Kamiar Mohaddes Profile picture
Macroeconomist @CambridgeJBS @Cambridge_Uni | Fellow @Kings_College | Co-founder @KingsELab | Co-Director #climaTRACES lab | Deputy Director @CambridgeEMBA.

May 28, 2020, 10 tweets

The latest issue of our #MiddleEast #Development Journal is now out, with 9 fantastic papers covering a number of urgent issues in the #MENA region, including #inequality, #SWFs. #trade and the future of #jobs: tandfonline.com/toc/rmdj20/12/… #MEJD @econromesh @ChahirZaki @Hanomics2

Sovereign wealth funds and cross-border investment bias: the case of #Arab countries by Ibrahim Elbadawi @ERFlatest, Raimundo Soto @ucatolica & @ChahirZaki @CairoUniv @EMNESorg: doi.org/10.1080/179381… 1/9 #MEDJ

Equivalence scales and the change in poverty levels across time: #Turkish case by Burcay Erus @UniBogazici: tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.10… 2/9 #MEDJ

Causal relationship between current account and #financial account: the case of #Tunisia by Hager Farhoud & Lotfi Taleb (University of #Tunis): doi.org/10.1080/179381… 3/9 #MEDJ

Does #foreign direct #investment affect #growth in #MENA countries? by Riadh Ben Jelili (The #Arab Investment and #Export Credit Guarantee Corporation, #Kuwait): doi.org/10.1080/179381… 4/9 #MEDJ #FDI

#Exporting and firm #productivity: evidence for #Egypt and #Morocco by Inmaculada Martínez-Zarzoso @uniGoettingen & @UJIuniversitat: doi.org/10.1080/179381… 6/9 #MEDJ

#Trade liberalisation, #governance, and the balance of payments: evidence from the #Arab #Maghreb Union by : Abduraawf Hadili @pmuofficial, Roman Raab @KeeleUniversity & Jan Wenzelburger @uni_kl & @LivUni: tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.10… #7/9 #MEDJ

The future of #jobs is facing one, maybe two, of the biggest price distortions ever by Lant Pritchett @BlavatnikSchool: tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.10… 8/9 #MEDJ

On ideas and #economic #policy: a survey of #MENA economists by Rana Hendy @AUC & Mahmoud Mohieldin @WorldBank: tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.10… 9/9 #MEDJ

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