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#Gaza: 61enne con mieloma, muore tra atroci sofferenze dopo che #Israel ha respinto ripetutamente le sue richieste di recarsi a Gerusalemme est per le cure contro il cancro. ⬇1/5

#Palestine #ApartheidIsrael #IsraeliOccupation #Fascismo #16gennaio…
"Alla fine di maggio 2022, ad Akram a-Sultan è stato diagnosticato un mieloma multiplo.
La malattia gli aveva causato una frattura a una delle vertebre e soffriva di fortissimi dolori. ⬇2
I suoi medici lo hanno indirizzato all'Augusta Victoria Hospital ( @lwfjerusalem) di Gerusalemme Est per la radioterapia, non disponibile nella Striscia di #Gaza, in parte a causa della politica portata avanti da #Israele. ⬇3
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#IsraeliCrimes #NOannexation

La Corte internazionale di giustizia dovrà decidere se quella di #Israel in #Palestine sia occupazione o annessione.
"Spoiler per L'Aia: è annessione." ⬇1/17

#1gennaio #ApartheidIsrael #IsraeliOccupation #ZionismIsRacism…
"L'Assemblea generale delle Nazioni Unite ha votato venerdì per chiedere alla Corte internazionale di giustizia dell'Aia un parere consultivo sulle conseguenze legali dell'occupazione israeliana della Cisgiordania e di Gerusalemme est. ⬇2
In altre parole, le Nazioni Unite chiedono alla Corte di aiutarla a decidere se sia ancora possibile definire il controllo israeliano sui territori come "occupazione", che è temporanea, o se si tratti di fatto di annessione.
Il processo dovrebbe durare da uno a due anni. ⬇3
Read 17 tweets
#PalestineDay 🇵🇸 #ZionismIsRacism

Bombings, shootings, arrests

Apartheid Israel attacks Palestinian football from all angles

@FIFAcom should suspend apartheid Israel, not shield it from accountability

Take action to score a #Goal4Palestine:

@FIFAcom image description continued in thread

at the bottom left are the explanations for the symbols behind the names
"travel denial, 26 cases
bombing, 12 cases
shooting, 13 case
arrest, 9 cases
lost limb,9 cases" also there are the symbols of rocket, crosshair,
handcuffs, and a leg
@FIFAcom the writings on the left of the descriptions is red.

at the bottom right are the social media pages from @visualizingpal, the website and… for sources.
Read 3 tweets
TUES, NOV. 29, 2022: Join USPCN many more to support the national liberation of Palestine on the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People! (1/4) Image
Here's how:

1) Display a Palestinian flag or something visibly supportive of our Palestinian people on your home for your community to see!

2) Wear a kufiyeh representing Palestinian resistance to work or school – wear it all day! (2/4) ImageImage
3) Organize a banner drop in your city (message us for details)!

4) Palestinians: Wear something that represents your home village or highlight an interesting fact about your village online during the social media storm!

(3/4) ImageImage
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“Political end by litigious means”

In the 49-page ruling, the three-person tribunal comprehensively considered the 10 points of the detailed complaint, brought on behalf of Fraser by high-profile pro-Israel lawyer Anthony Julius.

After dismissing each one of them in detail (“without substance … devoid of any merit … palpably groundless … untenable … obviously hopeless”), the document appears to foreclose the possibility of another such “lawfare” attack ever being brought to court again
“Lessons should be learned from this sorry saga.
We greatly regret that the case was ever brought.
At heart, it represents an impermissible attempt to achieve a political end by litigious means.
It would be very unfortunate if an exercise of this sort were ever repeated”
Read 18 tweets
I think that at this crucial point, it is very important to remind people that the barbaric US police brutality we have recently witnessed is an israeli legacy.
This is a fact.
You may already agree, but in case you don't, it's still a fact.
Read 5 tweets

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