ElectionTO #TORONTO #OurCityHallToo #OurcityHall
Have you turned away from your public chants of “intersectionality, end racism, stop Nazis, etc...” during this Election period and are instead prepared to publicly/quietly push what the establishment has been pushing just to get the results that you say you’re against?

Read 14 tweets
Sep 6th 2018
Dear Black sisters & brothers in Toronto,

I’m writing to you as your Mayoral Candidate, because the media & supporters of status quo are doing their very best to exclude us- as usual.

They’re deal making & hand shaking to the detriment of your ability to live & thrive.

Have you shaken hands and made agreements against your own interests to maintain the status quo?

Are you amplifying voices folks who NEVER
👉🏿knew you?
👉🏿cared about you?
👉🏿advocated for you?

#TOpoli #ElectionTO #TORONTO #OurCityHallToo #OurTorontoToo #OurCityHall #TOvote
Are you giving your energy to folks who want your labour in exchange for some future promise?

Why have you compromised yourself so that the status quo can be maintained?

Why should status quo remain sustained?

#TOpoli #ElectionTO #TORONTO #OurCityHallToo #OurCityHall #TOvote
Read 7 tweets

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