Kamiar Mohaddes Profile picture
Macroeconomist @CambridgeJBS @Cambridge_Uni | Fellow @Kings_College | Co-founder @KingsELab | Co-Director #climaTRACES lab | Deputy Director @CambridgeEMBA.
Jun 11, 2021 28 tweets 29 min read
Super excited to see our paper on #Covid19 #Fiscal Support and its Effectiveness, with Alexander Chudik @DallasFed & @mraissi80 @IMFNews, out in Economics Letters. You can read it (free access) from here: authors.elsevier.com/c/1dDlMbZedt0om #TGVAR 1/n Image With new variants/waves & reimposition of restrictions in some regions, governments around the world are calling for a careful assessment of the effectiveness of the adopted #Covid19 #fiscal measures before they embark on further easing or tailoring of measures 2/n
Sep 25, 2020 23 tweets 22 min read
What are the implications of excess global financial market volatility on economic growth? Are there threshold effects in the relationship between growth & excess global volatility for individual countries? How should we model the nonlinear effects in a multi-country setting? 1/n We answer these questions in recent work with Alexander Chudik @DallasFed, M Hashem Pesaran @USCDornsife @TrinCollCam, @mraissi80 @IMFNews & @arebucci1 @JHUCarey @cepr_org @nberpubs: ideas.repec.org/p/cam/camdae/2… #TGVAR 2/n
Sep 18, 2020 23 tweets 21 min read
In a recent paper, with Alexander Chudik @DallasFed, M Hashem Pesaran @USCDornsife, @mraissi80 @IMFNews & @arebucci1 @JHUCarey, we develop a threshold-augmented dynamic multi-country model (#TGVAR) to quantify the #macroeconomic effects of #Covid19: econ.cam.ac.uk/research/cwpe-… 1/n Image Key challenges with the empirical #economic analysis of #Covid19 include the following: how to identify the shock, how to account for its non-linear effects, & how to quantify its effects while accounting for spillovers, common global factors, network effects and uncertainty. 2/n
Jul 3, 2020 4 tweets 5 min read
Looking forward to chatting with potential @Cambridge_Uni economics candidates later today and answering any questions you have about #economics at #Cambridge (one of the oldest economics faculties in the world) or the wonderful @Kings_College. Did you know that @Kings_College has a long tradition in #economics?

It has been the home of many great economists, such as Richard Kahn, Nicholas Kaldor, John Maynard Keynes, Arthur Cecil Pigou, Joan Robinson, Richard Stone and Oliver Hart to name a few. Image
May 28, 2020 10 tweets 18 min read
The latest issue of our #MiddleEast #Development Journal is now out, with 9 fantastic papers covering a number of urgent issues in the #MENA region, including #inequality, #SWFs. #trade and the future of #jobs: tandfonline.com/toc/rmdj20/12/… #MEJD @econromesh @ChahirZaki @Hanomics2 Sovereign wealth funds and cross-border investment bias: the case of #Arab countries by Ibrahim Elbadawi @ERFlatest, Raimundo Soto @ucatolica & @ChahirZaki @CairoUniv @EMNESorg: doi.org/10.1080/179381… 1/9 #MEDJ Image
May 20, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
Like my friend Thomas, I keep getting sent articles about our teaching @Cambridge_Uni next academic year and people emailing to ask about the articles, please don’t jump to conclusions! 1/n Sorry, started the thread and then had to go back to #homeschooling, but back now 😀 2/n
May 15, 2020 4 tweets 7 min read
Just had our first virtual International #Iranian Economic Association (IIEA) Board Meeting. Great to connect with Board members from #Virginia, #Ohio, #Massachusetts, #Germany, #Qatar, #NewJersey, #California & the #UK. Look out for interesting #IIEA webinars soon. ImageImage Due to the novel #coronavirus (#COVID19) pandemic , the IIEA Board has reluctantly decided to postpone the Seventh International Conference on #Iran’s Economy (#IIEA2020) originally planned to be held at the Middle Eastern Studies Department, @CHSS_HBKU, @HBKU. #اقتصاد #ایران
Apr 5, 2020 6 tweets 4 min read
Text-based data sources like #narratives and stories have become increasingly popular in providing critical insight in #energy research and social sciences in general. 1/n However, in many cases their implications in #policy application usually remain superficial and fail to fully exploit state-of-the-art resources which digital era holds for text based analysis. 2/n