I’m writing to you as your Mayoral Candidate, because the media & supporters of status quo are doing their very best to exclude us- as usual.
They’re deal making & hand shaking to the detriment of your ability to live & thrive.
Are you amplifying voices folks who NEVER
👉🏿knew you?
👉🏿cared about you?
👉🏿advocated for you?
#TOpoli #ElectionTO #TORONTO #OurCityHallToo #OurTorontoToo #OurCityHall #TOvote
Why have you compromised yourself so that the status quo can be maintained?
Why should status quo remain sustained?
#TOpoli #ElectionTO #TORONTO #OurCityHallToo #OurCityHall #TOvote
Stop jeopardizing our ability to live and thrive by undermining and scheming. All you will be remembered for is that you can be bought. Perhaps my comments may be futile to you; but if I can spark in you the concept of humanity we need, I write to you here.
Together we defeat!
Together we ensure that we all have the ability to live & thrive!
Together. Together. Together.
#TOpoli #ElectionTO #TORONTO #OurCityHallToo #OurCityHall #OurTorontoToo #OurToronto #voteTO #TOvote