I’m writing to you as your Mayoral Candidate because the media & supporters of status quo are doing their very best to exclude Black Candidates voices- as usual.
Have you been co-signing maintaining the status quo?
Are you amplifying voices presented to you by the establishment?
#TOpoli #ElectionTO #TORONTO #OurCityHallToo #OurTorontoToo #OurCityHall
Why compromise your needs so the status quo can be maintained?
and still TORONTO wasn’t planned to include you
All these years of ‘incremental change’ only to get incremental change. I’m NOT satisfied. Are you?
#TOpoli #ElectionTO #TORONTO #OurCityHallToo #OurCityHall #OurTorontoToo
Why should barriers be maintained?
Why are you working against your own interests hoping for a different result- every.time.?
#TOpoli #ElectionTO #TORONTO #OurCityHallToo #inclusion #OurCityHall #TOvote #AODA #accessibility #disabilities
Stop jeopardizing our ability to live & thrive by undermining our future.
Stop compromising on what should be provided.
Stop accepting ‘incremental change’ as being reasonable.
‘Incremental change’ is never reasonable for the fundamental change needed 2day
Together we defeat!
Together we ensure that we all have the ability to live & thrive!
Together. Together. Together.
#TOpoli #ElectionTO #TORONTO #OurCityHallToo #OurCityHall #OurTorontoToo #OurToronto #voteTO #TOvote