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Apr 16th 2022
Thread 🧵
Being Autistic for me is so similar to having my invisible illness and being an ambulatory wheelchair user due to peoples judgements and assumptions about my disabilities and physical health.
#ActuallyAutistic #allautistics #AutismAcceptanceMonth #AutismAcceptance
(I’ve had 3 knee surgeries and will need a knee replacement eventually and I have Ehlers Danlos Syndrome and heart condition etc)
1. People say I don’t look Autistic.
People also say I don’t look sick or disabled. But it’s not something you can always actually physically see. You can’t see Autism just like you can’t see a lot of disabilities and physical health conditions.
Read 22 tweets
Jul 27th 2021
Ok, you lovely lovely people asked for it, so here it is. A thread on what it's like for me as a wheelchair user with practically no independent movement to go on holiday abroad. Part one will cover background info and The airport experience. 1
We start with some background. When I go on holiday, I go with my parents. They are completely fundamental not only to my life but also to this thread. Furthermore, I don't take my massive electric wheelchair with me, I have a manual one, which I use for places...2
That are not conducive to the use of a big heavy machine. (Spoiler. Depending on where you go, that can be practically everywhere) . Also, it is important to note that some airlines do not allow electric wheelchairs on board due to the weight and lithium iron battery.3
Read 15 tweets
Mar 26th 2021
People ask why I'm not going out for daily wheelwalk since I'm "allowed" under Shielding.

Quick answer. Too many people: can't Social distance #DisabilityTwitter

What Govt say about Shielding is very different to what medical pros advise.

We've been told....

A thread Longing for woodland Wheelwalks without worrying About the p
1. We need to stay socially distanced from everyone.

But that's not possible on footpaths when people won't give wheelchair users space. So that means wheelwalks aren't possible here where space is limited

#shielding #SocialDistancing #WheelchairUser
2. Stay shielding until 3 weeks after 2nd vaccine
This was in our Shielding letter Dec 20. But has been dropped now that Govt want to open up and not support shielders. scientists and medical experts say we need to stay safe until fully vaccinated so most will continue.

Read 6 tweets
Aug 18th 2020
Im so 🤬😡🤬 pissed @RajanJSaw & her office. Im freaking 🤬🤬😡🤬😡 at the @Alberta_UCP & @YourAlberta for letting people......DISABLED ALBERTAN'S fall through the cracks & you then have them jump through hoops just to get much needed devices approved!! DEVICES THEY NEED TO LIVE!
Twitter Emergency Good & Bad News (Long Thread)

OK, I have Good News & Bad News

Bad News: The Alberta Government has Fucked up again and has further tried to ruin the life of a disabled individual

Good News: There is a way to fix the wrong that has been done to this person
I have to admit that late this evening I sat down and cried at all the atrocities that the Alberta Government has done to Albertans all over the province.

I also have to admit that every story that I hear, my heart breaks just a little bit more for the people that have no voice
Read 20 tweets

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