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Nov 11th 2021
Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 11/11/2021…
Yacht Full of Climate Scientists Plots Giant Sea Gate to Save Manhattan…

#ClimateChange #mitigation #manhattan #SeaGate
Read 8 tweets
Oct 13th 2021
La discussione sulla #transizioneenergetica sta trascurando due fenomeni cruciali che ne minano la fattibilità nei tempi e modi stabiliti:

il “cannibalismo energetico” e “l’effetto Regina Rossa”

l'analisi di Michele Manfroni, PhD student

Cannibalismo energetico

Investire in infrastrutture rinnovabili in un’economia alimentata da fossili (sempre + #carbonintensive) significa inevitabilmente aumentare le emissioni nel breve periodo col rischio di sforare il #carbonbudget prima del 2050

Costruire infrastrutture "verdi" comporta un notevole accumulo di "embodied energy" (detta anche “energia grigia”) nel sistema economico

ovvero l’energia associata con la produzione di qualsiasi bene o servizio, ‘incorporata’ nell’oggetto stesso.

Read 12 tweets
May 6th 2021
Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 05/06/2021…
Prior SARS-CoV-2 infection rescues B and T cell responses to variants after first vaccine dose…

#COVID19 #variants #vaccines #immunity
Book Review: The Next Frontier of Warfare Is Online…

#cyberattacks #malware #hacking #DigitalMarkets #StateSctors
Read 10 tweets
Dec 2nd 2019
#DevelopmentCongress yesterday saw @KVairavamoorthy opening the event with a thought, when we can maintain a town sized community of 750,000 people airborne at any given time with modern water & sanitation amenities, what stops us from providing it to our fellow humans (1/n)
Drawing from his heritage, he noted, "it is the management of water and sanitation that has determined the longevity and exuberance of civilizations". #Resilience #Sanitation #ClimateResilience (2/n)
The tank systems prevalent in Sri Lanka and South of India were drawn as examples, as attempts by decision makers then to maintain an ecological balance while attempting to improve economic prosperity #EcologicalCivilization (3/n)
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